Reddit has Parlorwatch: went to Parlor before to check it out but you have to register. I didn't want to hang out with people that have a minimal grasp of reality all that much. I find I would rather hang out here where people intentionally minimize there grasp on reality.
Reddit has Parlorwatch:
They should have named it Bedlam, cause ya get to tour the nuthouse, just like in the old days.Reddit has Parlorwatch:
Trump will divide them and hopefully they will end up as two parties. The stupid runs deep in Georgia and I don't know if Donald's efforts at division will be enough for them to lose those senate seats. The primal fear of, "They is a taken over!" will drive these sons of slave owners, crackers and bigots to the polls like they were whipped. Donald's "stop the steal" con might keep some of the profoundly stupid home and the democratic ground game to get out the vote could pull off a win though.
This isn't the end, this isn't even the beginning of the end. Only time will tell what the fuck this is.
If by 'cleaved' you mean funded and promoted by and for the Republican party, then sure.But you had the Tea Party. Basically cleaved off the Republicans, got real stupid then merged into the Rep. party again. So they cleave off again, get really, really stupid, then join the Rep's again. See where this is going?
This article contains some good clues into what kind of person could succeed where Trump (apparently) failed.
This isn't the end, this isn't even the beginning of the end. Only time will tell what the fuck this is.
I have no doubt that the Republicans have lost their souls and would subvert democracy if they could. We've seen how little respect they have for our institutions and Constitution time and time again. Democracy is on life support in this country.This article contains some good clues into what kind of person could succeed where Trump (apparently) failed.
The real reason Trump is failing to overturn the election
The real reason Trump is failing to overturn the election | CNN
Timothy Frye writes President Donald Trump's efforts to subvert democracy are failing in large part because he is historically unpopular and politically weak relative to other would-be
Trump's four-year effort to subvert democracy failed in large part because he was historically unpopular and politically weak relative to other would-be autocrats.
Some unloved politicians manage to subvert democracy, but a common path to autocracy in the modern world is for a genuinely popular leader to use high public approval ratings and overwhelming legislative victories to cow opponents and undermine institutional checks on their power. The threat to democracy is less an unpopular incumbent trying to steal an election than a would-be autocrat transforming temporary popular support into long-term institutional advantage.
Autocrats like Viktor Orbán in Hungary, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Turkey, Hugo Chávez in Venezuela and Vladimir Putin in Russia all came to power through more or less democratic elections and became popular before they started to dismantle democratic checks on their power.
It is true that Trump is not popular. Not unpopular either. But 43% approval rating isn't going to cut it for wannabe dictators, which, given the time he spends golfing (25% of his term), Trump wanted, but didn't want to work for.
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So, with only 43% supporting the Republican President (about half of them are Republican, about half Independent) where is this third party going to come from? It would have to be some sort of coalition drawing from the Democratic Party or perhaps some tectonic shift in sentiment by Independents would do it.
If we look at what Bolsonaro is doing in Brazil, he is hard core right wing when it comes to suppressing rights of many minority groups and his environmental record is atrocious. He's one of the few leaders of large countries who did worse than Trump did when dealing with the Covid crisis. But he is well supported across economic classes, not entirely because of his anti-environmental and other pro-corporate policies, but because he has directed payments to people who had no income and are probably making more in direct payments than they were before the epidemic hit.
Bolsonaro’s distinct brand of bravado has won him support from his loyal base of business elites and middle-class men. But his popularity has also grown among Brazil’s poor, who have benefited from months of direct cash transfers that his government implemented earlier this year because of the pandemic. Between April and September, tens of millions of Brazilians received a monthly stipend of $120. That monthly figure dipped thereafter to $60, though the package’s funding is set to expire.
So, maybe we should be more wary of a radical authoritarian fascist who SUPPORTS large direct payments and social programs such as Medicare For All. Trump's recent call for $2000 payments might have been his ticket to four more years had he been more proactive in keeping people financially secure throughout this crisis. That and his racist, misogynist, pro business rhetoric. But that's what we should look out for in 2024.
Time to create a little respect for the law (or fear) and start busting these asshole in HUGE numbers. Their weakness is corruption, most are conmen and many are habitual criminals. We will see about the senate, win that and get aggressive in highly focused areas and you might just be able to get off life support for the short term. Many of these assholes were counting on a second term like Donald, so they could run down the clock, most of Trump's cabinet should be behind bars and I'm sure there are a half dozen GOP senators that can go to prison as well. Go where the evidence takes you and with this bunch of clowns there should be no shortage of both crime and evidence.I have no doubt that the Republicans have lost their souls and would subvert democracy if they could. We've seen how little respect they have for our institutions and Constitution time and time again. Democracy is on life support in this country.
It's not over as you say. I was riffing on what "the next one" might look like in terms of social policies in order to get the kind of support that could be used to take down Democratic institutions that get in the way. It seems as if Trump and the Republican Party jumped to oppression as a means to stay in power without going through the earlier stages that people like Putin and Chavez did.I have no doubt that the Republicans have lost their souls and would subvert democracy if they could. We've seen how little respect they have for our institutions and Constitution time and time again. Democracy is on life support in this country.
I'm not sympathetic to Democrats becoming authoritarians like Republicans have become. Investigate and prosecute when there is enough evidence. Jumping to prosecution without doing due diligence is what Republicans do. Just saying, now is not the time to start busting them. Now is the time to build cases where they exist.Time to create a little respect for the law (or fear) and start busting these asshole in HUGE numbers. Their weakness is corruption, most are conmen and many are habitual criminals. We will see about the senate, win that and get aggressive in highly focused areas and you might just be able to get off life support for the short term. Many of these assholes were counting on a second term like Donald, so they could run down the clock, most of Trump's cabinet should be behind bars and I'm sure there are a half dozen GOP senators that can go to prison as well. Go where the evidence takes you and with this bunch of clowns there should be no shortage of both crime and evidence.
I believe Joe should try revoking Trump's self pardon before they indict him and let the SCOTUS decide whether he can revoke a pardon using Donald as the test case. If they rule he can revoke a self pardon or refuse to revoke it on that basis, but on others, then go for the next low hanging fruit. Stone and Manafort should have their pardons revoked by Joe to set a precedent and establish the law. Trump is an excellent case study for this, because an argument could be reasonably made that Trump or some future POTUS could clean out the federal prison system with a blanket pardon. His successor would be able to right this wrong and make the constitution work as it stands. I think revocation would be the way to go, settle the law in these favorable circumstances for limiting the pardon power. Don't bother with the just pardons or even those unjust ones not connected to Trump like Scooter Libby and others. If it is established in law that Joe can revoke pardons granted by Trump, they can revoke the Blackwater pardons too, they greatly harm the USA and it's military.
It's a job for the new AG, not Joe, he just signs the papers drawn up by the DOJ. America is on the edge, but you don't get it back with further disfunction, you apply the law under the constitution and get creative about it. Win Georgia or have 4 more years of gridlock and the only way to get anything done will be to give Mitch perks and tax cuts for the super rich. The ratchet will only turn to the right and not left, hate radio will continue to spew into rural American and the disinformation network will thrive on grievance and the social media companies will be unregulated and unafraid of it. The republicans and rich want social division and gridlock, they do very well from it. The more crises the more they have you over a barrel, every disaster relief bill or anything else, will require something for their paymasters, tort reform, a tax break etc.
I agree, but there is a lot to investigate too and you've had 4 years of massive law breaking, not just by Trump, but by his administration, and cabinet. Also from what I've seen Lindsey Graham committed election crimes in Georgia and Mitch McConnel and his wife are involved in shady dealings too. Apply the law according to the constitution, but remember how many investigations there were over Hilary's email or Benghazi? De Joy for instance is someone who violated a judges orders and was involved in a conspiracy with Trump. Just the thousands of things we've seen in credible media reports that indicate illegal activity. The new AG will have to bring a few thousand FBI agents out of retirement.I'm not sympathetic to Democrats becoming authoritarians like Republicans have become. Investigate and prosecute when there is enough evidence. Jumping to prosecution without doing due diligence is what Republicans do. Just saying, now is not the time to start busting them. Now is the time to build cases where they exist.
The most important thing is for Biden to manage our recovery from the recession caused by Covid. Jobs, not prosecutions will win the next two elections. Yes, what you say is important but secondary. The investigations can all be running in the background. Biden's focus need not be on them.I agree, but there is a lot to investigate too and you've had 4 years of massive law breaking, not just by Trump, but by his administration, and cabinet. Also from what I've seen Lindsey Graham committed election crimes in Georgia and Mitch McConnel and his wife are involved in shady dealings too. Apply the law according to the constitution, but remember how many investigations there were over Hilary's email or Benghazi? De Joy for instance is someone who violated a judges orders and was involved in a conspiracy with Trump. Just the thousands of things we've seen in credible media reports that indicate illegal activity. The new AG will have to bring a few thousand FBI agents out of retirement.
The focus needs to be on those things that save the country and the constitution, enforcing the law would be part of that larger picture. Joe has got a Helluva task ahead of him and congress better have covid relief on the inauguration podium for him ready to sign while the bible is still warm from his hand.
That just got a lot easier!The most important thing is for Biden to manage our recovery from the recession caused by Covid. Jobs, not prosecutions will win the next two elections. Yes, what you say is important but secondary. The investigations can all be running in the background. Biden's focus need not be on them.
Actually some funny shit there.
"Well "Q" is kind of pointing directly at what happened...they want to set off explosives in the infrastructure of "blue" cities"
"Under the username "WeThePeopleWarrior," Hoffman advocates finding the homes of "every Governor, mayor, attorney general, liberal judge, senator, congressman, and every major media/social media CEO ... find them and remove them from their sanctuary. Bring the nightmare to where they lay their heads and kiss their loved ones."