This place is full of narcs...


Well-Known Member
I get paranoid every once in a while, a helicopter will be flying really low.....and it seems like my house is shaking for 5-10 seconds longer than it would take for it to fly over normally....I assume its some kind of thermal imaging.....but fuck was balls hot outside and my shits air conditioned.

I think I'm going to buy a little cheap house somewhere in Cali.....somewhere in the middle of nowhere...establish residency, get a medical license, build an op all over the house...or at least however many plants they'll let me have......and just fly out to check on it weekly, better yet find someone I can trust whos local to maintain it when I can't...

I've got waaay to much to lose (state licenses, etc) that become invalid as soon as you get convicted of a felony....but I honestly believe that if I got busted, my 6 plants wouldnt make me look like commercial grower...and my girlfriend had serious spinal surgery...I have a feeling it wouldn't be to hard to get out from under...but I don't ever....ever want to find out. While I'm thinking about it, if you have the cash, I keep a minimum of $10,000 somewhere you can easily access, but not necessarily in your house, that way as soon as your door comes down, you can offer them the cash, tell them you'll destroy the op, none of this ever happened and you've managed to avoid losing everything you've worked for....because you were growing some fucking plants.

What about anybody on here that has been busted? Sharing is Caring.

looking for a landlord? pm me. :-P


Well-Known Member
The only thing that gets people busted is stupidity.

If you never give the police a reason to visit your home then you are safe.

I.e. you pay all your bills you get on well with the neighbours, you don't play music thats way to loud. Your house doesn't look like a grow house. You don't have shit load of supplies constantly delivered to your grow op.

The list goes on, its up to you if you get busted or not.


Well-Known Member
some people think that there going to get busted for growing plants. but how can you get busted if you dont tell everyone you no, for street cred. the police have bigger fish to fry , than someone who grows a few plants personal for there mates .ect.. but i dont think any dick is going to say "i made my first million today and i live at?"and thanks everyone for there help on how to grow. dont think so.and if so its there own falt for being to flash. chill mate and have a j.
here mate just chill unless your bigtime.


Well-Known Member
when I was alittle younger, I rigged cheap beepers(this was when beeper service was like $1/mo) to a small explosive charge, tied it in permanently to the computers power supply (floppy disk drive power cables will power a beeper w/just one fuse). If those computers were ever taken out of my possession, i would call the number, enter any 14 digit number...and 1-3 minutes later the beeper would receive the page, a small charge would go off rendering the hard drive completely unreadable.....gone are the days of having that much time on my hands....

Another variation is to give the pager numbers to someone you trust, with instructions to call them should you ever be arrested.

....And now that got me thinking....what if I did something similar to my grow up, rig it up to make it look like some kind of electrical fire...that I can trigger....should the need ever arise......whats worse in terms of punishment....6 plants or committing arson in your own house?


Well-Known Member
also lets look at thier weaknesses, everyone is human, the cops have jurisdictions unless its a federal thing, if its a federal thing we still have people here from all parts of the world, so they have to sort all everyones location and can only mess with the people in the cops country then they have an ass crack load of people to invesitgate cuz there is so many of us, on top of that, it is illigal for them to spy on us here unless there some law I have missed, and lastly after they spend all this money and time on this while the real narcotics and real dealers are flooding the said country with cocaine crack and all that shit while some of the drug money ends up in the taliban and terrorist hands through the exploding heroin trade, the fact is the feds dont have time and money to do it right now and the local cops cant, but every now and then you may have a local cop say in GA try to ask somone if they can hook them up in GA, if you are stupid enough to do somthing like that then ya then it would be possible to get busted

other than that I hang in this very large crowd of growers feeling like theres a lot of other decoys out here with me, ill be your decoy if you'll be mine, its like speeding with a large group of cars, the lions if they are lucky will just get one out of the herd, the rest will morn you loss and move on.:weed: meanwhile ripping large smokey bong hits of the ganja:weed:

going to rip one right now:weed:


Active Member
alcohol killed over 20,000 people last year, anyone know the death toll from cannibis? 0.. weird how the governmental system works. i think the gov't should spend money on other things, maybe like improving our health care system, or how about the roads we drive on, think of all the places money the gov't uses to battle marijuana could go that actually could be going to help everyday problems


Well-Known Member
alcohol is too popular of a drug there was no way the nanny state could hold that one back on us, ha no body liked a world without that sweet sweet death juice. Now if we could just get that status for the mary jane we will be well on our way to legalize my real goal PCP and methamphetamines


Well-Known Member
There needs to be some kind of community effort, you never hear anything positive about marijuana from the media. And nobody really gives a shit about every tom, dick, and harry that gets caught with an oz or two. Or the medical users in the majority of states that don't have a medical marijuana policy. If we could put together some kind of online private database of volunteers(smokers, cultivators, defense attorneys, select few legislators) willing to coordinate some kind of effort to show that there is a large public objection to the prosecution of these minor "offenders". If you could draw attention to the fact that peoples lives for the most part are being ruined by not marijuana, but by the laws that we as a society allow to be in place.

Say for a modest start you'd need 1000 members in each state, if 1 out of ever 10 people could make time on a certain day to maybe attend the hearing of another member(or non-member who has been charged with a marijuana related offense). You'd have 100 or more well informed, protesters(for lack of a better word...not really like protesters you see on TV) standing up for these people, who at the drop of a hat could very well be you or me, if that started happening on a regular basis, across the country, it would certainly get some media attention, and if there was a visible public outcry on the local news once or twice a month across the country, you could start shifting public opinion...... and maybe it would become such a hassle to prosecute these minor offenders, district attorneys will start giving these people getting caught with personal amounts some kind of slap on the wrist(couple hours community service) just so they don't have to deal with huge crowd showing up every time theres someone with a marijuana charge on the calendar. Maybe eventually we could amass enough people where politicians will try to seek an endorsement from our organization...just like labor unions, etc.

You could register to become a member online, all names would be in sealed database so that those people who might feel at risk socially or financially for being in such an organization are protected. There would be absolutely no marijuana on anybodies person/vehicle/etc while at any group function, so targeting by law enforcement doesn't become an issue. I can see no reason for anyone to supply a physical address that doesn't want too.

Maybe I'm crazy. Gimmie a catchy name, and I'll register the domain. :)


Well-Known Member
thats a good idea, i think norml is kinda like that,

how about this tho we could get more millitent and create an organization the decemenates marijuana seeds all of the land, im talkin like everywhere, make a website called seeds for weeds, and every member will run around the country droppin weed seeds in thier area 24/7 365 fromplanes:-P fromtarins every where to the pont whereeradication willbe too costly. :weed:


Well-Known Member
yea I was thinking about norml, but they don't organize like that. Sounds like alot of work, but with enough people, I would imagine each person would only need to show up 1-2 times a month, more would always be ideal though.

Sounds like you're in my head panda, i've been saving all the bag seed from all the pot I bought for the past year or so, I'm going to start taking like 500 at a time and start mass germination in a container...then go around at night spreading them everywhere, actually planting them where its possible...see what pops up. If this were to work however, I don't think we could afford for our organization to be linked to the people that were responsible for the mass explosion of pot plants EVERYWHERE....we'll go that route if we don't get what we want :)

thats a good idea, i think norml is kinda like that,

how about this tho we could get more millitent and create an organization the decemenates marijuana seeds all of the land, im talkin like everywhere, make a website called seeds for weeds, and every member will run around the country droppin weed seeds in thier area 24/7 365 fromplanes:-P fromtarins every where to the pont whereeradication willbe too costly. :weed:


Active Member
isnt it standard practice just to stick them in planters and sidewalks around? thats what i been doing with my extras at least


Well-Known Member
since 1991 ive been putting them in yards of friends,family and nieghbors,i wonder if anyone ever kept one till harvest?lol,they owe me if they did!!!!....ras


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm full of shit, but whenever I see a question about where you live, or if you're growing for personal or profit...

I'd be surprised if some over-achieving cops weren't scanning this daily looking for something to make a bust.

Good thing I don't even like weed, I just think the science everyone puts into it is interesting.
I think you are full of shit, I for one will not be reading this entire thread but I did read the first page. I have been trolling here for at least 6 months and posting for 3. I have never seen people ask where others live specific enough that the invdividual could be busted. I have never seen another poster ask "are you growing for profit?"

So I am going with BS..


Well-Known Member
i saw a post from a cop with his real name on here and asked if anyone in the ga area could hook him up. We looked up his name and email address and turned out he is a high ranking police official i forget his name and exactly his job but ill try to look for it 1 sec


Well-Known Member
ok guys here it is read it and weap, one sadly failed sting from an over achiever:

Mr. Kevin Ambler State House district 47

Kevin Ambler, for State House, District 47

thats is his re-election website, now for his post asking for erb:


Join Date: Feb 2007

Posts: 2
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i'm interested in buying some pot from someone
i just moved to dallas georgia and i don't know any pot smokers in the area and i would love to buy some from someone on here
or even better yet would be to find someone who lives close enough to me to party with.
please reply to

The thread was closed for an obvious reason but here is the link to the reply from the rollitup comunity to this keystone cop:

so dont ever think you are safe, but at the same never forget you are right


New Member
WOW!!! That's almost unbelievable if I didn't read it myself I wouldn't have believed it.


Well-Known Member
Not many here will be able to call me sonny, either missy. I'm collecting signatures to put medical marijuana on the Ballot for the state of Michigan. I have never been hassled by any one in Law Enforement that was on duty and in uniform. Yet , I see folks that should sign, after 50 years or so you kinda recognize the stoners, that look at you and can't help laughing, as they walk away without signing, saying you go brother, get it done for us. If you really want to see change, put a little (norml membership is $15.00) where your mouth is. You talk about just 1000 members per state like its nothing. In this state, Normls been around for 30 or so years. They have under four hundred members now. This thread is about law enforcement visiting this website to bust people and its somewhat secure. To join an organization you have to give your address. NOW, how many are willing to take that small step.
I'd be willing to bet, that if every member of every forum I visit that is not a member joined in the next month, you would see some things in the news. Its that intimidation factor that is really worrisome.
The number one form of racial discrimination in this country is the war on drugs. Started that way, still is that way. Mexicans and Asian, along with a few terrorist thrown in right now. Law enforcment has our African American and Hispanic populations so scared they can't come out in support of common sense. To us white folks DARE sounded good. Can you imagine the damage done to a little girl that said, "My DADDY HAS SOME THINGS THAT LOOK LIKE THAT AT HOME" Wheres Jesse and the Rev. They are too scared to stand up.
Well...widow does that to me. Ron Paul needs just $5.00 for everyone in these forums to change the world. And if you need the information, check out what Howard Woolridge from LEAP has to say. He connects all the dots.THe 'War on Drugs' funds the terrorists. the terrorist cause is helped by the US actions. We bombed the agriculture of Afganistan out of existence. The only thing left the could produce that would be profitable are drugs. And the taliban says, look what they are doing, starving you out of existence, we are here to help you, and their numbers grow.
And in the meantime we pay $Billions of Dollars$ to save our farms, when Hemp crops would do it. The hemp is a better biofuel than ethonol, and can be grown in every state in the US. It doesn't require the pesticides and fertilizers you need to grow corn and could save Millions of trees. The farmers and enviromentalists are too scared too stand up.
You wanna know why Prescription Drug costs are so high. Cause people have insurance too pay for it. What if you didn't need those drugs? You know why insurance costs are so high. Cause of the drug costs.
Spend $40.00. $15.00 join NORML, $5.00 sent to Ron Paul, $20.00 donate for our new server. Rollit up will help get the word out. VV


Well-Known Member
You know who I don't trust? Who I think is shady? People who have very few posts and have been members for a while. People me. Damnit! I knew there was a reason I loathed myself. Damned narcs always just staying in the background gathering up all there nuts of inquisition, then "oh so cleverly" tricking an newb into exposing his ignorance at the use of the forum in general, or any usefule growing information. There is some mock-up of an led grow fertilized with a concentrated c4 ocean whitefish emulsion that is the new shit.

If any leo gleaned anything from here about any of us it is ultimately because of one's own carelessness at some point. You cannot play connect the dots without someone giving you the dots. Peace.

Go Stillers