This place is full of narcs...


Active Member
Woo Hoo give me some meth/ but most people cant deal with those other drugs.I've seen everything but, weed destroy many people's live's .


Well-Known Member
I like this part:

Originally Posted by eastlosg1
this guy sounds like one of those secret cops trying to get someone to sell to them and bust them, but i dont really think anyone sells on here man just personal use:mrgreen:

for your information i am not a cop
as a matter of fact i am on disability because of manic-depression and borderline personality disorder and i haven't been able to find any pot in a long time. i am living in someone elses house so i can't grow my own. i'm just asking for a little help.

what a freak.


Well-Known Member
I said it before and I say it again,,you CHOSE to grow,,you CHOSE what comes with it,,and a possible bust is there just waitin,,so decide,,what do you stand for,,what do you want,,,who's gonna give it too ya,,rely on someone,,and you will wait

Keep on Growin


everything I say here,,,,,is true,,want me,,come and get me,,I ain't movin!!


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm full of shit, but whenever I see a question about where you live, or if you're growing for personal or profit...

I'd be surprised if some over-achieving cops weren't scanning this daily looking for something to make a bust.

Good thing I don't even like weed, I just think the science everyone puts into it is interesting.
DUDE I LOVE THE SCIENCE TO im not growing, i smoke alot , but damn i can look at this site everyday its SMOKINGLY SEXY lol!!!!!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
how would we know..they are probaly locked up right now and odnt have a chance to tell us1!1:-P:clap:
Well if there is anyone that can't read this because they are busted please post a message telling us you can't post messages so we will know why... thank you for your support.


Well-Known Member
is there any way they (pigs) can track on here without us telling where from?
Some forums show the IP address of the poster. Thank goodness, this one doesn't. If your IP address was available to them, they'd be able to find out what region you're from, but that's about it. It would take warrants for the site to issue user information, then they'd have to go to your internet provider to find out who you are. They can't do that without a whole lot of cause.

Either that, or some dumbass posts his name and address, which I haven't seen yet, but...stupidity knows no bounds.

I think we're safe. If anyone's that worried about it, post through an IP anonymizer.

/geek talk