This will be my final year of growing

Congrats, Wizz! Truly, the most amazing and simultaneously stressful time I've had in my life, parenthood. Boy or girl doesn't matter. I have one of each, my daughter being the eldest. She has some "girly girl" to her, but hunts every fall and loves to stand by a stream with me. My son is mostly little boy and loves dirty hands, but also enjoys learning to bake and cook and has picked up sewing too. I wish you and yours health and happiness. I'll answer any questions you have with the wrong way to do it so you can at least avoid that.
Has nothing to do with socially acceptable tbh. It has to do with being sharp at every possible turn for the kid.

I feel my job as a parent is simply to show my child how the world works and more importantly how to make the world work for you.

If I'm honest about who I was and who I have become..... I know I would have been way further along in life had I not been couch locked most of my teen and adult life.

I will miss it though.
Congrats dude. I gave up after 20 years, not smoked for 17 months, it was super tough like really tough. Like you I’d be a lot further in life if wasn’t so couchlocked but I’m so much more productive now and doing really well, you got this dude, good luck.
Aldi nappies are the best. Better than Huggies and way cheaper.
I steer away from Aldi that place is just no. Huggies were the best I've found with my kiddos. Didn't leak they seemed comfortable for a diaper and made it through the night without an issue. Tried them all they were the best imo.
Congratulations @Wizzlebiz it's a whole new sorry of fun and if in doubt give them more cal mag lol.
Congrats Wizz, kinda funny you're just getting going, my son (only child) graduates high school on Friday and is moving out on the 9th of June. So many chapters ending and beginning. My greatest advice is, laugh. You are going to see some of the dumbest and most brilliant things come from that little spark you've started. Love it, feed it and grow it into an inferno the world would be ashamed to dim in the slightest. You'll be missed.
Also, hold on, 20 years go quick.
My wife handed me a positive pregnancy test this week.

A promise I always made to myself was I would stop smoking weed once we have a child.

That day is now approaching.

Bitter sweet moment for me. But life will be fun showing my child the world and how to play it right.
yes and no, yes growing a kid up right is one thing, not to teach him that cannabis is bad is another thing, most every kid i know had parents who smoke and have had a well adjusted kid who has a firnm grasp on life and i garantee you that you wish ypou had a hit to give her when shes filled up to the gills with shit and cant crap for money or love and feeling sick as a dog, thats when it becomes obvious tothem that its not a bad thing, you dont even need to tell her about it if you dont want. but keep a good suply to grt you through those times at least
I steer away from Aldi that place is just no. Huggies were the best I've found with my kiddos. Didn't leak they seemed comfortable for a diaper and made it through the night without an issue. Tried them all they were the best imo.
Congratulations @Wizzlebiz it's a whole new sorry of fun and if in doubt give them more cal mag lol.
Apparently I can't give them RO water. They will have tap. I think I won't need much cal mag but we will see....

Maybe once they hit their teens and have spots all over there face......

Bet Spinosad will help.
My wife handed me a positive pregnancy test this week.

A promise I always made to myself was I would stop smoking weed once we have a child.

That day is now approaching.

Bitter sweet moment for me. But life will be fun showing my child the world and how to play it right.
Congrats on your new family. Everything you do in life from this point on will all be done for a different reason. Best of luck