I've not used that method myself as my temp was fine.Has anyone tried a Styrofoam cooler with the 5 gallon bucket on the inside and then put blue ice packs around it to bring down the temp?
Yea I am not sure how I am going to approach the cooling of the water just yet....I may just keep doing the frozen bottle method for a while. Here are some pics. I think she is doing pretty good.I've not used that method myself as my temp was fine.
It make though,if your bucket is black,the colour black absorbs heat so if you could use something to reflect it then this could work.
Try using material that is non conductive. Make an mdf wooden box to sit the bucket inside as wood tends to stay cool.
Soz I've never been in that situation if I was I would only be doing what your doing and research.
Howz the little bitch doing now....post a pic.
Yea I am not sure how I am going to approach the cooling of the water just yet....I may just keep doing the frozen bottle method for a while. Here are some pics. I think she is doing pretty good.I've not used that method myself as my temp was fine.
It make though,if your bucket is black,the colour black absorbs heat so if you could use something to reflect it then this could work.
Try using material that is non conductive. Make an mdf wooden box to sit the bucket inside as wood tends to stay cool.
Soz I've never been in that situation if I was I would only be doing what your doing and research.
Howz the little bitch doing now....post a pic.
It seems pics are not working on this site yet....I just seen the message at the top of the page.Yea I am not sure how I am going to approach the cooling of the water just yet....I may just keep doing the frozen bottle method for a while. Here are some pics. I think she is doing pretty good.
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hmmm...all the research I have done and by many ppl, the recommend to do a flush every 2-3 weeks. I guess it wouldn't hurt to so anyway right? I checked the roots of my plant today and they are a light brown color. I am not sure if it is root rot starting or if its just discoloration from the nutes I use which are the GH flora nova grow. This liquid looks like tar. I was under the impression that it is vital to keep the water and bucket as clean as possible on the inside hence the flushes.why are you flushing?
i only flush for 2 conditions:
if i had nute burn from too strong an EC. tips start to yellow, than brown. then flush for 24 hrs of just pH'd water and start back on lighter nutes.
end of harvest. i give them 72 hrs of total dark. i give them just water (pH doensn't matter: they gonna die) for 24h, then change for the next 24 then change for the last 24. then chop em down.
I think the air supply is pretty good. I am using the round air stone connected to a 15 gallon pump. Yea the nute liquid was kind of thick. I am curious to see how much is at the bottom of the bucket when I clean it out tomorrow. I am waiting on the Styrofoam cooler to come in (should be in within a week hopefully) and I am going to try the blue ice packs inside of that against the bucket to see if I can get my water temps down. So do you suggest that I add all the stuff I use to the fresh pH water (nutes, cal mag, cannazym) and not wait another 24 hours?it won't hurt but another way to look at it is the plant isn't getting any food for 24 hrs.
how is your air supply in your bucket? is it really boiling up the water??
i personally ddint' like the flora nova. was too thick and would leave junk at the bottom of my res which meant the plants weren't getting any of that stuff.
So do you suggest that I add all the stuff I use to the fresh pH water (nutes, cal mag, cannazym) and not wait another 24 hours?
3 weeks and 3 days.How old is your plant.
I would give it a 24 hour flush.3 weeks and 3 days.
able to do a full flush before harvest of around 5-7 days
you said it yourself. flush too early and you get a crap yield. yep, cause they are starved for food when they need it most.flushing to early or mybe to late which will result in either crap yield or over ripening
No because all the food during its life is also stored in the leaves.we'll have to agree to disagree on this.
why would you starve a plant during the last 5 to 7 days when buds grow and put on the most weight during the last 2 weeks?
you said it yourself. flush too early and you get a crap yield. yep, cause they are starved for food when they need it most.
What do you guys think?