Thundercat's Groooooooow

The setup I am expecting to start with is prolly gonna run me around 15-1700. I will however be getting most if not all my graphite tools for free so that will help. If I had the money to setup the way I want to, it would be more like 3-3.5k but that would give me tons of room to grow. Either way I need to find a way to get more then 2-4 hours a week on a torch if I wanna get better.
:weed::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: HAPPY 420!!!!!:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::bigjoint:

Well I forgot to post on here and say happy bicycle day yesterday, but at least I made it today :). I hope everyone has a great and green day! My day started with dabs and coffee like usual but I'm gonna try out the cheese in a little while.

Smoked some of the Dinachem the other night, it had a very nice flavor that I believe is what most would call the kush/og flavor. It was a great smoke too, nice and smooth inspite of being just dried, and not cured. Great high too, even though it was the end of a day of dabbing, I still got real high smoking the chem!
Hey TC,

The new job keeps me away from the boards, or at least from typing
all that much, but I wanted to stop to congratulate you on the recent harvest
and to thank you for the nice Dinachem shots.

As you know, I am a full 6 weeks or so behind you with my Dinachem at
only a couple weeks.

I am also enjoying your glass-skills progress. Carry on!

Hey TC,

The new job keeps me away from the boards, or at least from typing
all that much, but I wanted to stop to congratulate you on the recent harvest
and to thank you for the nice Dinachem shots.

As you know, I am a full 6 weeks or so behind you with my Dinachem at
only a couple weeks.

I am also enjoying your glass-skills progress. Carry on!


Thanks alot JD, I think you'll like the Dinachem if it turns out like mine at all. She was really nice smoke the other night when I tried her out, didn't hit my lungs as hard as some strains which was nice, and still had a soaring high. The cheese was very nice also, the smell on it really stands out. Its not "cheesy" at all, but rather very fruity and has a great smoke.

On the glass blowing front I finished my second bowl, and my other vortex marble I was working on the other day. The pipe was my first attempt at a spoon style pipe. It turned out decent I would say and smokeable for sure so I was happy for a first attempt. Instead of keeping it straight like normal spoon I bent it up a bit more like a sherlock. I almost screwed the whole thing up when I was working on the mouth piece but hell its my first one what can I say :). I did the prep work for my next one at the same time, so maybe tomorrow I'll give it another go if I can get over there. I'll post some pics for you guys when I pick them up.

I gotta go get a dish scraped, so I can evap another I've still got 4 jars of solution in my freezer from last week. I did a demo today for my brother on how to make the qwiso, so now I've got 2 more jars from this week too. Thats the weak link in my system, I need a way to evap more while retaining the quality.
Hey guys! Everyone having a good weekend I hope! So I completely forgot I didn't come over here and post these pics the other day :). Heres my second vortex marble and my first bowl with a blown head. The more I look at it the rougher it looks lol. I think number 2 is better in some ways, but I havn't seen it cold yet.




the back

My first "spoon" I'll say even though I bent the stem.



Some cheese in the bowl.:weed: Its not pretty but it smokes and hasn't cracked so I call it a win.
Oh ya heres last weeks Iso washes also. I didn't intentionally go lightest to darkest, but it turned out close :). Most is from mixed batchs of fresh frozen trim. The jar second from the left that looks more yellow was from mixed dried trim which I believe accounts for the darker color. The jar thats lower then the rest is some pure Blue OG, which has actually been vaped already :) it was a small wash. To the right of that is a pure tangerine power wash, which is still in the freezer needing to get evaped. Those were all "A"grade washes except the one on the far left which is a few B grades that I combined. The jar on the far right is currently evaping and I think is going to be beautiful. Its looking very clean in the dish and like there is a lot of oil there :).

This morning I did a nice wash on a batch of fresh Sin's OG I took down the other night. It should be lovely when its done, it came out very clean. Its been awhile since I've made and of the OG oil so I'm really excited.
Hey guys! Everyone having a good weekend I hope! So I completely forgot I didn't come over here and post these pics the other day :). Heres my second vortex marble and my first bowl with a blown head. The more I look at it the rougher it looks lol. I think number 2 is better in some ways, but I havn't seen it cold yet.




the back

My first "spoon" I'll say even though I bent the stem.



Some cheese in the bowl.:weed: Its not pretty but it smokes and hasn't cracked so I call it a win.
That's piece looks cool man
How long have you been making glass?
That's piece looks cool man
How long have you been making glass?

Thanks guys!

DT I've only been working with glass since February. That is the first attempt I've even made at a blown head bowl. I've toyed with making a few one hitters before that. I made my second "spoon" the other day which turned out better in a couple ways, and did some prep work for 2 more spoons hopefully later this week. The glass blower is hosting some classes by some other artists this week and next so I'm not sure if I'll be able to get any torch time or not. I wish I could afford the classes but not gonna happen this time.
Thanks so much everyone its great to see you guys :)! Things have been good for sure. The garden is rocking nicely, I'm gonna be pulling some more plants in the next couple days. We are about to smoke a blunt of some of the stinky delicious Sin's OG. If you guys are considering trying some Sin City Seeds I recommend the Sin's OG for sure I had 2 fantastic phenos out of 8 plants, and 1 soso one.

I can totally understand your frustration there bigworm. I've been able to use a kiln, but still had a pendant crack on me and it was a bummer. I really really wanna start buying some equipment to set up my own little spot, but we've been broke. Its been easy enough to trade this guy a gram of oil for a few hours on the torch, but I need to really put more time in to get better.
"it smokes and hasn't cracked so I call it a win."

So do I. Great work, and congrats for not sitting still. :0)

We are about to smoke a blunt of some of the stinky delicious Sin's OG. If you guys are considering trying some Sin City Seeds I recommend the Sin's OG for sure I had 2 fantastic phenos out of 8 plants, and 1 soso one.

whats that sins og smell and taste like?

I have had the sins og on my wish list.

I try and limit my purchase of reg. beans due to space. If it wasn't for the bodhi promo at the tude, i would have went with the sins og during the 420 promo. I ordered a pack of bodhi's jabbas stash and a free 5 pack of synergy. all are reg. lol

I started 4 of the petroleum nightmare and 3 are female. i mainlined for 4 tops and 2 of them really didn't like it. slow to veg. and i didn't get much of a stretch at all after 3 weeks of 12/12.

I have 2 clones of each so maybe i will top once on 1 and not top the other of each.
Sounds like you've got a nice mix there :). The Sin's OG has a very complex flavor and smell and I'm very bad at picking out particular notes. The phenos that really stood out the flavor lasted all the way to the end of the bowl. One friend described it as a party in his mouth when he hit the bowl.
Hey everyone, hope your all having a great saturday night! I just got back from a long day out shopping. I literally went to about 6 stores in the last 2 days looking for a new torch like my old one. Apparently creme brulee torches are a seasonal item most places. So after a long adventure I ended up paying about $8 more then I wanted( I paid $20) for an ok torch. I say ok because its the size I wanted but the barrel on it gets hot when heating the nail. My old cheap-o torch only the very tip would get hot which was nice. But this one should work well enough. I've got a little project I'm doing customizing these torchs. The first one I made for the glass blower turned out fantastic, and now I'm working on a few more. When I make one for myself without other peoples names on them I'll post a picture for you guys.

Oh yeah heres some of the finished oil from that picture of the jars. This was the fullest of the A grade jars. It turned out delicious :).
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Hey guys thought I'd stop in and make some notes. I was busy last night, rearranged the plants in the flower room, emptied out some pots, and washed all my rocks. I topped off both the res's, and then took 25 clones and chopped back the mothers again. These mother plants are nice and healthy, and have been requiring a serious trimming about every week and a half. I really wish I could put one of them outside it would be a beast! I took another 10 bluethai clones, a bunch of blue OG, a few Cindy and a few cheese and ultra sours. I also took a clone of my sinmint male plant, I think once it is ready I might go crazy and do a few more crosses for the fun of it. Its got awesome vigor, and really strong growth which was why I used it with my Cindy in the first place. Anyway it was a fun night, nice getting some stuff done.

Oh ya I got word that my Sin City Testers arrived at the mailing destination :). Its prolly gonna be a week or so before I can get them but I'm excited. I don't even know what he sent yet so its a surprise.

It looks to be a really nice saturday around here. The weather is beautiful, so I'm gonna do a little more yard work here shortly before it gets real hot. Then I think this afternoon I'm gonna take my ladies for a walk. There is a trail here that runs along a river for a long ways, and you can access it at a few different points. We just found a new one the other day so we might try it out.

Heres some Sin's OG oil I finished up yesterday. It turned out very nice, super tasty! It was a small wash so it was just under a gram, but I'm pleased.


I did a mixed wash yesterday, which is evaping now. I also harvested a Cindy, a cheese, the last sweet deep grapefruit, and a bluethai. I trimmed them up fresh and got that material frozen to run prolly monday. Seemed like a productive day, lol. Hope you guys all have a great weekend.