Thundercat's Groooooooow

So I think we are gonna trip again tonight. My wife got a few movies, and we both ended up buying multiple packs of blunts so we're pretty set I think lol. I need to get some good multicolored lights to give my living room more atmosphere. We've just got grey walls, and a white textured ceiling in there, so not alot to look at. We've both found it very entertaining to stare at our daughters art work though.
Trip went good man! Took 2 hits, and had a fun night we watched a couple movies, and sat and listened to some music for abit. Sadly the bugs are REALLY bad in my yard right now so we couldn't really spend more then a couple minutes outside. I gotta get some stuff to make up a spray.

I think the tye die tabs we got last month might have been a little stronger, but its tough to tell. I also got these tabs cheaper so if I wanted to take more next time it will work out about the same I guess. Either way it was lots of fun!
HMM,man I would like to trip balls..........I have not done that since I found some purple micro dots back in the late 90s.I was sitting next to a guy @ the airport and saw them fall out of his backpack.I tried to catch him But he reached the gate and was looking all weird @ me! LOL
I wish we were closer yet again Beech, I think we'd have a great time tripping together :). This summer has started off with a bang to say the least. We've tripped like 4 out of 5 of the last weekends hehe.
I wish we were closer yet again Beech, I think we'd have a great time tripping together :). This summer has started off with a bang to say the least. We've tripped like 4 out of 5 of the last weekends hehe.
I concur, sure do wish we were not across the damn US from each other.
Damn thats a lot of trips and summer is just getting here......:lol:
Hehe gonna be a trippy ride this summer I can tell already.

So I took a few pics the other day and forgot to post them I think. I also just took a couple of the new tester seedlings I thought I'd share over here. First few are some glass I made last week I think. The bowl was just something I was screwing around with, but it happens to fit perfectly onto a 14mm male glass on glass fitting. The marble was just something I was screwing around with.




Heres a wash I did last week. You can see the lovely pink on the left, and the golden A grade wash on the right.

Finally the seedlings at one week since they broke ground. Fiskers for scale


Hope everyone had a nice day. I just harvested a Critical jack, and 2 of the Sin's OGs so I'm gonna watch a movie smoke this Dina Chem blunt, and do some trimming. Catch ya later!

Have fun with your trimming, seedlings look super healthy.

Man your glass work is getting better and better :) Next thing you know I'm going to be ordering some Thundercat glass :)
Thanks guys! Trimming went well, I just did a rough trim last night, and got every thing onto my drying rack. I'll finish it up once they are ready for jars. Man Mr Head its been so much fun learning the Glass working. I feel good about what I'm learning but man do I need more time on the torch. The little I get is great, but a couple hours a week isn't enough. I desperately need to figure out a way to get set up at home so I can put some real time in.

As far as the pink solution Beech, the material it came from had alot of purple in it. So I believe that is why the solution turned pink. I saw it start to happen on the A grade and stopped draining it into that container. That jar is actually a mix of a very purple b grade wash and a much cleaner one I had done right after.The final oil that came from it had a pink hue to it. If I hadn't mixed the 2 washes I'm sure it would have been purple like that batch a few months ago. I didn't want to wait for 2 small batches to evap though, figured I'd just do it all at once.
So here is what was in that A grade jar a few posts back. Ended up being my best yielding wash ever, I got 3g from one quart of solution. The first pic is in the dish before scraping. On one side of the dish there was a bunch of oil that formed actual crystals in it. If you can see them in this picture, the crystals in that puddle of oil are almost 1/4 long.

It dabbed really nice, super smooth and tasty. There was only about .5g that crystalized like that the rest of the dish looked like usual. Heres a pic of the rest of it once it was scraped together.

And last but not least a shot of the critical jack I took down the other night.
Nice man, I kinda like the texture when it does that. I have batchs that start out completely clear and then turn to wax after sitting in my cupboard for a couple days. Its always a real easy to dab and deal with like that.