Been around, just still only have the phone. It can be tough to get it away from my wife. I've actually got a hang full of pictures to post just havn't tried to do it from the phone.
Also been fairly busy the last week or so. Met up with a few friends and did some target shooting this weekend that was a blast. It's only the second time I've made it to the range this year.
Last night I finally finished m aero cloned too

. I got a new lid and recut the holes the right size. I covered the lid with foil tape and the bucket is definitely light proof.
Saturday night I took a large batch of 21 clones and heavily chopped back the mother plants. Inspire of that I decided to snip a few more clones off each and stick them in the aero unit to see what happens.
I've got it running non stop which I think is what most guys do. It's just got plan tap water in it for now. I'm prolly gonna change it out today since it ran the first 24 hrs and I didn't wash my bucket first

..... Lol. I'm still gonna refill it with just plain tap water since that's what I normally use in clones. If I have bad results this time, I'll try something else. Thankfully I don't need these clones at all so it's literally just an experiment.
My male plant will prolly be coming out of the room today to be isolated for collection. It was looking close yesterday but still not quite ready.
Hope everyone else is doing great. Try to stay cool guys and I'll catch you later on.