Time for a good ol ass beating?

will do, i acually have to go down to my property pretty soon, we're building a cabin down there and i gotta go help so it's cheaper.
like whitney houston said to diane sawyer.."crack is whack, I dont do crack cause its cheap" (right before she went offstage to light up a nice 20 rock )
Ok first of all again, i dont smoke crack. I snort cocaine ocasionally. Dont diss on shit i do, i dont go after you talking shit. NOT EVERYONE that does cocaine is dirty and shady and stupid etc. I just enjoy being geeked.
no shit. i guess you learn something new everyday.I thought julia child came up with coke-a-muffs.
Ok first of all again, i dont smoke crack. I snort cocaine ocasionally. Dont diss on shit i do, i dont go after you talking shit. NOT EVERYONE that does cocaine is dirty and shady and stupid etc. I just enjoy being geeked.

dude don't worry bout it... let it roll off your back, people do this all the time on here... it's because the word crack came up in somethin you said so they automatically assume your smoknig crack. and your right, not everybody is, but if they don't have extremely good self control they always will end up that way, I've seen it too many times to even joke about it anymore.
If your reffering to my eye in the picture thats from acid.

No I was reffering to people on coke or meth looke the same....Eyes open wide and tieing knots in a string for no reason or looking out the blinds every five seconds... Tweeks you out.....
Really because i never tweaked when on coke. Never tied anything in knots for no reason and didn't look out the blinds every 30 seconds. Im pretty sure your going on stereotypes and being completely stupid.
Yesterday one of my friends (lets call her jamie) called me up asking if i wanted to split an 8 ball. I decided too because i haven't had a "snow" day in a while. I give her my portion of the money and she goes and picks it up. Im anxiously awaiting her arrival . She comes back and empties all the powder on the counter. I knew it was fake right away. The "rocks" ended up being soap carvings pressed together and the powder was simply just powder sugar. This kid that she got it from is some little rich white kid who thinks hes gangster. Hes in this gang called the East bluff gang, its a bunch of little white kids that think they're gangster. My friends and I have actually fought a few of them and always won. So what would you do?

You have been chumped, apparently by some white kids who think they are gangster. Better luck next time.