Time to put some robbers away.

The fucker robbed me. Wasn't his first store, this was his 2nd one in 2 nights. Same mo, money and cigs. Snitch?? Na.. Keep my job? Yes. As far as the trial. I'm the last victim. Probably won't need me. I ain't getting into all that. I got enough in my own life going on. This pos' are going away for a while. Armed robbery around here, you get 7yrs.

The was quite a few on fb getting mad cause people were talking bad about these people. Turned out it was his family. They are trying to get in good with me. They had me believing this was his first offense and that he's not a bad kid. Then he admits it was him from the other incidents. I have no intentions of helping either side. I got robbed. It's over. I moved on the min he was gone. I worked the next night. But like I said before, your opinion is your entitlement. But in my book, I'm not a snitch, I didn't get busted, and turn someone in to avoid myself getting in trouble. I didn't ask to get robbed, but it is what it is. Regardless of whether they like it or not, I have taken the initiative to protect myself in ways they frown upon. You live and learn.
Still you don't need to speak to the police they got the tape but you going out of the way to make sure he goes to prison is a snitch. I wouldn't say nothing but "look at the tape" the guy was just hard up for money and you are happy he will spend around 7 years in prison making you not only a snitch but a grimy fucking snitch at that. You ever been to prison? It is not a nice place and to get off on putting a man their is pretty fucked up you are no different than a rat that gets hit with drugs and turns his friend for selling it to you.
Still you don't need to speak to the police they got the tape but you going out of the way to make sure he goes to prison is a snitch. I wouldn't say nothing but "look at the tape" the guy was just hard up for money and you are happy he will spend around 7 years in prison making you not only a snitch but a grimy fucking snitch at that. You ever been to prison? It is not a nice place and to get off on putting a man their is pretty fucked up you are no different than a rat that gets hit with drugs and turns his friend for selling it to you.
A snitch or a rat is someone that does the same crime or worse but turns someone else in for their freedom.
This situation is totally different.
He's not a snitch or rat he's a victim.
And the argument that now next time they will hurt him so he can't talk is dumb. If he didn't say anything than perhaps the scumbag gets off and thinks hey let's go rob that guy twice a day since he won't call the cops.
Internet is full of macho tough guys but the facts of the story don't change. Regardless why someone robs someone at gun point they deserve hard time in prison.
Still you don't need to speak to the police they got the tape but you going out of the way to make sure he goes to prison is a snitch. I wouldn't say nothing but "look at the tape" the guy was just hard up for money and you are happy he will spend around 7 years in prison making you not only a snitch but a grimy fucking snitch at that. You ever been to prison? It is not a nice place and to get off on putting a man their is pretty fucked up you are no different than a rat that gets hit with drugs and turns his friend for selling it to you.

I have no intention of testifying, they don't need me I wasn't the first. I have been in contact with his family. They have a lawyer. I have told them I would help. He's a kid. Am I mad? Yes. It took away a comfort that can't be returned. But should he spend years in prison? Not my decision. This is my last response on being a snitch. That's your opinion. If that's how you say you would handle it without going through it, then that's your thing. I had a plan if it happen. I did it. I didn't eye ball him, I didn't fight back. It's not my money. He wouldn't have gotten what I had in my pocket. But the store is insured. I really want into fog. Shock I guess. I really don't recall much. But I ain't no snitch. I didn't rob no one nor did I ask for it. I am just trying to support my family. The family paid my overage. We're friends on fb. Do I think he needs to go to jail? Yes to learn a lesson. I don't know what he needs. I'm not a judge. But judging by his family. They ain't hurting for money. So his motive, hell I don't know. I'm just trying to support my family and stay the fuck out of it. And yes I have been to prison. Not years but I have had the joy of visiting for a time.

I really hate that the community I like to hang out with are calling me a damn snitch. But it doesn't bother me. I'm the guy in the car that has taken the rap for a friend cause that charge would have sent him away but I could still do PTI. So what ever. Fuck any one of you who have said that stupid shit. Fucking judge me. You know nothing about me. But again it's your opinion.
Nobody likes a rat.

dude we already covered this ...........the guy is not a rat .......he was in a legally run biz....reporting the lose of funds to the police is a must for insurance reason (has to cover his losses or go out of biz)

legal biz are not able to function on STREET RULES ....so applying them to those ppl wrong ....so stop stressing out the poor guy
and just understand street rules allow him to find u and hurt u for callng him a rat (as being called a rat and snitch is as bad as being called a child fucker ) u are wrecking his rep with false info
A snitch or a rat is someone that does the same crime or worse but turns someone else in for their freedom.
This situation is totally different.
He's not a snitch or rat he's a victim.
And the argument that now next time they will hurt him so he can't talk is dumb. If he didn't say anything than perhaps the scumbag gets off and thinks hey let's go rob that guy twice a day since he won't call the cops.
Internet is full of macho tough guys but the facts of the story don't change. Regardless why someone robs someone at gun point they deserve hard time in prison.

dude we already covered this ...........the guy is not a rat .......he was in a legally run biz....reporting the lose of funds to the police is a must for insurance reason (has to cover his losses or go out of biz)

legal biz are not able to function on STREET RULES ....so applying them to those ppl wrong ....so stop stressing out the poor guy
and just understand street rules allow him to find u and hurt u for callng him a rat (as being called a rat and snitch is as bad as being called a child fucker ) u are wrecking his rep with false info

shit I'm just toking and talking. This shit is ridiculous. Thank you for your sanity. Much love.
Sanity, it seems, is in short supply anymore.

I'm just glad no one got hurt.

Does the kid deserve seven years for pulling a firearm in the commission of a robbery?

..that's a good question, one our society hasn't figured out yet.

The perp took the risk and did the crime, so no one needs to feel sorry for him.
shit I'm just toking and talking. This shit is ridiculous. Thank you for your sanity. Much love.
got your back man ........the word rat is one of those buttons for me ......a good buddy killed himself because this one set of ppl were calling him a rat it passed around and shit just went to hell for the guy he could not take it and killed himself to escape it

i been locked up with rats and snitches ......hell the cops tried to turn me into one ( took the offer and dicked them around for 18 months gave them no one ) i know it is the reason i was put into lock up for 1.4 grams of weed and a bowl they gave me 6 months i did 4months 20 days (u make 10 days good time a month)
they gave me 6 months i did 4months 20 days (u make 10 days good time a month)

420... 4 months 20 days. Ha. Oh yea I know about good time. Some nmf don't give a shit about good time cause they have nothing but time. Sorry about your friend. Not that any thing on here is gonna ever effect my real life, I have come to feel some what comfortable here. No I'm not sitting on a huge grow room, stacked with buds. I work 50 hrs at one job a week and do another 25-30 hrs a week. I buy my supply. Work my ass off for it. A job around here isn't easy to find. Fucking snitch. Fucking kids.
420... 4 months 20 days. Ha. Oh yea I know about good time. Some nmf don't give a shit about good time cause they have nothing but time. Sorry about your friend. Not that any thing on here is gonna ever effect my real life, I have come to feel some what comfortable here. No I'm not sitting on a huge grow room, stacked with buds. I work 50 hrs at one job a week and do another 25-30 hrs a week. I buy my supply. Work my ass off for it. A job around here isn't easy to find. Fucking snitch. Fucking kids.

yah i thought that was funny too ........bad part is they locked me up sept so i missed that whole holiday season ...the really bad part that was my mothers last holiday season ....and i blame the cops for me missing it (1.4 grams and a bowl ) i did not even know that was there middle console in the car could of been there for years i do not clean the car (if they want to look look but i am going to make them work for it)
A snitch or a rat is someone that does the same crime or worse but turns someone else in for their freedom.
This situation is totally different.
He's not a snitch or rat he's a victim.
And the argument that now next time they will hurt him so he can't talk is dumb. If he didn't say anything than perhaps the scumbag gets off and thinks hey let's go rob that guy twice a day since he won't call the cops.
Internet is full of macho tough guys but the facts of the story don't change. Regardless why someone robs someone at gun point they deserve hard time in prison.
At the very least he's a tattle tale.
At the very least he's a tattle tale.
Seriously man
I don't care how badass anyone thinks they are but if you get a gun pointed at you while your at work that crosses the line.
If you live by some backwards moral code and think that the kid robbing people deserves sympathy then I assure you it's your whacky man code train of thought that makes more and more of these idiots think they are untouchable.
If it's a non violent crime or an mj bs charge I agree mouth shut whatever.
last time I checked this is rollitup not shoot em up. Check your priorities.
Seriously man
I don't care how badass anyone thinks they are but if you get a gun pointed at you while your at work that crosses the line.
If you live by some backwards moral code and think that the kid robbing people deserves sympathy then I assure you it's your whacky man code train of thought that makes more and more of these idiots think they are untouchable.
If it's a non violent crime or an mj bs charge I agree mouth shut whatever.
last time I checked this is rollitup not shoot em up. Check your priorities.
You must be Canadian.