Time to put some robbers away.

Have you ever been addicted to a heavy drug ie meth, cocaine or opiates, have you ever done these drugs frequently and for long periods.

rip n run is what my friends used to call it lol, and yes sir opiates and shit was the problem, and not even smack either god forbid i try that

on opiates, everything in the world is in place, everything is beautiful.... and the world is so damn ugly, especially on the wrong side of the tracks

i even tried meth and coke and it didn't grasp its hands on my nut sack like opiates did
I'm a felon because someone ratted me out for growing almost twenty five years ago.

His life is miserable. Mine was for awhile, too- but I stuck it out. Now mine is looking up. His will never get better. Karma.
rip n run is what my friends used to call it lol, and yes sir opiates and shit was the problem, and not even smack either god forbid i try that

on opiates, everything in the world is in place, everything is beautiful.... and the world is so damn ugly, especially on the wrong side of the tracks

i even tried meth and coke and it didn't grasp its hands on my nut sack like opiates did
everybody's wired a little differently. Somebody once told me that you can tell how one is wired by seeing which drug makes them the most "active". some people do opiates and nod out, but others do opiates and clean and paint their house. I guess it is a matter of degrees. Enough opiates and everybody nods out, whereas it is hard to not be active on meff and blow. But I knew what she meant.