Time to put some robbers away.

Still you don't need to speak to the police they got the tape but you going out of the way to make sure he goes to prison is a snitch. I wouldn't say nothing but "look at the tape" the guy was just hard up for money and you are happy he will spend around 7 years in prison making you not only a snitch but a grimy fucking snitch at that. You ever been to prison? It is not a nice place and to get off on putting a man their is pretty fucked up you are no different than a rat that gets hit with drugs and turns his friend for selling it to you.

WHERE I COME FROM it corn bread and chicken.............lol...........DRY SNITCHES .................bad juju

un-fucking-believable but from this site and some of the users here not so much.
Defending goddamn armed criminals now are we?

Right?! Since when does the law of the street uphold armed fucking robbery as 'honorable activity'?! Motherfuckers are lucky they didn't get shot! After all, they WERE perps and they WERE armed in the commission of a felony! Nobody made them do it?! So WTF?


If you're defending the crime of armed robbery or its perpetrators, you have your priorities seriously screwed up.
HOWEVER........ i thought this thread was fucked up till i read about this thief, walks into a store, tries to straight rob it, gets shot dead for her trouble.......but SHE is the victum??????

Yeah, I think the attempted robbery thing will make for a strong defense if the prosecutor is THAT stupid. It will also make a great campaign ad against him in the next election if said prosecutor is stupid enough to try!
you must be into armed robbery or somthing to even think this way

rat is a 3rd part that calls the police but even then I would snich if i see a kid having sex with an adult.

police are there for the old and weak to protection them against crimals that take advantage

not going to call my 80 year old nan a snitch for calling the cops because she's been robbed or someone at work that gets a gun pulled on them

have you got any morals or do you pray on the weak ?
I thank God everyday for my psychopathy. No I don't consider someone who calls the cops on a diddler a rat, but what's the law gonna do put them away for a couple years, if you think that's justice then call the cops, but if it's your own kids or your nieces and nephews just pull the fucking trigger, real quick boom it's over with, I won't tell a soul.
I thank God everyday for my psychopathy. No I don't consider someone who calls the cops on a diddler a rat, but what's the law gonna do put them away for a couple years, if you think that's justice then call the cops, but if it's your own kids or your nieces and nephews just pull the fucking trigger, real quick boom it's over with, I won't tell a soul.

a diddler in uk prism will suffer for a few years every day, better that than spending the next 20 years in side for killing him.
a diddler in uk prism will suffer for a few years every day, better that than spending the next 20 years in side for killing him.
I agree why ruin your own life being unable to help the child who suffered the moleststion

Taking a life out of anger serves no purpose regardless how nice it would feel for those few moments
The child is the one who needs you to be there to help and support
Not you gone for killing the person
That's a good point the prisoners might be able to do some justice and make them think twice about doing it again, but in Canada if you do it with a handgun you'll get 18 months in the heat of passion. I know if my niece was ever abused I'd be one angry mother fucker I don't trust Canadian justice he would probably be held in a separate area.
you must be into armed robbery or somthing to even think this way

rat is a 3rd part that calls the police but even then I would snich if i see a kid having sex with an adult.

police are there for the old and weak to protection them against crimals that take advantage

not going to call my 80 year old nan a snitch for calling the cops because she's been robbed or someone at work that gets a gun pulled on them

have you got any morals or do you pray on the weak ?
Who's talking about your 80 yo grandma? we're talking about a loser that buys his step son sacs of drugs .
Still you don't need to speak to the police they got the tape but you going out of the way to make sure he goes to prison is a snitch. I wouldn't say nothing but "look at the tape" the guy was just hard up for money and you are happy he will spend around 7 years in prison making you not only a snitch but a grimy fucking snitch at that. You ever been to prison? It is not a nice place and to get off on putting a man their is pretty fucked up you are no different than a rat that gets hit with drugs and turns his friend for selling it to you.
Who's talking about your 80 yo grandma? we're talking about a loser that buys his step son sacs of drugs .

Are we reading the same thread ?
is this thread about 3 men robbing a store at gun point ?

did'nt see any post talking about dealing drugs to his step son, don't know anything about this.
how am I ment to know you don't like him and want to troll his threads ?
Are we reading the same thread ?
is this thread about 3 men robbing a store at gun point ?

did'nt see any post talking about dealing drugs to his step son, don't know anything about this.
how am I ment to know you don't like him and want to troll his threads ?
He's cool for a rat that deals drugs to his stepson or whatnot.
dont swear at other members, through memes or whatnot...

yall can read the big black bold letters uptop i know it