Tired of people say MG is not for Cannabis. I'm going to shut all of you up.


Well-Known Member
I did read that first post and about 60 after it.....wow what a ride..... you have nothing to prove marical grow does work it has been proven but you will always have those people out there that are too cocky for their own cock. you will do better tuneing them out and being the better man, the level headed indavidual you probably are and just disregard those people and help a newbie to understand what he is working with, marical grow not the best not the worst but it will work just fine if you use it right.
really dude? I know you read the original post that clearly states i am going to dedicate an entire grow to this dilemma... So ya its going to take a little while....


Well-Known Member
you will always have those people out there that are too cocky for their own cock.
LMAO You crack me up. Well I am still going to start a MG test thread just so newbies can have a nice reference about MG growing and what can go wrong and signs of imminent doom.


Well-Known Member
and how to properly use it and then it should be stickied as a if your a newb and bought MG click here, thread.that way the info they need is right there and they don't have to ask then those MG nazis can sit down and enjoy nice steamy bowl of hot cocks un interupted. Maybe then will we not have the MG wars.
LMAO You crack me up. Well I am still going to start a MG test thread just so newbies can have a nice reference about MG growing and what can go wrong and signs of imminent doom.


Well-Known Member
Proof MG does work... 30 days from seed... shh.
(12) 16 sept 2012.jpg

This site is full of people that just think they are better than others.. Wheres the help these days??


Well-Known Member
and how to properly use it and then it should be stickied as a if your a newb and bought MG click here, thread.that way the info they need is right there and they don't have to ask then those MG nazis can sit down and enjoy nice steamy bowl of hot cocks un interupted. Maybe then will we not have the MG wars.
enjoy nice steamy bowl of hot cocks
LMAO ugh oh stop it gonna pee myself. Ya that would be nice if I could get a nice MG sticky going so new growers that bought a bag of MG don't get their faces stomped and told to throw it away and buy a $40 bag of pro mix.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
yea its works fine for tomatos but marijuana is a weed it burns easly jesus crist im done with this thred yall can grow yalls swag ass airy fucking bud that taste like u put them in a grill and dowsed them with lighter fluid thats fine but i personaly know i can grow verry good crops and i have had plenty of experince useing 3 and 6 month mg i know what the fuck im talking about i even tryed it on my out door crop one time. talk all the shit u want but at the end of the day my end product is gonna be 100x better than urs any day of the week peace out :peace:
here comes the delusions again. So marijuana is a weed?

Is it just the mg or are you incapable if growing out of anything with time released nutes?


Well-Known Member

2 of my auto crosses growing in miracle grow.
The one on the left has 25% coco mixed in. It sprouted July 23rd and is about two weeks or less from being done.
The one on the right is about two weeks younger and is in pure miracle grow.

Both are doing very well.


Well-Known Member
here comes the delusions again. So marijuana is a weed?

Is it just the mg or are you incapable if growing out of anything with time released nutes?
i dont see any pics of ur grows do u even grow? and people need to start being spicfic about there soil some guy uses organic mg says its the best then some noob goes out and buys mg with 6 month time relased ferts then his crop is runied i see horer pics all the time because a noob use 6month mg. we should re name this thred im tired of people saying mg 3 and 6 month time relased fert soil isnt good for canibis. unofrtinaly the only people that will say its good is people who have never used the time released fert virsion or noobs that dont know what they are talking about or experinced growers who dont have ne pics (bull shit wanna be growers like u) i have actuly posted proof of how much mg releases at 4 months what proof have u posted u cant argue with facts douch bag.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
wait your knocking something you never tried? soil is soil time release synthetic nutrients is scientifically researched and more efficient and safe. it is up to YOU as the grower to utilize your tools properly.

hell i bet theres someone out there who could pull an awesome yield using only peat dol. lime.
Just peat and dolomite, yep. A bit of MG Perlite and worm castings would be nice. Just the peat and lime will suffice.


Well-Known Member
Miracle Grow ? You can't use that crap,it's too simple,too basic for Cannabis.You need at least 4 or 5 different Cannabis specific products to grow a decent plant nowadays.After all,just think of the impact on our economy if the growers stopped spending all that money on products they never needed to begin with.It's almost anti American to even think of such a thing. ;-)
Need at least 4 or 5 cannabis specific products? Damn the marketing team has you fooled man. All you need is the right nutrients available to the plant. Nitrogen is nitrogen to the plant. Period. You think the plant cares about the source? If fed the proper chemicals, organic or synthetic, the plant will thrive.

Also "cannabis specific nutrients" is a simple marketing ploy used to increase prices. They slap a few brightly colored logos with names that make you think good things.


Well-Known Member
i dont see any pics of ur grows do u even grow? and people need to start being spicfic about there soil some guy uses organic mg says its the best then some noob goes out and buys mg with 6 month time relased ferts then his crop is runied i see horer pics all the time because a noob use 6month mg. we should re name this thred im tired of people saying mg 3 and 6 month time relased fert soil isnt good for canibis. unofrtinaly the only people that will say its good is people who have never used the time released fert virsion or noobs that dont know what they are talking about or experinced growers who dont have ne pics (bull shit wanna be growers like u) i have actuly posted proof of how much mg releases at 4 months what proof have u posted u cant argue with facts douch bag.

Point taken, but damn son



King Tut
i used to use mg and it will kill ur plant the 3 month or 6 month soil will cause lock out from salt build up i know that first hand mg organic and moister controll are fine for growing weed though
It killed YOUR plant and caused nute lock on YOUR plant. Just saying.