Tired of people say MG is not for Cannabis. I'm going to shut all of you up.


Well-Known Member
MG works! Not the best tasting but it will produce some nice quality smoke regardless. You just have to know how to water with time release fertilizers. They are great for people learning or on a budget! If I didn't have a hydro store around here I probably would be using MG. I have picture to prove it that it does work :).


Well-Known Member
As i stated before,I think the people who gave MG a bad name were just bad growers,they tried and failed and learned from it,and successfully grew something when
they switched soil,and the ones who thought they would get a miracle grow using garden soil in a pot.They sale different kinds for a reason just as other soil companies.
I bet it's more Nute burn threads from Fox farm than Miracle grow,and the replies be funny as hell too "You gotta add 20% light warrior 20% happy frog and %60 ocean forest
and when you're done mixing and sweating your ass off and jagging 60$ for dirt it's time to grow" don't for get to add extra kelp,guano,eagle beaks,magical fish scales and
jedi mind tricks at half strength.


Well-Known Member
Fuck your mg dude. You said in the post that it's not the best. But people should STOP telling new growers not to use it??

New growers don't need any more problems then they are already going to have.

Spend $10 more and get a respectable brand. Don't listen to this jack off.

Oh and can't wait to see your yellowing shitty ass tasting plant bro.

Hope you really "shut us up" :dunce:

george xxx

Active Member
i used to use mg and it will kill ur plant the 3 month or 6 month soil will cause lock out from salt build up i know that first hand mg organic and moister controll are fine for growing weed though
This is not my opinion, its what research shows. :shock:

There is good reasons why the cheaper soil mixes are often very bad for MJ. That reason is also one that most soil mixes will have. Most people do not research PEAT or PERLITE because it is universally accepted as a growing medium. Many of the cheap mixes are 75 to 80% peat with perlite.

Acidic Qualities
· As peat moss decomposes, it keeps the soil's pH acidic. It is important to not allow peat moss to touch the plant. Burning can occur when the mulch directly contacts plant material. Also, non-acid loving plants' root systems are at risk of burning or suffering from soil toxicity when peat moss is used as mulch. Acidic soil makes aluminum in the soil too soluble for plants, which causes short, swollen roots, according to the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Read more: Is Peat Moss a Good Mulch? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_8493534_peat-moss-good-mulch.html#ixzz26gtKSuPi

Perlite, a common additive in potting mixes also contains modest levels of fluoride, .... This explains why the symptoms are seen more on potted plants than in the ground.

Fluoride is added to tap water in almost all major cities.

Other studies have concluded that fluoride damage is a perlite-related problem and have recommended that you rinse the soil additive in clear water prior to using it in soil mixes. But in light of the available information from testing, you can't blame leaf scorch on perlite, or fluoride, alone.

Stop telling new growers NOT to grow with Miracle grow like it's going to kill the damn plant. Saying it is a "miracle if the plant grows in miracle grow"

It is deff not the best or first choice but is very affordable and can grow any plant just fine.
I am quite sure you can show it will successfully grow fine plants :weed:

There is however something you cannot do with MG soil mixes. It will not convince people that they do not need to spend the most amount of money possible to gain a trivial edge. People are driven by desire to say they have the best way to grow or produce the biggest buds. Personally I do not care what they can do.

A 2x2 space is only capable of so much production. Yes you can piss away $100 worth of ferts in a 2x2 space but why do that when $3 worth of miracle grow will work just fine.
There are posts that claim better lighting. There are posts that claim better ferts. There are posts that claim better methods. There are NO cost per pound posts from anyone who claims to be growing bigger or better in a 2x2 space :confused:

The one and only thing impressive or of interest to me is what I spend for what I can produce. Nothing else matters :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Fuck your mg dude. You said in the post that it's not the best. But people should STOP telling new growers not to use it??

New growers don't need any more problems then they are already going to have.

Spend $10 more and get a respectable brand. Don't listen to this jack off.

Oh and can't wait to see your yellowing shitty ass tasting plant bro.

Hope you really "shut us up" :dunce:
Oh the joys of ignorant people....I have journals it says so right on the left hand side :dunce: Take a look at my shitty yellow plants bro :lol:


Well-Known Member
you are a straight up delusional fuckwit.

Don't tell people what they are growing with wtf is wrong with you for fuck sake.

Just because you fucked up in mg soil doesn't mean the soil is fucked it means you and your shit for brains fucked it with the shitty way you grew it.

It's like you pointing out how you bleed from the asshole daily then telling everyone else they do too.
ignore this spastic he has probably been shitting in his garden without realizing
Come on man, we already went through the mud slinging phase of the thread apologies were given and we moved on. Try to get your point across next time without all the insults...

stoned cockatoo

New Member
Come on man, we already went through the mud slinging phase of the thread apologies were given and we moved on. Try to get your point across next time without all the insults...
sorry I missed that part. I just got tired of reading pages of him spewing nonsense and jumped the gun. You had a certain expierience with it doesn't make it a universal law.

There is no bottles of nutes designed for mj where I am so my first grows were with mg and never lost a plant to nute burn. Still use mg seedling mix for seeds
I think you are all right. Miracle Grow is basically Epson salts (magnesium sulfate) dyed red or blue and treated with amonia nitrate (chemical fertilizer made from the air of all things) plus several trace elements. It's not necessarily cheaper than organic when one considers the differences in yield. It's toxic to the environment if that's a consideration. It can lead to toxification of the soil, nutrient lock up, etc; but you probably harvested before the tipping point if this didn't occur. On the plus side it's very effective as a foliar spray - a quick remedy to correct deficiencies which can occur with any set up. Think of it as a steroid. Prednizone for example. You don't want to be on it forever. But it's very effective in short term treatments. If we are what we eat; ergo our plants are what we feed them.

MG is basically Epsom salts?

Where did you see that?
Is that something listed on the box or MG website?


Well-Known Member
I still don't see how MG potting mix could be releasing high levels of N in flowering with a npk value of 0.21-0.07-0.14,what mg soil/mix did you test?
and did you test after you added your own ferts? i don't think u went 4 months and didn't feed your own nutes.
it says right in the post if u read it u tested 6 month mg it has time released ferts in it we arnt talking about organic or moister controll how many time am i gonna need to say that


Well-Known Member
i dont care what ne of u say lol if u say that mg 6 month time realsed ferts work ur full of shit or u have never tryed them mg makes good soil but the 3 and 6 month time released fert soil is too much. it even says it right on the bag that it feed for 6 months it also feed nutes for veg so its not ment for flowering at all. here is the info from there offical web site it even says it releases time released fertlisers for 3 months it also has 3x more nitrogen then P or K. soil fert rating and fert rateing for plant food are completly different this is time released mesuments[h=4]Fertilizer Analysis[/h]0.15 - 0.05 - 0.08
[h=4]How to Use[/h]For Flower or Vegetable Gardens or Landscape Beds:

Apply 2-3 inches of peat moss. Roto-till into native soil to a depth of 6 inches. Begin planting, follow planting instructions on plant tag or seed packet.

For Planting Trees, Shrubs and Roses:

Dig a hole twice as wide but no deeper than the root ball of the plant. Mix the soil at rate of one part native soil to one part Miracle-Gro® Enriched Sphagnum Peat Moss. Build a mound in the hole so top of root ball is 1 to 2 inches above grade. Score root ball to encourage lateral spread. Backfill hole with amended soil.
[h=4]When to Apply[/h]This product can be used any time of the year.
[h=4]Coverage Area[/h]Coverage will depend on how much is mixed into the media. A 2 cubic foot bag can cover eight to twelve square feet.

  • Feeds plants up to 3 months with Miracle-Gro® Release Plant Food
  • Easy to work with
  • Unique water holding capabilities so plants need less watering
  • Absorbs water faster than baled peat moss for ease of use


Well-Known Member
that is a shit tone of ferts in the soil trust me and thats why mg makes ary buds when ur flowering in it it releases 3x the amount of n then p or k


Active Member
It baffles me that some of the vets around here say miracle grow is the worst thing in the world for your plant....You are supposed to help new growers and help them with what they have. Not tell them to go buy a freakin 2 cubic foot block of soiless medium for $45 when all they can afford is $15 bag of MG
I may not be a vet around here but ive used m/g ferts for years.(25)....all thier products work fine...The CEO of mirical grow stated last year that his companny was planning to step up to the mmj industry..he wants to become the wallmart of the grow sho.....just sayin........I Will add that this years batch of soil was a little hotter and seemed of lower quality than the last years...also seemed to be made from landscape haulback..shredded tarp bits and what i could anly describe as petrified cat shit....hmm..


Well-Known Member
yea its works fine for tomatos but marijuana is a weed it burns easly jesus crist im done with this thred yall can grow yalls swag ass airy fucking bud that taste like u put them in a grill and dowsed them with lighter fluid thats fine but i personaly know i can grow verry good crops and i have had plenty of experince useing 3 and 6 month mg i know what the fuck im talking about i even tryed it on my out door crop one time. talk all the shit u want but at the end of the day my end product is gonna be 100x better than urs any day of the week peace out :peace:


Well-Known Member
I may not be a vet around here but ive used m/g ferts for years.(25)....all thier products work fine...The CEO of mirical grow stated last year that his companny was planning to step up to the mmj industry..he wants to become the wallmart of the grow sho.....just sayin........I Will add that this years batch of soil was a little hotter and seemed of lower quality than the last years...also seemed to be made from landscape haulback..shredded tarp bits and what i could anly describe as petrified cat shit....hmm..
Yea I read that article about them branching out to marijuana growers. Pretty awesome


Well-Known Member
yea its works fine for tomatos but marijuana is a weed it burns easly jesus crist im done with this thred yall can grow yalls swag ass airy fucking bud that taste like u put them in a grill and dowsed them with lighter fluid thats fine but i personaly know i can grow verry good crops and i have had plenty of experince useing 3 and 6 month mg i know what the fuck im talking about i even tryed it on my out door crop one time. talk all the shit u want but at the end of the day my end product is gonna be 100x better than urs any day of the week peace out :peace:
Come on why all the hostility still, Thought we were over that....


Well-Known Member
listen dude i could waste my time explaining why MG would work but i peronsonally know there are better things to grow with. but i will say this you need to rehink MG what it is what it does and how works in addition taking into account how an MJ plants growsmaybe even grow one in some MG soil porperly and you would see that it is a perfectly acceptable substitute to any other soil if used properly, other than believe what you want. side note, tomatoes use P to bloom too, a lot of it....


Active Member
yea its works fine for tomatos but marijuana is a weed it burns easly jesus crist im done with this thred yall can grow yalls swag ass airy fucking bud that taste like u put them in a grill and dowsed them with lighter fluid thats fine but i personaly know i can grow verry good crops and i have had plenty of experince useing 3 and 6 month mg i know what the fuck im talking about i even tryed it on my out door crop one time. talk all the shit u want but at the end of the day my end product is gonna be 100x better than urs any day of the week peace out :peace:
no- body here said u couldnt grow good dope...chill...but i prob been growen longer than u been alive...so, with that if YOU grew airy buds with mg that was your mistake...i get awsome buds when i use it...dont fool yerself ,the cartoon bottle nutes are more hype than bang...fact :there are only 4 producers of chemicals used to make fertilizer products in north america ..google it ,the agrium in alberta canada is one.Having said that it would indicate many ferts come from the same places and rebottled reworked and sold as a brand....anyway...i think that having good results with mg and general hydro and dutch master...in my last twenty years alone would suggest mg is fine!