Tired of people say MG is not for Cannabis. I'm going to shut all of you up.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Someone in hydro would say all soil is garbage,any real growers can grow in any kind of medium,i could veg a plant in tissue if i wanted to,you're saying a soil is bad because
you had a bad experience,with bad experience. I get premium buds cause I'm good at my craft.
Your 'craft ' would improve dramatically if you were to move away from pre-packaged solutions and towards devising a program that fits the unique needs of your strain and your situation. It sounds like you do that to a certain extent, then why not start from the beginning without paying a premium for the MG soil? Defending MG isn't really helping anyone except MG.

PS In the times that I was forced by circumstances to use MG products I wouldn't say that the experiences were bad, just really disappointing.


Well-Known Member
Like I said...MG can produce top shelf nugs..just have to know what you are doing....it is a little hot for young plants but they are fine after a week or so...It is a poor craftsman who blames his tools....I don't use mg anymore because I have gone organic..but I have grown frosty ass buds with mg in the past...when the time released ferts are long gone by the time the plant is 2 weeks into flower.


Well-Known Member
You are another one of those ass holes ont his forum with a shit attitude that goes staright to name calling and won't take criticism or advice or READ or RE READ a fucking post. GO F yourself punk. I said I am going to prove it by gorwing with it. Now you are just pissing me off and making this personal GTFO

Ignored don't bother posting on my fuckin threads anymore
You obviously don't know they have over 15 different soils. do your research.
You are hopeless the company makes more than 1 type of soil.
Whatever I Will Stop arguing. He started egtting cocky and pulling that shitty name calling shit so he is going to get it right back in his face
notice you are the only person that got the dick in his ass enough to start cussing and acting like a derelict. Everyone else was civil in their discussions.

Just don't jump the gun and start acting like I fucked your woman and shit won't blow up like it did.

I am all for being proven wrong. When I do my grow and I am wrong laugh all you want I really don't care. Just makes me learn and gives the newbs a thread to read about why not to grow or why to grow with mg if short on money
I <3 this guy LOL just basically scrolled through the thread to see his responses. HILARIOUS

Mr. high

I just want to let u guys know that miracle grow potting mix saved my weed plant!! Since the day that I changed my plants into mg almost immediately I got great results!


Well-Known Member
I hate MG for my own reasons. If thats all you got go with it, But we are talking about a weed... it will grow in almost anything... MG FFOF it's all the same it's just dirt.... Plant it water it feed it and let it do what it does best and you'll have sucess.


Well-Known Member
I can get what people are calling "great soil" but i went with what i prefer,it was even cheaper soils than MG,and I could have just made my own soil like I'm used to doing(outdoors)
But the fact is MG works the same,i see people going crazy over pro mix and fox farms and then come back to RIU saying "is this nute burn?" and i'm not defending MG as a company
But because i use it with great results and people go on to say it crap or the worst ever.


Well-Known Member
Hotshot..I thought your plant looked too dark..maybe an abundance of N combined with root bound...but I agree with ya..MG can get the ob done just fine..but I prefer a better draining medium..the better the drainage the faster it dries and the more you can feed...some mg soil retains too much moisture and when it dries it gets too dry and requires too much water to rehydrate and makes a mess..I use better stuff than FF and it is cheaper.


Well-Known Member
Hotshot..I thought your plant looked too dark..maybe an abundance of N combined with root bound...but I agree with ya..MG can get the ob done just fine..but I prefer a better draining medium..the better the drainage the faster it dries and the more you can feed...some mg soil retains too much moisture and when it dries it gets too dry and requires too much water to rehydrate and makes a mess..I use better stuff than FF and it is cheaper.
Yup I like good drainage too. Although if you are short on money just grab a bag of MG perlite or any other companies perlite and throw it in the MG to air it up
I think you are all right. Miracle Grow is basically Epson salts (magnesium sulfate) dyed red or blue and treated with amonia nitrate (chemical fertilizer made from the air of all things) plus several trace elements. It's not necessarily cheaper than organic when one considers the differences in yield. It's toxic to the environment if that's a consideration. It can lead to toxification of the soil, nutrient lock up, etc; but you probably harvested before the tipping point if this didn't occur. On the plus side it's very effective as a foliar spray - a quick remedy to correct deficiencies which can occur with any set up. Think of it as a steroid. Prednizone for example. You don't want to be on it forever. But it's very effective in short term treatments. If we are what we eat; ergo our plants are what we feed them.


Well-Known Member
People listen up if u say mg is good then all ur useing is organic mg or moister controll mg that soil is good to use we are talking about the 3 and 6 month soil please dont post about how great mg is when u dont even know the differnt types of soil!


Well-Known Member
People listen up if u say mg is good then all ur useing is organic mg or moister controll mg that soil is good to use we are talking about the 3 and 6 month soil please dont post about how great mg is when u dont even know the differnt types of soil!

I have been growing for many years and have tried every kind of mg soil they make..had good results with every kind..some need to be amended more than others...like I said earlier the 3 and 6 month bags worked fine in the ground. just needed more perlite than the others...the potting mix has up to 6 months feed ferts in them..but they are long gone after 10 weeks or so.


Well-Known Member
noo i had completly differnt results and they do stay in the soil for 6 months i have a chemical test kit where i can test the soil to see how much nutes are in it i did a test on some of the soil i recycled into my flower garden and u cant even see through the fucking vile that how much ferts are still in it ill even post the pics i still have the vile


Well-Known Member
QUOTE=Corso312;8007518]I have been growing for many years and have tried every kind of mg soil they make..had good results with every kind..some need to be amended more than others...like I said earlier the 3 and 6 month bags worked fine in the ground. just needed more perlite than the others...the potting mix has up to 6 months feed ferts in them..but they are long gone after 10 weeks or so.[/QUOTE] fert test 001.jpgfert test 002.jpg[this is after 4 months i used mg 6 month soil in my rose garden out side here is a nitrogen test of the soil after 4 months reading show high levels of nitrogen are present. there are so many salts built up it isnt even funny. proof that mg 3-6 month soil releases to much n during flowering


Well-Known Member
I still don't see how MG potting mix could be releasing high levels of N in flowering with a npk value of 0.21-0.07-0.14,what mg soil/mix did you test?
and did you test after you added your own ferts? i don't think u went 4 months and didn't feed your own nutes.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
People listen up if u say mg is good then all ur useing is organic mg or moister controll mg that soil is good to use we are talking about the 3 and 6 month soil please dont post about how great mg is when u dont even know the differnt types of soil!
you are a straight up delusional fuckwit.

Don't tell people what they are growing with wtf is wrong with you for fuck sake.

Just because you fucked up in mg soil doesn't mean the soil is fucked it means you and your shit for brains fucked it with the shitty way you grew it.

It's like you pointing out how you bleed from the asshole daily then telling everyone else they do too.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
I still don't see how MG potting mix could be releasing high levels of N in flowering with a npk value of 0.21-0.07-0.14,what mg soil/mix did you test?
and did you test after you added your own ferts? i don't think u went 4 months and didn't feed your own nutes.
ignore this spastic he has probably been shitting in his garden without realizing


Well-Known Member
..I am going to grow a plant just for you sticky...after I harvest my outties next month I will go buy any bag of mg you choose and grow a nice healthy frosted plant.