Ok, look. Outside IS better. The lower leaves may be shaded, but they are still getting sunlight so don't worry. Leaves are translucent and the shaded leaves are getting "ambient" light which is still great. I find my plants do better in filtered sunlight anyway. Stretching isn't a bad thing unless you have a height restriction. Do you? I grow outside because I'm able to let my plants get as big as they can. If you plant is still in it's vegetative state, you can still LST it. It if was already in flower, I'm not sure if it would do you too much good; better just to leave it alone. Are you hoping to LST because you're concerned about the lower branches not getting as much sun as the top?
If you want to LST them, do so carefully at this point. Be sure to spread the pressure points out a bit. In other words, don't just tie the tip down and leave the rest of the plant. You'll likely come back to a plant that has had it's tip broken off. Give it a gradual slope to 90 degrees. If you have to stop at 45 because you feel you are putting too much strain on the plant, that is fine. You can begin to train it as it grows. As short as your plant is, I'd recommend bending it slightly and tying it down, then bend the new growth over as it grows.
Are you in the southern hemisphere? Because you shouldn't need any supplemental lighting at this point. Also, don't start pulling leaves off of your plant as many people will suggest. That's retarded. Yeah air flow is important, but it's more of a concern when growing indoors because often the plants are sealed in a room and will grow mold or catch disease right away because of the moisture level. If you plant is outside, you'll get plenty of sun and fresh air; two of molds biggest enemies.
Your plant it looking very healthy though. Good job. Is it in a 5 gallon bucket?
It's not ideal to have your leaves touching the dirt. Just lst it so that it is horizontal with the ground. If you're paranoid about the amount of sun the plant gets, you can use some wire and write the branches out at 90 degree angles as well. Just do a youtube search for "how to wire bonsai" and you should find some good videos explaining how to do this. But really, like I said. Those leaves get more light than you think. They can only "process" so much light at a time anyway. One of the great things about the sun is it moves, so while it may be in filtered sunlight at one point it may get direct sunlight at another point.