To medicate or to get stoned.........come on fess up

To high or not to high that is the question

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Dammit you're not listening... clonazepam is about the same thing as Xanax!

They're fuckin pills and will
A) Kill You
B) Make you the most irritable person in the world when youre NOT on them
C) Make you a lazy pillhead - they say marijuana leads to lack of motivation? Look at a pillhead and compare to a stoner!

if you look she was talking to GANJULIA not you so calm down.........LOL............
I was diagnosed with PTSD after the war and shortly after got my med card but, I smoke cuz it makes me feel good.
if you look she was talking to GANJULIA not you so calm down.........LOL............

Yes I know but it just irks me when someone is pushing, er, recommending dangerous pills to someone else, in a marijuana forum at that, when clearly they both know the values of medical marijuana....
By definition, it makes you feel good, doesn't that mean that symptoms of PTSD are relieved by smoking it? I don't mean to play semantics, but if pot helps, please state so.... we have too many smokers who benefit from it greatly and yet they state they like the feeling, or like getting high.... If more people were open to the fact that Marijuana makes them feel good for a reason, then we wouldn't have to fight the old stereotypes of pot smokers.

btw, thanks for serving! :) Glad you could come home alive.

I was diagnosed with PTSD after the war and shortly after got my med card but, I smoke cuz it makes me feel good.
Yes I know but it just irks me when someone is pushing, er, recommending dangerous pills to someone else, in a marijuana forum at that, when clearly they both know the values of medical marijuana....

well yes but for some ppl pot dont work and DOCTORS do prescribe meds that can help........ppl who abuse the drug will abuse something need to get hostile about it is all Im saying..........PEACE and I understand exactly your point.........
It's alright, most of us understand that point. :)

Yes I know but it just irks me when someone is pushing, er, recommending dangerous pills to someone else, in a marijuana forum at that, when clearly they both know the values of medical marijuana....
I'll leave it alone after this...but just one correction:

Doctors OVERPRESCRIBE meds that can help....

I know Xanax helps some people out there...some people with a chemical imbalance...but from first- and second-hand experience, most people that take them have no reason to other than they don't like to be in a bad mood, ever....which leads to takin more pills, which leads to being in worse moods, leading to more pills..... this can happen to someone who wouldnt ordinarily abuse drugs, but bc the doc says its OK, they do...
Yes I know but it just irks me when someone is pushing, er, recommending dangerous pills to someone else, in a marijuana forum at that, when clearly they both know the values of medical marijuana....

Saying that a medicine helps you is not PUSHING pills. I didn't say "YOU HAVE TO GO GET SOME, THEY ARE GREAT!!!". I said I find them helpful when I am feeling panicy. I don't discount the value of traditional or alternative treatments. For me, both are useful. Your opinion is that pills are dangerous, I think they are okay in moderation. I got the pills from a medical professional, I don't think he is trying to kill me with dnagerous pills although he is a quack.
I'll leave it alone after this...but just one correction:

Doctors OVERPRESCRIBE meds that can help....

I know Xanax helps some people out there...some people with a chemical imbalance...but from first- and second-hand experience, most people that take them have no reason to other than they don't like to be in a bad mood, ever....which leads to takin more pills, which leads to being in worse moods, leading to more pills..... this can happen to someone who wouldnt ordinarily abuse drugs, but bc the doc says its OK, they do...

Its easy to see now you have had an experince with ppl in your life that are on drugs by doctores...........nobody said it wouldnt happen........look at meds killed him....the doctor kept over much as I hate the ass wipe...Michle Jackson was just killed do to Doctor meds.................but at some point a person has to take responcibilty for their own actioins.........if you are weak you are I have an answer????? of course not............but I dont get mad if someone takes drugs........its their business.....I wont yell at em....even if it were my daughter or was their choice........if they ask for help sure Ill be there.....but I cant stand over em with a club 24/7............
even if it were my daughter or was their choice........if they ask for help sure Ill be there.....but I cant stand over em with a club 24/7............

My parents are like that with me and my medical card..But they won't do shit because they know it helps me. I guess they can't get over the fact that i'm able to get high. As said before my grandparents were open more to it moreso than the 'rents. Japanese families typically are close..don't get me wrong, I do love my parents/grandparent/family's just comes to a point and time they can't do the picking and choosing for me anymore..I'm 22 years old and big girl now.
I do it to get high, and I feel medical reefer should be confined to those with serious illnesses where it has been proven to make a difference; AIDS, cancer, MS, glaucoma, the like. The people who actually need it to get by. Going into a doctor's office and lying about "a bit of back pain" or some "anxiety" is not too different from a crackhead doing the same thing to get some benzos. How long before somebody clues into this and it's ridiculously difficult to get a med card? I'd feel just a bit of a cunt if my actions had even indirectly prevented someone who needed it from getting their medicine.
both honestly i have a lot of problems ranging from High functioning autism to a genetic reoccurring pilondial cyst

but i feel that its recreation medication and therapy all in one
I do it to get high, and I feel medical reefer should be confined to those with serious illnesses where it has been proven to make a difference; AIDS, cancer, MS, glaucoma, the like. The people who actually need it to get by. Going into a doctor's office and lying about "a bit of back pain" or some "anxiety" is not too different from a crackhead doing the same thing to get some benzos. How long before somebody clues into this and it's ridiculously difficult to get a med card? I'd feel just a bit of a cunt if my actions had even indirectly prevented someone who needed it from getting their medicine.

i know some people with serious illnesses who smoke socially and not for medicinal effects. I don't think it's a big deal. I don't think anxiety is necessarily a cop out, my bf has terrible anxiety and marijuana helps him. Same for Ganjulia as she explained.

i forgot to mention that I don't think there is any point in buying dirty stuff on the streets from questionable people when you can get a prescription. it just seems unsafe to buy from dealers, especially for a petite woman like myself. I suffer from awful painful migraines which I think are worthy of a medical card, sorry if you disagree. I don't think yuo need to have cancer or aids to get medical marijuna.
I was diagnosed with PTSD after the war and shortly after got my med card but, I smoke cuz it makes me feel good.

Ok so what i was trying to explain her was this;

I have PTSD which causes me severe anxiety when I get stressed(I am a chef it is a stressful job) so I was having panic attacks all the time at work, mad me want to throw knives and I actually yelled at a customer once for a drunk stumbling into the kitchen. my Father in law hooked me up with some primo bud, and bam it made me feel better. I was calmer and more enlightend and creative mood. I was diagnosed with ADD in the 3rd grade and I was on speed(ritilin, aderol and one more I cant remember). Lets just say my parents made sure I was on my meds all the time and I fucking hated it so I Dared to say NO to Sythethic Pharms. Im sure I could replace my weed with some crazy pill but thats just not my stlye. I enjoy medical marijuana because it gets me a buzz but I also enjoy the medical and calming side effects that help me deal with it.
I know that Sativas are more likely to cause anxiety (believe me they sometimes do but I just play BFBC2 with my stereo on loud and the environment helps me to calm down again) but I actually find myself enjoying sativas. Indica make my comedowns harsh so I usually only smoke them right before bed. So I hope that better explains my answer. :) :joint:
I do it to get high, and I feel medical reefer should be confined to those with serious illnesses where it has been proven to make a difference; AIDS, cancer, MS, glaucoma, the like. The people who actually need it to get by. Going into a doctor's office and lying about "a bit of back pain" or some "anxiety" is not too different from a crackhead doing the same thing to get some benzos. How long before somebody clues into this and it's ridiculously difficult to get a med card? I'd feel just a bit of a cunt if my actions had even indirectly prevented someone who needed it from getting their medicine.

This answer may stem from the fact that it is much harder to get a medical card in some territories of Canada than it is in Cali and......thinking.......:joint:.........Well i guess the best way to explain this is he has a stick up his ass. sorry SF just telling it like I see it.
I got my card to keep from getting arrested.

I just took some aspirin, then I smoked a Blue Dream joint.

I feel better now. :joint::peace:
I do it to get high, and I feel medical reefer should be confined to those with serious illnesses where it has been proven to make a difference; AIDS, cancer, MS, glaucoma, the like. The people who actually need it to get by. Going into a doctor's office and lying about "a bit of back pain" or some "anxiety" is not too different from a crackhead doing the same thing to get some benzos. How long before somebody clues into this and it's ridiculously difficult to get a med card? I'd feel just a bit of a cunt if my actions had even indirectly prevented someone who needed it from getting their medicine.

I just disagree with you about it not being different than drug seekers getting chemical drugs. Do you not believe that mj, being a natural substance and typically used unadulterated in any way, should be legal for all? I do, and I also believe that people getting "recommendations" for medical purposes is a step toward that.