Rather than talk about my own recent edible experiences, I'll share one from the early 80's. I had made a batch of brownies using Nevil's NL 5 X 2, one of the best strains I ever grew and/or smoked.. They were so strong, I ended up puking in the parking lot of a movie theatre after eating one and soon after passed out after being dropped off back home. They were so overly potent, you just couldn't function.
Long story short, I wanted them gone so I cut them into normal brownie size pieces, wrapped them up and a few days later dropped them off at a friends, with a warning- be very careful with these as they are beyond potent. Anyway, he put them in the freezer and about a week later, he left to go visit his parents in another state. He had birds and a dog, so another friend watched the house for the weekend and guess what- after hitting the bars and arriving home drunk and hungry- he found the brownies and preceeded to eat a couple of them in a drunkin stuper.
Anyway, my friend came home to find his friend, on the couch, still past out 2 days later. Other than peeing a few times in a cup by the couch, he basically couldn't leave the couch. We still laugh about it to this day, but it makes me nauseous, even now, just thinking about them.