i'm absolutely certain that you would say the same thing if it happened to your son.
so premeditation to commit a crime by stalking and harassing him isnt a crime???? how is he excused from fault of his self defense as he put himself and his weapon there on purpose . . . if a robber shoots me robbing my house he doesnt get to cry self defense if i started to hit him, he choose to be there!
and being a part of neighborhood watch doesn't give him the right to stalk this young man though adjacent area to his neighborhood . . . ..
would logic suggest that by breaking the law and stalking and harassing martin he doesnt get to use self defense because he choose to be there vs martin who was stalked and harassed and then"stood his ground"
or is stalking and harassment with a fire arm not illegal in Florida?
You might have a point if Zimmerman actually did the things you are claiming. There is no evidence whatever that Zimmer broke any law. The only evidence I have seen corroborates Zimmerman's account of that night. That is why he was not charged with a crime.
Your moral outrage at the death of Trayvon means nothing. It's a bitter pill, best to swallow it quickly.
how did mr Z not stalk and then harrase with a fire arm . . .Martin? what exactly do you think happened . .. your words not copy and paste
if morals mean nothing then what does matter . . .. . . . do you put all your faith in the goverment and people . .. vs ideals and morals . . . ..
funny thing is your a hypocrite . . . if it was your kid you would care no matter what the sucomstances . . . .so since martin has no socail or emotional connection to you he doesnt matter
in the world of logic that makes your opinion biased and invalid . . . .imho
Have you anything other than speculation to say Zimmerman actually engaged Martin?Im glad there's still moral outrage. A lot of people here seem to get caught up in the details of the law, doesnt matter if its a good law or not or even if a kid is dead. Again makes me question their motive.
This post is absolutely covered in win-sauce.I seldom copy/paste, and when I do I use quotes.
I have posted previously what I think happened. Asking a person "what he is doing here" is not stalking and not assault. The fact that Z had a firearm is irrelevant.
Look at the police report, read the eye witness accounts. If you have contradictory evidence to those facts then present them; so far I have seen nothing to contradict Z's account.
Im glad there's still moral outrage. A lot of people here seem to get caught up in the details of the law, doesnt matter if its a good law or not or even if a kid is dead. Again makes me question their motive.
I seldom copy/paste, and when I do I use quotes.
I have posted previously what I think happened. Asking a person "what he is doing here" is not stalking and not assault. The fact that Z had a firearm is irrelevant.
Look at the police report, read the eye witness accounts. If you have contradictory evidence to those facts then present them; so far I have seen nothing to contradict Z's account.
so following and then perusing is not stalking? how long was zimmerman following martin while martin did nothing illegal . . how is that not stalking . . . and then running after him and harassing ((2) : to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct ) him then martin "stood his ground" ad zimmerman shot him once then murdered him
you really think he was a threat after the first shot, i bet your eye witness can place a decent amount of time between shots . . .. . . do you know how fast the human brain can interpret real time information . . . . .
after the first shot and martin was on the ground . . .. and he shot him again, it is murder
stalkingpresent participle of stalk (Verb)
[TABLE="class: ts"]
[TD][TABLE="class: ts"]
- Pursue or approach stealthily: "a cat stalking a bird".
- Harass or persecute (someone) with unwanted and obsessive attention: "the fan stalked the actor".
No you're missing the point, the racist police put a 9mm round back in the gun, disposed of the second shell casing and "disappeared" the second bullet wound...cos it's a racist conspiracy obviously.Trayvon was shot once in the chest. Some of the eye witnesses said they heard two shots, some said one. The gun had one round missing from the magazine. There was one shell casing found on the scene. It's pretty clear that one round was fired. You are welcome to your own opinion but not your own facts.
As I said before. It's a bitter pill, best swallowed quickly.
Trayvon was shot once in the chest. Some of the eye witnesses said they heard two shots, some said one. The gun had one round missing from the magazine. There was one shell casing found on the scene. It's pretty clear that one round was fired. You are welcome to your own opinion but not your own facts.
As I said before. It's a bitter pill, best swallowed quickly.
Actually, I need to amend this post to read "some of the ear witnesses" as nobody has come forward to claim to have actually seen the gun fired. Two EYE witnesses saw part of the struggle but neither of them claimed to see Zimmer fire a shot.