Ursus marijanus
Zimmerman defense: Shaken baby syndrome? WTF???
NOW I understand why the local in vitro clinic won't hire anyone with Parkinson's. cn
Zimmerman defense: Shaken baby syndrome? WTF???
I don't think innocent people should have to go to court.
I don't think innocent people should have to go to court.
If you want to blame anything, I'd blame the legislative combo of the 2nd Amendment with SYG, that's the real reason this hasn't hit a court room. Its not cos some brown guy killed some black guy, as much as you'd like that.You keep forgetting one thing. They. Went. To. Trial. (or will go to trial once caught) You assholes keep trying to make this a racial issue. It isn't. It's a justice issue. Keep trotting out your fucking examples but they share one thing in common that Trayvon's case doesn't. They saw the inside of a court room.
If you want to blame anything, I'd blame the legislative combo of the 2nd Amendment with SYG, that's the real reason this hasn't hit a court room. Its not cos some brown guy killed some black guy, as much as you'd like that.
EDIT: Btw I'll say brown if I want, it's not racist, people call me white, and if people want to call me by my skin colour, in the interest of "equality" and "parity" I'll do the same. Thanks.
If you want to blame anything, I'd blame the legislative combo of the 2nd Amendment with SYG, that's the real reason this hasn't hit a court room. Its not cos some brown guy killed some black guy, as much as you'd like that.
EDIT: Btw I'll say brown if I want, it's not racist, people call me white, and if people want to call me by my skin colour, in the interest of "equality" and "parity" I'll do the same. Thanks.
No award awardedI don't think innocent people should have to go to court.
American fuck yeah! No1 at the Ultimate keyboard warrior world championships!
Not likely. My guess is he'll be shot in his home in a couple years as retaliation. Personally, I'd rather do a few years. I knew a boy who was killed in a similar way. He was running from cops, jumped a fence, and was shot by the home owner trying to cross the back lawn. The police ruled it justified because the suspect entered the property and approached the owner quickly. All good right? A year later the old man was shot 11 times in his home...Hmmm...Wonder why?
I'll raise your '" with a heaping of 'A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.'
You have a pair of threes, I have a royal flush.
I got a pair of nuts, in your mouth.
The only time a full house beats a royal flush.
Your argument has no merit, you don't even know what you are arguing about. No one is talking about a militia here.So black men walking through your neighborhood is a threat to the safety of the STATE!?
Meaning of "well regulated militia"
The term "regulated" means "disciplined" or "trained".[SUP][113][/SUP] In Heller, the U.S. Supreme Court stated that "[t]he adjective 'well-regulated' implies nothing more than the imposition of proper discipline and training."[SUP][114][/SUP]Regarding a well regulated militia, Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist No. 29:A tolerable expertness in military movements is a business that requires time and practice. It is not a day, or even a week, that will suffice for the attainment of it. To oblige the great body of the yeomanry, and of the other classes of the citizens, to be under arms for the purpose of going through military exercises and evolutions, as often as might be necessary to acquire the degree of perfection which would entitle them to the character of a well-regulated militia, would be a real grievance to the people, and a serious public inconvenience and loss.[SUP][47][/SUP]Regarding regulation and training of the militia, Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist No. 29:
"If a well regulated militia be the most natural defence of a free country, it ought certainly to be under the regulation and at the disposal of that body which is constituted the guardian of the national security...confiding the regulation of the militia to the direction of the national authority...(and) reserving to the states...the authority of training the militia".[SUP][47]
Taken from Wiki. Don't dismiss the info, as all sources are sited on this Wiki page. Zimm was NOT,NOT,NOT well trained, OBVIOUSLY!
Please research your sources before throwing them at me. And please explain how a "Well trained militia man" can't even keep his cool for a day at work.
Not to mention the fact that he was instructed BY HIS STATE to BACK THE FUCK OFF!
Your argument has no merit, you don't even know what you are arguing about. No one is talking about a militia here.
The second amendment doesn't guarantee you the right to have firearms, it makes the government POWERLESS to make any law depriving you of that right.
Your original argument was That no where is it written that you are to arm yourself and protect your neighborhood,like everything you do is written down somewhere that allows you to do it. Where does it say you are allowed to shit? Pick your nose? Trim your toenails? It doesn't, because laws don't tell you what you can do, they tell you what you can't do.
BTW he was never instructed to "back off". Unless you think " We don't need you to do that " is some kind of command and that dispatchers have even 1 ounce of authority.
Because of the 2nd amendment, American citizens can arm themselves in order to protect life and property without worry that the government would ever have the authority to do take that away from them.
Zinnerman gets manslaughter at most.
Good to see you put so much faith in the judicial system. All that bitching and moaning and all you want is it to go to trial? Typical liberal, ideological fountain completely unbased in common sense (or even reality).I don't care if he walks away a free man. As long as it goes to trial that's o.k. with me.
Are you having a giraffe?