Tree Like Potential?


Well-Known Member
Thanks man.

Hey, back in the mid 80's my uncle married my aunt from Peru. She was like 20. All of 5'2" and 100lbs... Dude seriously she was the Peruvian Whitney Houston. Big smile, the hair. I think that's what did it. I've only dated one blond in my life. All the rest were latinas. :mrgreen:

So tastey :hump:

LOL! Looking great man...bout to have more pics for ya:weed:

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
My Indica or Indica hybrids are blooming too. My bush isn't even close to blooming.

I know cloning produces the same DNA but these two are like twins. They are short cause they started late and flowered early. Maybe 40 days of outdoor veg and a few weeks now of flower.

White Berry. They each have 4 bottom shoots that are gonna be solid colas. Wonder if I could have topped those to make those 4 shoots 8 colas !

A top shot. They would have turned out nice if I topped them. First year with them though so i wanted to see what they would do naturally.

Personally, I'd FIM them instead of topping. If you have cuttings you can experiment with both, but I'd bet the farm that FIMing would give you the best results.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I'd FIM them instead of topping. If you have cuttings you can experiment with both, but I'd bet the farm that FIMing would give you the best results.
I can top just fine. But fimming...everytime I read up on it it looks just like topping except two more magical tops pop up making four.

Haven't been to Peru. Been to Brazil. My father in law would search for oil in the Amazon. So he would cover Brazil to Peru by foot for months at a time. Sometimes down rive but lots of hiking.

He's seen men die of malaria and dudes eat nothing but coca leaves for days. He says "NO FOOD...just coca" :shock:


Well-Known Member
Been an while since an update. She's just starting to show some hairs. Way behind my indicas and White Widow. No problem. More veg time :-P

Here she was on 7/26

He she was on 8/3

Here are todays photos. Why the five gallon bucket. Totally kills the shot. Whatever...:finger:

The yellow leaves are those single bladed fan leaves. Like I've said earlier. Every day or so she dumps a dozen of them. Not many left. You can see some folded leaves. It was warm today. It's amaizing whatching the leaves climate control the plant.

Here are some tops and overall "shrubby shots."



Well-Known Member
so many tops!
I might need to support a branch or two. There is a spot in the middle where it's like a 4 way stop sign except big branches shoot out. The one going up, the top cola is fine. The one shooting down, the main stalk is obviously fine. The two side ones are showing some cracks at the base.

Some of the other shoots are showing stress at their base as well. We'll see. She's not a total monster and may not need any help. I sure would hate to have a windy day here and lose branch.


Well-Known Member
Yes Fdd, you are right...a serial killer is born. Today at noon another set of Tin Snips was found next to a rather large GrassHopper near a few Marijuana Plant. I'm no CSI dude but I know a pattern when I see one. Just like the last one it was cut into three pieces. :o

On to the Sativa Bush.

The larger fans near the flowering areas are acting strange. They are not praying to the sun. They are laying down almost protecting the new flowers...I think. Some aren't even right side up.

Now if it were 90degrees plus I would just say it's the weather. But it's low 80's and a little dry. Pretty much perfect weather. The one thing all these fans have in common is a slightly purple or red stem. But I can assure you there is no disease in this plant.

Some of the leaves are turned upside down too. No bullshit. I don't think she is unhealthy, I'm just wondering what she's doing.

As I'm writing this I walked outside and took another look. If you lift the drooping fans you will see the small leaves that form with the flower. Maybe it's the plants way of protecting those guys until they can handle full sun.

Any thoughts?

Here are some pics.

Over the last month this plant has been litteraly dumping a daily dozen or more inner leaves with 3 fans or less. I don't think this has anything to do with that.


Well-Known Member
Now that she is flowering you can get a good feel of how many tops. She's got a few...

Did I tell you she's a lesbian (my bush), her girlfriend lives next door and I really like looking at her top too.



Well-Known Member
its signs of different kinds of stress...
Can you narrow that down a little?

The only thing that has changed is I am switching from Veg to Flower nutes. These flower nutes are high in P. I started my transition from Veg to Flower nutes doing 75% Veg 25% flower. I'm up to 30'ish% Flower now.

When she started acting funny her next two waterings were just water, no nutes.


Well-Known Member
wow those just started flowering and they allready look like theyre gonna cola up real fat
The White Widow is the girlfriend. She's just going nuts. The Bush started to Flower much later than all my plants. My guess is a late harvest for the Bush.


Well-Known Member
she is overdosed on P........ watering next couple times good idea, then hit with a mild micro nute solution and continue on ;).......