Trichomes, THC and UVB light.....

But surely no more than the sun would in a hot country? Isn't this stuff also good for us in mediocre doses? Vitamin D, all that shit?

I don't know, these are genuine questions. I'm yet to look into them properly.

Check this out, it has tests on the particular bulb that you have, the 300 watt Osram UV (Ultra Vitalux) ReptileUV Mega-Ray Mercury Vapour Lamps for Reptiles - Test Report UV Guide 2006. It has a few graphs and tables explaining how much that bulb puts off and how much is normal(natural sunlight) etc

lol when the bulb is new it emitts 2000 uw/cm2 at 12"(but it declines rapidly the first 90hrs), you don't really want to go higher than 500 uw/cm2. But read that link it will show it all...
Here's the pic's of the bulb, and holder... I also got a nice instruction manual that comes in 100 different languages. I'll just make some key points from the pamphlet:

The regulative effect on the vegetatitive nervous system and increased elasticity and reaction of the redox system. For the organism, this means preservation or even increase of the resilience and efficiency. This biological effect can be compared with the act of sportive training, but not with the stimulating effect of, say caffeine.

Improved capability to recover from strenuous work or illness.

Prevention of infectional diseases on account of the bacterial effects.

Reactivation of active substances, e.g. the development of vit. D (antirachitic effect) and its accelerated distribution throughout the organism. raising or regulation of the calcium level.

Improved blood circulation of the skin which becomes more elastic and smoother, with a healthy suntan as a cosmetic effect.

Excellent results in the treatment of acne, furuncles etc.

Apparently the biological effect of this lamp is 6 times greater than sunlight when held at the correct 50cm distance.

3 minutes exposure is equivalent to 35 minutes exposure at noon on a mid summer day.


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Something more powerful than the sun lol dum dum duuummmm...looks cool mate....did you read that link I sent? Just so you know how much it degrades etc. and move it closer
Hey harkin, any chance you could cut n paste the section that regards my bulb? I've scanned through twice and I can't find it... although, you have made me think I'm going to need to buy some sort of meter to measure the UV with.

I also remember YGF putting a meter up somewhere... in one of these threads.

90 hours seems very quick...
Ah! Sorry tahoe, must've been you that put the meter up. I haven't clicked the link yet, and I'm just hoping it's not going to be too costly... with x-mas only a couple of weeks away I'm all but spent out... I don't think my gf would be too happy if I bought this too.

I'll just see how much it costs first.

hey Skunk....the meter that I had put up was one from Solartech...Welcome to Solartech[SIZE=-1]Manufacturer of digital UV meters - UVA, UVB, UVC, MED and UV Index.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1] - 54k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this[/SIZE]

ya I totally understand....if I remember correctly they are not cheap...but ya know....and this certainly is not ideal....there have been a series of guiding principles....and placing the light onto a digital multi-timer....allowing for 20-30 minute exposure every2-4 hours or something like that.....and monitor the plants.....the reality is that whatever the meter is saying you're still gonna have to watvch the plants...they'll tell you want happening
I just had a look at the cheapest model, which I'm assuming to be the 5.0 total UV detector... and in my money it comes to around £80 on the face of it. Doubtless by the time I get to check out I'll be paying a fair bit more.

Still though, it seems a good investment, and yet just a tad too pricey for me at the moment.

I'm imagining having it in my hands... taking it everywhere with me, testing the UV of various spots at various times a day. I want one, but I can't. I wonder if they have january sales?
hahahaha yea that would be fun wouldn't it....checking out all the time where ever you idea....the one that was recommended to me was the 6.0 or 6.2 as these a UVB only....
Yeah, definitely... they're always the main source of information. I like to believe I have achieved an affinity with my plants.
the reality is that whatever the meter is saying you're still gonna have to watvch the plants...they'll tell you want happening

obviously the more empirical information you have the better you can interpret what the plant is showing you...but its funny that in so many a person grows epxerience...they seems to spend les time on empirical data, and more time on the "feel" the meter would aid in developing that "feel" but as with so much else....going with your gut is such an important rule to follow....listen to yourself. You know more than you are giving yourself credit for.

have you ever seen the knowledge quadrant? I'll find it and post it in a minute
there are four quadrants in the knowledge quadrant.....amazing eh? sorry...that was a stupid sentence....

1. don't know, and don't know you don't know - this is the territory of the teenager
2. don't know and know you don't know - the transition from ignorance to enlightened ignorance
3. know and don't know you know - transition from enlightened ignorance to enlightenment
4. know and know you know - informed confidence
5.Think you know,were told you know,999 people agreed with you,got to the End and found out you knew shit:mrgreen:
Hey harkin, any chance you could cut n paste the section that regards my bulb? I've scanned through twice and I can't find it... although, you have made me think I'm going to need to buy some sort of meter to measure the UV with.

I also remember YGF putting a meter up somewhere... in one of these threads.

90 hours seems very quick...

Hey Skunk, well I think I posted the wrong link actually looking at it now. Here's the right one High UVB Mercury Vapour Lamps in Zoos - Osram Ultra-Vitalux - ReptileUV Zoo Mega-Ray test results I tried to copy and paste but it's got copyright protection...
Thanks harkin, i read that before... but didn't get as far as the test results, so I'm glad you posted it again. It seems that my lamp will be off the chart on readings for the first 90 hours of use. I'm going to have to hold it really far away at first.

Although, even after 3000 hours continuous use, the lamp will still put out a higher UVB output than is found in nature.

Those tests help convey just how intense this light is going to be, and have added caution to my verve.
No worries, now you have a rough guestimate of how much that bulb produces. Ain't it weird though how the RetileUV Zoologist Mega-Ray 60w bulb performs better in UVB than a 300w?
Yeah it is amazing... but I'm still not put off by my choice... by all accounts this light I have here will be more than adequate to see me through a few grows.

3000 hours continuous use sounds fine to me.

Also, I'm still hooked on UVA, and UVB... I believe they're both important, I've even read something somewhere that suggested UVC is good too...

I may do a little test run first on some cheaper seeds... just try my best to kill them with the light, see what happens.:mrgreen:
hahahahaha....thats a really good had me laughing orginially when I saw your reply yesterday...and I forgot to reply it! thanks! :blsmoke:
5.Think you know,were told you know,999 people agreed with you,got to the End and found out you knew shit:mrgreen:
cool did much an amazingly fabulous job with the root/plant development, I have every confidence that your feedback here will be critically important and insightful.....! :blsmoke:
Yeah it is amazing... but I'm still not put off by my choice... by all accounts this light I have here will be more than adequate to see me through a few grows.

3000 hours continuous use sounds fine to me.

Also, I'm still hooked on UVA, and UVB... I believe they're both important, I've even read something somewhere that suggested UVC is good too...

I may do a little test run first on some cheaper seeds... just try my best to kill them with the light, see what happens.:mrgreen: