i feel like ive regressed in my growing knowledge a full several years after reading through mr. rob's bullheaded bullsh!t, its one thing to start a thread about something minor as this, its entirely different to start this thread and wait in ambush for any and everyone who has anything to say that may not directly coincide with your previous ideology, this entire site is devoted to the education of current and future growers and tokers, if nothing else rob, just shut the hell up and if u dont like a single thing thats said....DONT EVER COME BACK TO THIS THREAD, no one wasted their time typing a comment thinking "ill show this guy" before you were the first to take up the offensive, but now that you mention all these superherogrows, i would have to say i recommend trimming all the fan leaves except those growing directly out of your bud sites, alllll of them....u have a theory you seem confident with, take it to the limit..