Yes we're all emulating a trademark and copyright of AgriHouse, which is aeroponics, which they own, which we're emulating, perhaps we're playing with misting times, and chamber size but other than that, it's the exact same thing.
If this is going to turn into a Pod Racerish like cult, please tell me, I will leave.
r0m and BD have mentioned the pressure switch, and relief valve, and their gauges, and what they were going to try to use, other than that no other thread has specifically talked about these parts, their connection types and sizes, or where you would source them.
Honestly I've read all those threads and I do feel a little offended, this is not rocket science, here is a the system mock up
Res - > Filter -> Pump -> Pressure Switch + Gauge -> Tank -> Relief Valve + Gauge -> Y or Solenoid(s) -> Solenoid(s) or Y -> Lines + Elbows or Tees, or Straights, ETC + Misters. Outside of specifics very easy concept.
Again thanks for the help, once I have a complete list of parts that I can verify I'll post for those that are having the problems I went through finding parts.
No man, I tried to be as disarming as possible in my comment, but I may have failed. I meant no negativity towards you- but rather trying to pull your mind to what I believe is the most important but overlooked issue in aeroponics. When you list the components and say it's not so hard, I believe you are missing the exact point I'm trying to make. It is true that in this thread I am describing the use of the same components as say Stoner, however, it is the fine conceptual details that count. Atomizer has ingrained it into my mind, and even without building it for myself yet, the logic is entirely sound, and situation after situation I have seen in many other threads the difference between people who focused on the wetness of the roots, and those who didn't- ended up with roots same as hydroponics. Perhaps they had some fishboning, but they are always too wet, and never form the fuzzies. All the great differences in HPA are associated with the fuzzy root structure- and that is what I really mean to focus on in this thread. Perhaps the name HPA is even misleading nowadays, because too many HPA guys don't achieve the fuzzies. Perhaps we should call this "Super-HPA". Anyway foresaken lion- I was only trying to tell you that I believe you need to put more attention to that detail if you truly are wanting to achieve excellence in HPA, and you're not the only one- most everyone doesn't seem to get this important point, and therefore will not ever get those added benefits. There is hardly any similarities between this thread and podracers, btw- he was quite off track from exactly what I am attempting to focus on. It was a long time ago, however, since he was trying to pioneer HPA for the general public, so I don't fault him except for his attitude and narcissism.
Anyway- the only reason I brought it up was trying to help in earnest, not to criticize... I can tell you are putting alot of thought into this, as I also do- and thats why were all here trying to put our heads together. I just think some of the most important details needed to be reminded. Of course I can be wrong, and only once I finish building my rig will we be more sure, but I have enough evidence presented to me that I strongly believe this is the right path. Perhaps the most important piece to this puzzle is Atomizer's equation that tells the optimal amount of liquid to be misted per chamber volume back quite a few months ago. Every component in the HPA setup is a variable in this equation, most importantly pressure, nozzles, chamber volume and precision timing/control. Does that make sense?
r0m has a good handle of most of this, and it seems a good head on his shoulders in general for these sort of things. I have been curiously watching to see if his small chamber volume will be the limiting factor in him achieving fuzzy roots. His need to keep things small in the unobtrusive cabinet is understandible, and if anyone will figure it out, I hope it will be him. Certainly all that there is to be understood about HPA has not been discovered yet, so there is always that to reach for. I just believe in at least having my starting point at the same place where others have attained the initial results I'm looking for.
P.S.- looking at Agrihouse's setups, it seems Stoner falls short of this, so what I am trying to say is that while you are holding him in the spotlight as trying to emulate his exact setup as a benchmark, I am saying outright that this thread means to do much better- and his systems fall short of my goals. I am using his ultra-low volume nozzles however. Mike reports their spray coarser than the dig nozzles, and I need to test that as well for second opinion. tree farmer told that these nozzles gave him very good results.