you`ll need a second pressure gauge for the regulator, a car tire foot pump and a digital air pressure gauge.
Thanks for the reply A man,.. still have some reading to do before i go hooking anything up i know..
I'll pick up another gauge at home de pot. Ive seen others go a lot more 'all out' on there gauges, but the two cheap ones ive now gotten from home de pot have worked fine for me, so i'll pick up another,.. makes sense id need one for the reg. As for the foot pump, could i use my mini air compressor? Its adjustable psi. I linked a cheap-o $5 tire pressure gauge up there, should work at least once i hope

So I'm looking at around $300 total for the aforementioned parts. I'm dubbing this a 'system upgrade' to my current 14 plant perpetual, and Ha! It's comical when you do the math,.. that means it all needs to grow me like what?....1oz more, total, over the lifetime of the added parts, to pay for itself. anything more then that is gravy,.. rofl.. how are more people not affording themselves this upgrade