True HP Aero For 2011

you`ll need a second pressure gauge for the regulator, a car tire foot pump and a digital air pressure gauge.

Thanks for the reply A man,.. still have some reading to do before i go hooking anything up i know..
I'll pick up another gauge at home de pot. Ive seen others go a lot more 'all out' on there gauges, but the two cheap ones ive now gotten from home de pot have worked fine for me, so i'll pick up another,.. makes sense id need one for the reg. As for the foot pump, could i use my mini air compressor? Its adjustable psi. I linked a cheap-o $5 tire pressure gauge up there, should work at least once i hope :P

So I'm looking at around $300 total for the aforementioned parts. I'm dubbing this a 'system upgrade' to my current 14 plant perpetual, and Ha! It's comical when you do the math,.. that means it all needs to grow me like what?....1oz more, total, over the lifetime of the added parts, to pay for itself. anything more then that is gravy,.. rofl.. how are more people not affording themselves this upgrade :roll:

Using a compressor is fine, not so sure about el cheapo tire pressure gauge though. Most digitals are accurate to 1psi, some are 0.5psi. Some digitals only go upto 100psi, check before you buy.
Why you sorry?... :confused: she not hot? lol...
I don't know who she is ya pornaholic, but she, and those jars, are sure as shit more "beautiful" then the pic your "lil" balls are scared to post. :bigjoint:
Fuck showing only roots! To put that in terms you'll understand,.. that's like paying for internet porn, and only getting half your download, lol

If anyone gave a shit to bust you, you'd be busted. No pig is trolling this thread 200 pages in, and crying 'foiled again! Those darn kids and there posting only root pics, we know just where they live, but can't bust down the door till we see mj leaves!!' Quit smoking that shit that makes you not smart and paranoid, lol

lol I am seriously rolling on the floor! :D
Using a compressor is fine, not so sure about el cheapo tire pressure gauge though. Most digitals are accurate to 1psi, some are 0.5psi. Some digitals only go upto 100psi, check before you buy.

Yeah, I got a good digital meter for around 10 bucks on Amazon... You'll probably need to test and topoff the air charge in the accumulator once a month or every second month, so get a good gauge.
Schucks is where I found my digi air pressure gauge. I dunno about your choice of water guages. I had a cheapo one fail on me though. Amazon wika fluid filled 4". Mine was only $30, and looks/is badass.

WIKA 213.53 Stainless Steel 304 Liquid-Filled Industrial Pressure Gauge, 4" Dial, 0-160 psi (bar) Range, +/- 1% Accuracy This one?
...even though its a dummy stock photo of a gauge...

Below is a pic of one of the four 2x5 gallon bucket veg pods i made. A few days ago i tried a really low on time for my acc-less setup, around 1sec PUMP on time, stayed at 6min off,.. i know i get more then 1sec on with the pvc line i used expansion under, i see it spritz longer then 1sec, but bottom line, i measured it and im pissing out total, 2ml per mister every cycle, so 4mil total per 10gal pod,.. way over the 1ML per 100L formula, but hey, not bad fuzz below..
she's about 2mo old from clone clipping, still in veg..

closeup of the above fuzz...
Hey look mom, no acc!!
Hey Mike I almost forgot to give you props. I borrowed your leaf bag idea, F'in brilliant. I found one that is 12 gallon and is 14" by 18". I have a limited space so I am all about being compact and portable.
Yeah, as I have mentioned in previous posts any Ive used no materials short of SS, polypro or food grade (which have added a great deal to the already government sized budget). My build is in various stages of completion, Im motivated to build the prototype root chamber this evening!
Hey Mike, you mentioned before you wouldnt purchase another shurflo...was it due to the volume or were there other issues? I hooked it up to the battery tender plus and the thing is loud and i know it was just running with out fittings, tubing, etc. Is the aquatec really that much quieter? I was gonna return the shurflo and eat the shipping return.
I never hear any of my 3 Aquatec's even turn on when I'm in my grow room 5 feet from them, i hear the misters misting, all sealed inside 10-20gal containers only. For 2 years now at that.
Hey Mike, you mentioned before you wouldnt purchase another shurflo...was it due to the volume or were there other issues? I hooked it up to the battery tender plus and the thing is loud and i know it was just running with out fittings, tubing, etc. Is the aquatec really that much quieter? I was gonna return the shurflo and eat the shipping return.

They sounds quite different filled with water and under pressure- it should quiet up some. Smaller chamber size will probably give you some challenges, but keep us updated on your progress...
Both shurflos I had would get louder as pressure increased. The aquatec is dead quiet no matter what pressure. Its like comparing a car with no muffler to an electric. I agree with trichy that your chamber size might be on the small side. Wouldn't veg much longer than a month.
That damn server crash lost me my math i did! :cuss:So i got high and did it again... :bigjoint:

My 20 gallon brute cans = roughly 70L after the silk screen bottom takes a few liters away... so with ideal mist amount being <1mL per 100L, thats .7mL needed per can. If i triangulate 3 nozzles per can, on the lid shooting down, that'll be .233mL per nozzle needed for "ideal"...
Red Cloudtop nozzle specs:
0.0185GPM @ 100PSI = 1.17mL per sec per nozzle,.. so with a .3 sec on time .35mL should exit each nozzle, 1.05mL into each can,.. 50% over ideal, but for a 20gal root zone with 3 misters not too bad i don't think. I could go with two nozzles per and hit 'ideal', but i think coverage is more important. All that X 18 nozzles and 20' of JG line to come = 6.3mL total the one solenoid im going to run can only let through. Should all work i hope! :hump:
18 nozzles and 20ft of tubing fed by one solenoid will modify the theoretical flowrate figures by a goodly amount, maybe by as much as a factor of 3-5.
If you had a solenoid positioned right behind each nozzle (and the nozzle flowrate spec was 100% accurate) it would still be slightly higher due to the delay created by the relay in the timer and the solenoid opening and closing.
When you get the plumbing done, video a 1 second pulse (timer setting) and collect all the water from one nozzle in a pre-weighed poly bag using a digital scale and see what the added water weighs.
Step through your video frame by frame to see if the total misting pulse really is 1 second. Armed with the water weight and the realworld misting duration, you`ll be able to extrapolate a new flowrate figure that applies to the individual setup.
Don`t be surprised if a 1gph nozzle becomes a 2 or 3gph nozzle :)
So I took the aquatec plunge last night. Spoke with the tech guy over at aquatec and he schooled me. He gave me some good distributors whom which i spoke to and purchased an 8852, with the bypass set to 160 psi (he said there is some adjustment there). I also got the aquatec 80-100 pressure switch which is somewhat adjustable. He also said that shurflo was never really into the "booster pump" buisness.

As far as the root chamber size I will probably veg for two weeks. I was thinking of making some sort of cylindrical net and placing a sprayer in the middle. Changing directions dramatically, I have gone full LED. I have the blackstar 240 for veg and two blackstar 240 chrome (new ones) for flower. They supposedly use 135 watts each.
18 nozzles and 20ft of tubing fed by one solenoid will modify the theoretical flowrate figures by a goodly amount, maybe by as much as a factor of 3-5.
If you had a solenoid positioned right behind each nozzle (and the nozzle flowrate spec was 100% accurate) it would still be slightly higher due to the delay created by the relay in the timer and the solenoid opening and closing.
When you get the plumbing done, video a 1 second pulse (timer setting) and collect all the water from one nozzle in a pre-weighed poly bag using a digital scale and see what the added water weighs.
Step through your video frame by frame to see if the total misting pulse really is 1 second. Armed with the water weight and the realworld misting duration, you`ll be able to extrapolate a new flowrate figure that applies to the individual setup.
Don`t be surprised if a 1gph nozzle becomes a 2 or 3gph nozzle :)

hmm,.. are you telling me for sure i'm going to have 3-5X as much mist come out every nozzle as i plan? Even with JG line, a solenoid, and acc?. That makes it seem impossible to hit within even 300% of <1mL per 100L in my setup then. What 'delay created by the relay in the timer and the solenoid opening'?.. I've read folks can reliable get .3 sec solenoid open/close times, r0m even said his works at .1, but figured i wouldn't bank on that. I can drop it to 12 nozzles, 2per 70L, but figured i could mist little enough with 3per.