True HP Aero For 2011

Hey Mech- you're always welcome to post whatever you like. This thread has sort of expanded into slight detours on anything interesting and perhaps not mainstream, but that's really what I'm all about anyway. We lost the focus for sticky status ages ago- lol...

As for most of the other posts, it seems most of my answers were already voiced by others and I have had a really rough couple weeks in my personal life. I will say I have a new project in the works involving atomized aero, and once I figure it all out I will post more about it soon. For now lets just leave it that I am unboxing some new interesting parts and ready to have some fun... ;)
I'd make an SIP, or sub irrigated planter. You can find many examples of these, under various names like "earth bucket" on the web. Basically, It's one 5 gal bucket inside another, but the inner one has a 3" hole in the bottom, in which you place a solo cup or similar, with some holes poked in it. This forms the wick, which will allow water to be drawn up into the medium.

You also need to make some sort of fill tube to get the water into the bottom chamber. You don't top water them, the idea is to let it soak up what water it needs from the reservoir. if you were to connect all the reservoirs of all your SIPs with tubing, you could have one "control bucket" with a float valve, and never worry about watering at all.

I have 9 SIPs going right now, and I'm very pleased with the results. They might not be "aero" but you can't get much simpler. I like these better than hempy buckets.

Worth a look if zero-effort watering is your goal. I use my SIPs to flower out old mums.

Let me know if you want to see pics of mine, but I don't want to clutter TB's thread with all that.

hey mech thanks for chimimg in! i believe it was rom who did suggest the global buckets. my issue is my plants are established already in the buckets do you think i can still do it by drilling a big enough hole in the bottom to get cappilary mats in the hole and then put the 5 gallon bucket inside another one and drill a over flow hole in the outer one like they have on the global buckets. then dangle the cappilary mats into the bottom bucket to the top bucket. if you wouldnt mind posting pics of yours thatd be awesome thanks man
hey mech thanks for chimimg in! i believe it was rom who did suggest the global buckets. my issue is my plants are established already in the buckets do you think i can still do it by drilling a big enough hole in the bottom to get cappilary mats in the hole and then put the 5 gallon bucket inside another one and drill a over flow hole in the outer one like they have on the global buckets. then dangle the cappilary mats into the bottom bucket to the top bucket. if you wouldnt mind posting pics of yours thatd be awesome thanks man
Just a guess, but if I were you I'd finish them out as is- and take a couple clones for the new bucket setups. They take a special soil mix anyway- otherwise the water won't wick up well enough even once it makes it into the bottom of your buckets. I forget man, did u pay around 1k for your bucket aero setup (before all the mods of course)?
Full coverage should always come first. Limiting the number of nozzles and increasing the pulse will drench the closest roots. If you shorten the pulse you can increase the number of nozzles for better coverage and still maintain the same overall flow. Its easier said than done though :)

You da man! I put the 4 head mist back assembly in (think 4 legged crab) and set timer to 1/3:15 yesterday morning. They have all perked up. :hump:
Hey Mech- you're always welcome to post whatever you like. This thread has sort of expanded into slight detours on anything interesting and perhaps not mainstream, but that's really what I'm all about anyway. We lost the focus for sticky status ages ago- lol... ;)


hey mech thanks for chimimg in! i believe it was rom who did suggest the global buckets. my issue is my plants are established already in the buckets do you think i can still do it by drilling a big enough hole in the bottom to get cappilary mats in the hole and then put the 5 gallon bucket inside another one and drill a over flow hole in the outer one like they have on the global buckets. then dangle the cappilary mats into the bottom bucket to the top bucket. if you wouldnt mind posting pics of yours thatd be awesome thanks man

What I would do, is get a 3" hole saw and some 8 oz solo cups- smaller than the regular ones. In any case, you need cups that would sit in whatever diameter hole you are making in the bottom of the bucket.

Carefully tip your bucket on it's side, and then use a 3" hole saw to carefully saw through the bucket, taking care to disturb the roots as little as possible. Now that the hole is there, take your cup, poke just a few small holes in it, only a few around the bottom are needed, don't try to make a netpot.

Now, you need to fill the cup to overflowing with promix or whatever medium. Don't pack it into the cup tight, but do make sure that the medium is completely filling the cup, i.e. no air spaces.

At this point, without spilling out too much of the medium, you need to "buckle" or fold the edge of the cup just enough to fit the rim through the hole, then pop back into shape, thus attaching the cup to the bucket.

With that done, take the time to drill about 40 small holes in the bottom of that same bucket all around the large hole. Once all this is done, pick the whole thing up and put it in the outer bucket. Now you can either put a bulkhead sitting in the outer bucket, just below where the inner bucket sits, or just a hole there. It should look like this, but with the cup sticking out and without the fill tube.

From this you can see how the fill tube was put in, too hard to do it once the medium is added.

This is what they look like put together but empty.

Since A: you didn't install a fill tube when you put the original medium in the upper bucket, thus making it really hard to install now, and B: the whole point of this was to make this stuff automated- I would install a bulkhead fitting so you can tie all your lower buckets together to a common drain, then use a float valve or similar to keep the level of water just below the level of the inner buckets.

Just a guess, but if I were you I'd finish them out as is- and take a couple clones for the new bucket setups. They take a special soil mix anyway- otherwise the water won't wick up well enough even once it makes it into the bottom of your buckets. I forget man, did u pay around 1k for your bucket aero setup (before all the mods of course)?

Oh man! TB's got the 411 on SIPs as well as aero! J/K wicking properly is a concern. That said, I've done SIPs in Ocean Forest, Fertilome, Vic's Super Soil, Store-Brand potting mix, straight coco, and mixes of old soil of any of the above. They all work fine. Most any pre-packaged soil or "soil-less" mix, is going to have a ton of coco or more usually peat moss added in. Plus perlite and lots of other particulates. They will soak up water to the top of the bucket, no worries. Hard to go wrong here.

And you said you used straight promix, which a soilless mix containing about 99% Peat and perlite- it is an ideal medium for use in SIPs and will wick as well as anything else.

Now, if all this just seems too much work- there is another way to solve the watering issue without doing SIPs. You could drill small holes around the very bottom of each pot or bucket, place said pots/buckets in a tray, and flood the tray periodically, to a level just above those holes.

In fact, I keep my mums in square pots that in turn sit in low sterilite tubs. When I water them, sometimes I just dump about 3/4 inch of water in the tray, and the pots wick it right up! I keep mums in straight Ocean Forest, and it works great because the larger mums that need more wick more, and the smaller ones that are still damp wick less. The one thing I don't do is leave any standing water in the tray after about 30 minutes. If there is any, I put too much water in.

Watering from the bottom up is the way to go, unless you're trying to get nutes into a specific plant, then I top water that one.

If you need more help with converting your SIPs, I might be convinced to make a pictorial while I convert some of mine to be on a common fill/drain- I'm gonna do some tomatoes this year in them, and some squash and cucumbers I think, but I'm not making any more SIPs that aren't all watered from one point.

Crawling through the weed jungle every other day to water my 9 flowering SIPs individually is a sweet, sticky irritation!
There's a video on YT comparing HP aeroponics with fog/nft-o-ponics:? and the results were a tie in terms of fruit and a little more in favor of fog when it came to veg growth. Any thoughts?
Been there, done that. Most everyone who's ever actually worked with ultrasonic foggers has learned why their a joke, and that's vs ANY other method. Neglectful watering in soil would yield more. Theres also a YT vid claiming twin towers conspiracies. Don't believe what others want you to see.
There's a video on YT comparing HP aeroponics with fog/nft-o-ponics:? and the results were a tie in terms of fruit and a little more in favor of fog when it came to veg growth. Any thoughts?
The biggest issue here is most people don't even do Hp aero correctly, so that it turns into more of an nft experience anyway. It seems even alot of the commercial companies and innovators don't understand some of the most important aspects that actually seperate it from other forms of hydro. Not to worry though- you can make some monster plants with simple methods, though it's my contention that hp aero probably has a competitive edge in the right hands. Like DIYer said, ultrasonic fog just doesn't perform, the mist is actually too small apparently, not to mention heat issues etc... I think it might be ok for cloning at best.

Mech- I don't know much about sips except the global bucket site r0m posted earlier, I remembered them mentioning the wicking of the soil and it made perfect sense. I must've overlooked that DH mentioned his mix already... I just figure anyone in a tent is looking at their plants everyday for fun so how important is it to auto-water besides wanting to be able to leave for extended periods occasionally. I guess I like to actively engage in my hobby, but everyone has their preferences and reasons.
Hey, outstanding info. I wish I could return the gift of aeroponic info you have provided here for everyone to read. All I can say is very well thought out and written, and much appreciated.
By the way, in terms of defining aeroponics, if you go onto Google Scholar and look up "aeroponics" you'll find a shit load of great university studies using the technique, and they all use the term "aeroponics" to describe systems that use fog, mist or aero-hydro. Only on YT and forums such as this do the semantics seem to matter so much. But I think you may be totally correct about the limitations of fog for growing until harvest. Most of the research being done in universities is with spray, except for micropropagation, which they then say fog is very useful for. Personally I was interested in fog because it seems like it would work with aquaponics which is what I'm trying to do.
To my mind, aero and aquaponics is a bit of a mismatch. Aero wouldnt provide the filtration benefits of a flood and drain growbed and it wouldnt turnover much water.
On the plus side, it would allow a small fishtank to service a very large growing area but then you`ll not have as many fish to eat :)
Aside from those small issues, the best aero method for aquaponics is air atomising because the nozzles are more clog resistant than hydraulics and the compressed air will clear any biofilm as it formed in the nozzle. You`d need to replace (or clean) the liquid delivery tube every so often as that would eventually get gunked up.
Hey, outstanding info. I wish I could return the gift of aeroponic info you have provided here for everyone to read. All I can say is very well thought out and written, and much appreciated.

Thanks -we seem to have a nice bunch of knowledgeable and interesting people in this thread. Welcome- and curious why you're name is aero- anonymous? lol
Hey guys I'm in need of some help. I bought an HPA system which I thought was going to be PNP but it's not at all. I'm used to DWC bubbler setups but decided to give HPA a shot. So here is what I have: POD, 27 gallon reservoir, Aquatec 6800 pump, everything is 1/4 inch, 26 x 1-GPH misting heads, 125 PSI line and my run from the pump is 10 feet total (8 feet of that is to the sprayers), .5 sec to 60 min on/off short cycle timer. The company I bought it from claimed that the Aquatec 6800 pump could run 15-18 of the misting heads on it's own and that's what brings me here! Atomizer suggested I come over to this thread for some help. I understand I need an accumulator tank, pressure switch and solenoid. The trouble is I have no idea what to look for as far as those three products go. A point in the right direction would be great!

My system is made up of these fittings in 1/4 inch

and these sprayers
Hey guys I'm in need of some help. I bought an HPA system which I thought was going to be PNP but it's not at all. I'm used to DWC bubbler setups but decided to give HPA a shot. So here is what I have: POD, 27 gallon reservoir, Aquatec 6800 pump, everything is 1/4 inch, 26 x 1-GPH misting heads, 125 PSI line and my run from the pump is 10 feet total (8 feet of that is to the sprayers), .5 sec to 60 min on/off short cycle timer. The company I bought it from claimed that the Aquatec 6800 pump could run 15-18 of the misting heads on it's own and that's what brings me here! Atomizer suggested I come over to this thread for some help. I understand I need an accumulator tank, pressure switch and solenoid. The trouble is I have no idea what to look for as far as those three products go. A point in the right direction would be great!

My system is made up of these fittings in 1/4 inch

and these sprayers
Hi- I've listed the models and prices and even perhaps where I sourced these items from back in the history of this thread. I think they'd be listed just prior to October but I don't have time just now to find them myself. If you have trouble finding yourself, or have any additional questions, please ask... :)

Would you mind explaining a little more about the HPA system you purchased? It sounds like you may have way too many misters for the chamber size, but more input would help me to understand better.
Hey guys I'm in need of some help. I bought an HPA system which I thought was going to be PNP but it's not at all. I'm used to DWC bubbler setups but decided to give HPA a shot. So here is what I have: POD, 27 gallon reservoir, Aquatec 6800 pump, everything is 1/4 inch, 26 x 1-GPH misting heads, 125 PSI line and my run from the pump is 10 feet total (8 feet of that is to the sprayers), .5 sec to 60 min on/off short cycle timer. The company I bought it from claimed that the Aquatec 6800 pump could run 15-18 of the misting heads on it's own and that's what brings me here! Atomizer suggested I come over to this thread for some help. I understand I need an accumulator tank, pressure switch and solenoid. The trouble is I have no idea what to look for as far as those three products go. A point in the right direction would be great!

My system is made up of these fittings in 1/4 inch

and these sprayers

Sounds to me like tree frog, no?
Personally i`d consider sending it back for a refund, it definitely has a few more issues that should have been addressed in the R&D stages.
Here`s an example, take a look at 6 sec and 16 sec in this vid:
Its very easy to fix this run-on issue, costs a few pennies. Does yours do the same thing, Joker?

Its a bit cheeky to waft the ultrasonic fog into shot to enhance the look of the mist ;)
Hi- I've listed the models and prices and even perhaps where I sourced these items from back in the history of this thread. I think they'd be listed just prior to October but I don't have time just now to find them myself. If you have trouble finding yourself, or have any additional questions, please ask... :)

Would you mind explaining a little more about the HPA system you purchased? It sounds like you may have way too many misters for the chamber size, but more input would help me to understand better.

Sure it's easiest to just link you right to the system I purchased

I also have a 9 head fogger in the same system. I am running one mister per plant.
Personally i`d consider sending it back for a refund, it definitely has a few more issues that should have been addressed in the R&D stages.
Here`s an example, take a look at 6 sec and 16 sec in this vid:
Its very easy to fix this run-on issue, costs a few pennies. Does yours do the same thing, Joker?

Its a bit cheeky to waft the ultrasonic fog into shot to enhance the look of the mist ;)

I wish I could get it to spray with that pressure LOL nothing even close to it. Also yes I do get that dripping at the end of each cycle.

I actually tried to return this system because it was initially missing parts and the Jackass that sold it to me stopped responding to my e-mails and won't return my calls. I filed a better business bureau complaint but haven't had a response yet...

Yes I do get that dripping at the end of each cycle