Thank you TB. I always wanted to go full HPA from my intrest in plant biology two years ago. My first setup was a 6" drain tube with the sprayers drilled into the delivery tubing that was sitting ON THE BOTTOM of the chamber!

I graduated from there with fence post chambers, the sprayers were on the top for my last two expriments.

All of this time I was scared of the noise from HPA and now it seems like it might be quiter than those 350-950 gph pumps that vibrate the floor. The GALLONS of water for changes are extremely time consuming and quite frankly, HPA is just more sanitary than recycle systems. Set the pH once and your done.
It was a no brainer for me and I hope anyone who is following this jumps on board the HPA train.
I have mentioned my root chamber area (12 gallons each site), and I was told I might run into issues. Solution?

Someone mentioned that they like to use the typical cloning system to get a long tap root. I would like to train the roots over some sort of screen or net, I'm thinking a spriral. That way I can just spray from the top.
Thoughts from the community are welcome.