Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

i love Aljazeera but they took away american access didn't they? my passport is no good anywhere, anymore. :cry:

Its censored in the US? Thats fucked up. I remember during the Iraq wars the Bush clan had issues with them, I guess they never got over it. They seem pretty unbiased and report on things we don't typically hear about. Their mini documentaries are usually pretty interesting and insightful.
Its censored in the US? Thats fucked up. I remember during the Iraq wars the Bush clan had issues with them, I guess they never got over it. They seem pretty unbiased and report on things we don't typically hear about. Their mini documentaries are usually pretty interesting and insightful.

Is Al Jazeera banned in US?
On January 14, 2016, the Al Jazeera Media Network announced that it would shut down Al Jazeera America's pay-TV and online operations on April 30, 2016, citing plummeting oil prices and the highly competitive nature of the American media market; the channel's last day of operation was later confirmed to be on April 12.
if there are any Canadians looking to make a bit of cash might i recommend Canadian Passports for their American friends- good harmless fun..and if Trudeau has anything to say there's the little matter of how much money Maggie made off that charity..for starters.
so i just got a call from some Nicky Newark about donating to a pac of some sort to support 'our police' talker from NJ, i asked him to repeat and then told him i decline to please remove my name..'how about a $25 gift', then schuylaar pulled her cop card. He told me he was sorry but that was a lie.

this was clearly Trump using a local number but calling from NJ.

be very careful..he was smooth, practiced and i felt dangerous (spidey senses kicked in as he wouldn't take no for an answer)
But if you kneel at an NFL game or NBA, NHL,MLB., I am boycotting you. WTF People, In People I Mean Trump supporters.

What has America come too ? Even though most of the World Can't stand Trump. He is ruining the whole world.

He's an Evil person, That only Hires the very best, then fire them when they don't agree with the POS.

Suckers and Losers is what he's talking about our Dead Soldiers our Grandfathers and Fathers Mothers Brothers, Sisters, that died protecting our Freedoms. Really Trump Supporters ? What a disgrace.

What more do you need to see, because most of the world has seen it and decided Trumps a Danger to the Planet. Why don't you see what he's doing ?

Just in case you backwards people don't understand what it means here's the Definition in bold INK !!!

Definition of fascism

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascist i) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality.
But if you kneel at an NFL game or NBA, NHL,MLB., I am boycotting you. WTF People, In People I Mean Trump supporters.

What has America come too ? Even though most of the World Can't stand Trump. He is ruining the whole world.

He's an Evil person, That only Hires the very best, then fire them when they don't agree with the POS.

Suckers and Losers is what he's talking about our Dead Soldiers our Grandfathers and Fathers Mothers Brothers, Sisters, that died protecting our Freedoms. Really Trump Supporters ? What a disgrace.

What more do you need to see, because most of the world has seen it and decided Trumps a Danger to the Planet. Why don't you see what he's doing ?

Just in case you backwards people don't understand what it means here's the Definition in bold INK !!!

Definition of fascism

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascist i) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality.
It will do no good and you will convince no Trumper, the cult of personality and race hatred has turned them into treasonous suckers beyond redemption. They are like fucking zombies under Donald's command and they live vicariously through his aggression and misdeeds, he's gonna "get" the "brown folks" and trigger the libs. If they only fucked themselves most people wouldn't have an issue with it, anybody Trump has full power over would soon die or be fucked to death. They not only support Trump, but election cheating, voter suppression, disenfranchisement of fellow citizens, racism, treason and shitting on US troops & their families, past and present. The die is cast and almost everybody except idiots have locked in long ago, facts only matter to democrats, Donald can do no wrong with the base, they are OK with fascism.

One of the main reasons Americans don't have proper modern heath care is that the brown folks might get some, if they elect Trump your freedom will be taken away for the same reason, the brown folks might get some.
Will POTUS Supporters Criticize His Latest Remarks? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Morning Joe panel discusses new reporting on the president's feelings about fallen U.S. service members and why some conservatives aren't speaking out against Trump but will attack House Speaker Pelosi.
The guy who wrote the article this thread is based on. The only suckers in the US military are those who vote for Trump, like any other American who supports him.
Jeffrey Goldberg: I Think Trump Is Genuinely Confused By Service | Morning Joe | MSNBC

According to new reporting in The Atlantic by Jeffrey Goldberg, the president disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades. Goldberg joins Morning Joe to discuss his reporting.
I hope someone kills trump. I’ll just laugh so hard
That might just happen if he's re-elected.
I'd prefer that he have a major stroke that paralyzes him and he lives the rest of his life unable to talk or jail of course. (:
The guy who wrote the article this thread is based on. The only suckers in the US military are those who vote for Trump, like any other American who supports him.
Jeffrey Goldberg: I Think Trump Is Genuinely Confused By Service | Morning Joe | MSNBC

According to new reporting in The Atlantic by Jeffrey Goldberg, the president disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades. Goldberg joins Morning Joe to discuss his reporting.

That might just happen if he's re-elected.
I'd prefer that he have a major stroke that paralyzes him and he lives the rest of his life unable to talk or jail of course.

if they send him to University of Colorado Cardiac Campus in Aurora there's a good chances he'll choke to death after his stroke because of the nursing shortage people need to feed themselves.. :shock:

it's already happened to two patients i'm aware of this year.