Milliardo Peacecraft
Well-Known Member
Here's another spread, not lookin good for Hillary in the swing states.
Here's another spread, not lookin good for Hillary in the swing states.
there are many more registered democrats than republicansThat's what they keep saying, but turnout just isn't there. Trump won't be that bad, I can't be 100% sure, but I expect things to start getting better quickly.
Trump will provide all the fear necessary to bring out the democrats to vote....and most independentsActually in some crazy twist of fate, almost exactly the same amount of democrat and republican voters turned out this year. While you are correct, there are more democrats that are registered, republican voters actually vote. Plus with the pull of independents being almost universally to Trump this election, it still could be close, though I'm forecasting a landslide. Clinton fucked up big time not giving Bernie the VP slot, she totally lost independents with that one. The debates are going to be a bloodbath.
Don't pay attention to registered democrats, they buff those numbers with canvasing to disinterested people using public assistance applications and Pokemon Go lol. (Yeah they actually put registration canvasing at popular Pokemon Go destinations).
You're really arrogant, but I understand that it's a defense mechanism so go ahead. Being old doesn't make you infallible, grow up.
You didnt post what was after that:"39 percent of Sanders voters said they would vote for Trump over Sanders in the fall. For Clinton, nine percent of her voters say they plan to come out for Trump in the general election."
West VA isn't unique, every closed primary state is going to see huge swings toward Trump. It's just reality man, get ready for Trump country.
A big independent turnout would kill Trump....because 1/2 would vote for Hilly & that's all she needsAnd what then, is preventing them from just voting for Trump in November? They don't get two votes in the primaries, to vote for an opposition candidate from a party that you aren't aligned with is cutting off your nose to spite your face. Face it, Clinton has major issues with voter perception. With a basic understanding of psychology, when a person has been disenfranchised from the entire electoral system, they tend to just not show up and don't vote at all. Don't count on a protest vote against Trump favoring Clinton, that just isn't realistic thinking. You could potentially see double digits for independent parties in some states, I think that's the real victory this election. It looks like both the DNC and RNC are in their death knells, it's about damn time.
All of that is your opinion, which is fine. But you started posting links as if they backed up your opinion, and I was just noting that you misrepresented what the article actually stated.And what then, is preventing them from just voting for Trump in November? They don't get two votes in the primaries, to vote for an opposition candidate from a party that you aren't aligned with is cutting off your nose to spite your face. Face it, Clinton has major issues with voter perception. With a basic understanding of psychology, when a person has been disenfranchised from the entire electoral system, they tend to just not show up and don't vote at all. Don't count on a protest vote against Trump favoring Clinton, that just isn't realistic thinking. You could potentially see double digits for independent parties in some states, I think that's the real victory this election. It looks like both the DNC and RNC are in their death knells, it's about damn time.
Damn Son! Have you even voted in a Presidential Election before?
I'm telling you, ya just can't make this shit up!![]()
A big independent turnout would kill Trump....because 1/2 would vote for Hilly & that's all she needs
All of that is your opinion, which is fine. But you started posting links as if they backed up your opinion, and I was just noting that you misrepresented what the article actually stated.
She was never going to win W Virginia in the general, so it didnt really matter who people who werent going to vote Democratic in the general voted for in the Democratic primary.
Trump has alienated too many voters.....too much baggage
Trump has none chance....What were the odds of Brexit happening again lol?
This is a fantasy, Clinton's being investigated by the DOJ and FBI and Trump has too much baggage? That's a laugh. Again, record turnout for Trump, Clinton down 28% since her last bid in 2008 when **spoiler alert** she still lost. What planet are you on?
Also Bill Clinton is a rapist (see: Juanita Broaddrick)
just accept reality, things will only get easier.
Lol? Saying lol doesnt cover your shit talking fantasy. Make a bet if they are mistaken.What were the odds of Brexit happening again lol?
This is a fantasy, Clinton's being investigated by the DOJ and FBI and Trump has too much baggage? That's a laugh. Again, record turnout for Trump, Clinton down 28% since her last bid in 2008 when **spoiler alert** she still lost. What planet are you on?
Also Bill Clinton is a rapist (see: Juanita Broaddrick)
just accept reality, things will only get easier.
too late...Lol? Saying lol doesnt cover your shit talking fantasy. Make a bet if they are mistaken.
Youre gasbagging on a stoner forum they are minting cash. Stop the bullshit before your loutishness becomes a complete obstacle.
Ever heard of nitroharley?. Hillary is going to be slaughtered, anyone paying attention knows that.