Trump Nailed it!!!

Anyone here read the DNC leaked emails? Sanders was controlled opposition, Clinton has been paying MSNBC to not cover her, along with Jake Tapper who's been eating from the DNC trough. This was just a cursory scan. Oh and they were vetting that DeRay BLM dude as a replacement for Clinton if she dropped out. Great idea pffff.

Anyone mad about Trump should be mad about the utter incompetence and overt criminality of the Democratic party. And the Republican party for intentionally running non-opposition candidates to be steamrolled by neo-liberal war-hawks. We needed an outsider and got one, Sanders was not an outsider. Not even Michael Moore is banking on Hillary anymore. She's going to be steamrolled.

Trump isn't a dictator, anyone believing those hatchet jobs that the MSM has been publishing are useful idiots. Read the leak, they were all paid handsomely to ignore the Clintons' sordid history and focus on Trump's non-issues (SMALL HANDS LOL ORANGE LOLOL). Enforcing laws that are already on the books doesn't make you a dictator. You cannot be a conservative fascist. All you can do is vote for him or get out of the way, your tantrums didn't work this time.

I never thought I'd live to see a viable candidate:
-Call out Bush for lying us into Iraq/Afghanistan
-Vocally anti-war (Clinton is anti-racist and pro-war; how's that work?),
-Anti NAFTA and TPP
-Anti abortion
-Pro enforcing existing laws without activist executive orders
-Calls out official government lies like labor participation rate
-Is pro federal legalization of medical cannabis

Anyone not voting for Trump is simply (and I don't want to hurt feelings) unintelligent or a career democrat. Keep supporting "moderate rebels" in your endless blood lust. Claim not be be racist while over 50% of black Americans will never exist because of profound racists like Margaret Sanger. Kick and scream for mega-corporations to strangle small business with minimum wage lobbies. Ignore Mexican heroine killing kids in your town. Clap when your job is outsourced, you aren't a racist after all. Bank bailouts? Sure, how about 5? Eternal wars are necessary to remove dictators, except for the ones that donate to get your non-racist candidate elected. Wars are good, they make more refugees for you to welcome.

It just goes on and on, don't be an idiot, vote for Trump.
Anyone here read the DNC leaked emails? Sanders was controlled opposition, Clinton has been paying MSNBC to not cover her, along with Jake Tapper who's been eating from the DNC trough. This was just a cursory scan. Oh and they were vetting that DeRay BLM dude as a replacement for Clinton if she dropped out. Great idea pffff.

Anyone mad about Trump should be mad about the utter incompetence and overt criminality of the Democratic party. And the Republican party for intentionally running non-opposition candidates to be steamrolled by neo-liberal war-hawks. We needed an outsider and got one, Sanders was not an outsider. Not even Michael Moore is banking on Hillary anymore. She's going to be steamrolled.

Trump isn't a dictator, anyone believing those hatchet jobs that the MSM has been publishing are useful idiots. Read the leak, they were all paid handsomely to ignore the Clintons' sordid history and focus on Trump's non-issues (SMALL HANDS LOL ORANGE LOLOL). Enforcing laws that are already on the books doesn't make you a dictator. You cannot be a conservative fascist. All you can do is vote for him or get out of the way, your tantrums didn't work this time.

I never thought I'd live to see a viable candidate:
-Call out Bush for lying us into Iraq/Afghanistan
-Vocally anti-war (Clinton is anti-racist and pro-war; how's that work?),
-Anti NAFTA and TPP
-Anti abortion
-Pro enforcing existing laws without activist executive orders
-Calls out official government lies like labor participation rate
-Is pro federal legalization of medical cannabis

Anyone not voting for Trump is simply (and I don't want to hurt feelings) unintelligent or a career democrat. Keep supporting "moderate rebels" in your endless blood lust. Claim not be be racist while over 50% of black Americans will never exist because of profound racists like Margaret Sanger. Kick and scream for mega-corporations to strangle small business with minimum wage lobbies. Ignore Mexican heroine killing kids in your town. Clap when your job is outsourced, you aren't a racist after all. Bank bailouts? Sure, how about 5? Eternal wars are necessary to remove dictators, except for the ones that donate to get your non-racist candidate elected. Wars are good, they make more refugees for you to welcome.

It just goes on and on, don't be an idiot, vote for Trump.
most intelligent and eloquent post ive read on riu for a while
A teacher asked her six grade class how many of them were Hillary Clinton fans. Not really knowing what a Hillary Clinton fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raised their hands except for little Johnny.

The teacher asked little Johnny why he has decided to be different.... AGAIN. Little Johnny said, "Because I'm not a Hillary Clinton fan".

The teacher asked him why he's a Republican. Little Johnny answered, "Well, my mom's a Republican and my dads a Republican, so I'm a Republican".

Annoyed by his answer. The teacher asked, "If your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot, what would that make you"?

Little Johnny replied, "That would make me a Hillary Clinton fan".
Anyone here read the DNC leaked emails? Sanders was controlled opposition, Clinton has been paying MSNBC to not cover her, along with Jake Tapper who's been eating from the DNC trough. This was just a cursory scan. Oh and they were vetting that DeRay BLM dude as a replacement for Clinton if she dropped out. Great idea pffff.

Anyone mad about Trump should be mad about the utter incompetence and overt criminality of the Democratic party. And the Republican party for intentionally running non-opposition candidates to be steamrolled by neo-liberal war-hawks. We needed an outsider and got one, Sanders was not an outsider. Not even Michael Moore is banking on Hillary anymore. She's going to be steamrolled.

Trump isn't a dictator, anyone believing those hatchet jobs that the MSM has been publishing are useful idiots. Read the leak, they were all paid handsomely to ignore the Clintons' sordid history and focus on Trump's non-issues (SMALL HANDS LOL ORANGE LOLOL). Enforcing laws that are already on the books doesn't make you a dictator. You cannot be a conservative fascist. All you can do is vote for him or get out of the way, your tantrums didn't work this time.

I never thought I'd live to see a viable candidate:
-Call out Bush for lying us into Iraq/Afghanistan
-Vocally anti-war (Clinton is anti-racist and pro-war; how's that work?),
-Anti NAFTA and TPP
-Anti abortion
-Pro enforcing existing laws without activist executive orders
-Calls out official government lies like labor participation rate
-Is pro federal legalization of medical cannabis

Anyone not voting for Trump is simply (and I don't want to hurt feelings) unintelligent or a career democrat. Keep supporting "moderate rebels" in your endless blood lust. Claim not be be racist while over 50% of black Americans will never exist because of profound racists like Margaret Sanger. Kick and scream for mega-corporations to strangle small business with minimum wage lobbies. Ignore Mexican heroine killing kids in your town. Clap when your job is outsourced, you aren't a racist after all. Bank bailouts? Sure, how about 5? Eternal wars are necessary to remove dictators, except for the ones that donate to get your non-racist candidate elected. Wars are good, they make more refugees for you to welcome.

It just goes on and on, don't be an idiot, vote for Trump.
Umm, so, we want a four time bankrupted businessman who is headed for trials in two states for fraud and racketeering to be prez? A guy who checks in with about 70% of his statements coming up as lies? Which Trump did you say he was? He will be different tomorrow.

The conservative movement died during the Bush W administration because it was clear that the "conservatives" never were fiscally responsible or particularly in to small government. It was all about cut taxes, increase spending usually on defense and wars then claim Democrats were causing the deficit that in fact was theirs. What was the current GOP is, is not "conservative fascist" it is just fascist. Authoritarian, racist, demagogue, belligerent nationalism. Exactly what Trump is, he's fascist.
anyone voting for Trump is voting to lock up Americans for thanks

Trump is Pro-legalization for medical at least, Hillary works for banks and prison/industrial.

Ah yes! Another immature twenty-something who actually thinks that what they say is influential.

No worries, one day you will grow up!

Maybe, or maybe not. :lol:


Classic liberal. Your candidate lost fair and square, being bitter only pushes people away from you, not away from Trump.

Umm, so, we want a four time bankrupted businessman who is headed for trials in two states for fraud and racketeering to be prez? A guy who checks in with about 70% of his statements coming up as lies? Which Trump did you say he was? He will be different tomorrow.

The conservative movement died during the Bush W administration because it was clear that the "conservatives" never were fiscally responsible or particularly in to small government. It was all about cut taxes, increase spending usually on defense and wars then claim Democrats were causing the deficit that in fact was theirs. What was the current GOP is, is not "conservative fascist" it is just fascist. Authoritarian, racist, demagogue, belligerent nationalism. Exactly what Trump is, he's fascist.

Okay, then explain Obama: bombs dropped on seven countries without a formal declaration of war, forces private health insurance through a bill authored by insurance companies, bails out banks with your money (too big to jail?), executive order mandating bathroom conduct. Clinton is openly owned by Goldman Sachs, the guys that bet against the fraudulent mortgages they sold you and then were bailed out with your tax dollars after being convicted of 4 felonies. It's clear who the fascist is, and it certainly isn't the guy that wants to enforce existing laws. Trump didn't make illegal immigrants illegal. The laws are being selectively enforced right now. Without legalism, you have a banana republic with a two tier justice system. That's fascism.

If you hadn't realized, Republicans hate Trump, Democrats hate Trump, the Media that lied us into war so many times hates Trump. The only people that like Trump are voters, because he isn't a sellout. Don't be dumb, if you wanted an outsider, you got an outsider. If you want to stick it to neocons and neoliberals alike, vote for Trump.
Trump is Pro-legalization for medical at least, Hillary works for banks and prison/industrial.

Classic liberal. Your candidate lost fair and square, being bitter only pushes people away from you, not away from Trump.

Okay, then explain Obama: bombs dropped on seven countries without a formal declaration of war, forces private health insurance through a bill authored by insurance companies, bails out banks with your money (too big to jail?), executive order mandating bathroom conduct. Clinton is openly owned by Goldman Sachs, the guys that bet against the fraudulent mortgages they sold you and then were bailed out with your tax dollars after being convicted of 4 felonies. It's clear who the fascist is, and it certainly isn't the guy that wants to enforce existing laws. Trump didn't make illegal immigrants illegal. The laws are being selectively enforced right now. Without legalism, you have a banana republic with a two tier justice system. That's fascism.

If you hadn't realized, Republicans hate Trump, Democrats hate Trump, the Media that lied us into war so many times hates Trump. The only people that like Trump are voters, because he isn't a sellout. Don't be dumb, if you wanted an outsider, you got an outsider. If you want to stick it to neocons and neoliberals alike, vote for Trump.
but Chris Christie ain't....he will be Trumps attorney general. Christie will bring pot prohibition thanks
They have medical in New Jersey, he's only anti-rec. Which is dumb, but this country isn't about pot. I'll make that sacrifice in the interest of jobs and law.

The middle also doesn't have any jobs because hip and cool democrats keep selling them out to their donors. Hillary is a non-racist that will sell out black communities to the prisons that donated to her re-election. Trump is a racist that wants to bring jobs back to those communities. Racist is a buzzword that's meant to distract you from the consequences of neo-liberalism in America.

Classic teenager, you don't understand what you are saying, yet you continue to prove it.


You're so smart, everything you say must be right because you're so condescending. You've got it all figured out man. Reality hurts bud, it doesn't have to, but throwing tantrums and calling everyone else dumb only makes losing that much harder.