Trump Nailed it!!!

Pence,there's another nut job that would like to bring the christian version of sharia law to our country. Did you hear about the woman in his state that was given twenty years in prison for self aborting her pregnancy. And how about Putin helping Trump get elected,looking like he's behind the DNC email hack.
pence also tried to pass a bill that required you to pay for a funeral if you have an abortion.
You realize Hillary brokered the sale of over 20% of the United State's uranium mines to Putin through a Canadian firm that donated 100+ million to her money-for-influence foundation. Another classic liberal deflection. To say that Putin is working with Trump is patently absurd. And regarding Pence, a lot of people don't seem to know this, you are not running with your VP on a single ballot at the convention. Trump picked a middle-of-the-road conservative governor, if he didn't, the vote for VP may have gone to an extremely dangerous running mate like that dirtbag Gingrich.

I've yet to see evidence suggesting that Trump is corrupt, and I've actually been following the election closer than MSM pundit spin. The DNC email leak shows clear collusion with media outlets to push a false "Dangerous Donald" narrative. The DNC recognized the narrative as false in the emails, the "Trump is racist" line is a work of fiction. If you want some real racism, here's a couple archived internal memos in the leak:

Latino voters are apparently "Taco bowls" to them. Haha funny like Trump's taco bowl tweet. Still dismissive and trite racism.

And the DNC sure knows all about Latinos, check out this gem:

Trump is clearly less racist than the DNC and the least corrupt candidate that's run in decades. The guy self financed his campaign, there is no way to spin that as a bad thing without liberal mental gymnastics. There's a difference between fear-mongering and being realistic. Democrats claiming anyone with complaints about the economy is "peddling fiction" are delusional. I'd rather have a realist than sweep voters concerns under the rug for another 8 years.
You realize Hillary brokered the sale of over 20% of the United State's uranium mines to Putin through a Canadian firm that donated 100+ million to her money-for-influence foundation. Another classic liberal deflection. To say that Putin is working with Trump is patently absurd. And regarding Pence, a lot of people don't seem to know this, you are not running with your VP on a single ballot at the convention. Trump picked a middle-of-the-road conservative governor, if he didn't, the vote for VP may have gone to an extremely dangerous running mate like that dirtbag Gingrich.

I've yet to see evidence suggesting that Trump is corrupt, and I've actually been following the election closer than MSM pundit spin. The DNC email leak shows clear collusion with media outlets to push a false "Dangerous Donald" narrative. The DNC recognized the narrative as false in the emails, the "Trump is racist" line is a work of fiction. If you want some real racism, here's a couple archived internal memos in the leak:

Latino voters are apparently "Taco bowls" to them. Haha funny like Trump's taco bowl tweet. Still dismissive and trite racism.

And the DNC sure knows all about Latinos, check out this gem:

Trump is clearly less racist than the DNC and the least corrupt candidate that's run in decades. The guy self financed his campaign, there is no way to spin that as a bad thing without liberal mental gymnastics. There's a difference between fear-mongering and being realistic. Democrats claiming anyone with complaints about the economy is "peddling fiction" are delusional. I'd rather have a realist than sweep voters concerns under the rug for another 8 years.

Keep guzzling that kool-aid.
Those are actually sourced arguments, facts. "I'm right and you're wrong" is not an argument. Until you can provide evidence to the contrary, you are working with opinions while I am working with facts. You are ignorant and proud. The dictionary calls that stupidity.
Here's another internal memo stating that "...[Sanders] will not be president." months before the primary ended. Funny, the system was rigged and yet they allowed Sanders to continue receiving donations for a campaign with no intended goal of success. That's actually "racketeering" and RICO is currently pending an investigation to very legitimate concerns. The DNC seems to have been swindling voters out of their money for a Potemkin village of a convention. I guess the Trump is the corrupt one though, despite a mountain of evidence because you think he's a big meanie.
Those are actually sourced arguments, facts. "I'm right and you're wrong" is not an argument. Until you can provide evidence to the contrary, you are working with opinions while I am working with facts. You are ignorant and proud. The dictionary calls that stupidity.
Bro you're a clueless child you've been torturing us with your self important idiocy for days non stop, You've cemented your identity as another forgettable apologist for an appalling racist demagogue. Stop making us cringe, stfu.
Those are actually sourced arguments, facts. "I'm right and you're wrong" is not an argument. Until you can provide evidence to the contrary, you are working with opinions while I am working with facts. You are ignorant and proud. The dictionary calls that stupidity.

The Facts are until Donald releases his TAXES I don't give shit what the right wing comes up with.

Let's start with the BASICS.......................TAX RETURNS FIRST!

Even then Donald has Cemented his fate with his mouth and will continue to do so the rest of the way.

The angry uneducated white dude vote ended years ago as a determining factor.
The Facts are until Donald releases his TAXES I don't give shit what the right wing comes up with.

Let's start with the BASICS.......................TAX RETURNS FIRST!

Even then Donald has Cemented his fate with his mouth and will continue to do so the rest of the way.

The angry uneducated white dude vote ended years ago as a determining factor.

Tax returns would tell you what exactly? You're grasping at straws, that's the last line of defense despite the DNC being caught red-handed in a racketeering outfit, bribing CNN and MSNBC to run false stories, and stealing an election. You want to see a tax return. That's just silly dude.
Tax returns would tell you what exactly? You're grasping at straws, that's the last line of defense despite the DNC being caught red-handed in a racketeering outfit, bribing CNN and MSNBC to run false stories, and stealing an election. You want to see a tax return. That's just silly dude.

Yes I want to see the last 10 years of Donald's TAX RETURNS.
ESP since the blowhard says he does everything great and is legit...Prove it.
They're publicly available up until 2015, that's currently being audited. You don't release statements under audit, that's how tax audits work for every other person in the country. Trump did release his financial statement for 2015 though. Let's have a little self-awareness here though. You've never looked for his tax returns, nor have you looked at Hillary's. You just want something to be skeptical of because you are concerned solely with identity politics.
They're publicly available up until 2015, that's currently being audited. You don't release statements under audit, that's how tax audits work for every other person in the country. Trump did release his financial statement for 2015 though. Let's have a little self-awareness here though. You've never looked for his tax returns, nor have you looked at Hillary's. You just want something to be skeptical of because you are concerned solely with identity politics.

So Basically using some lame excuse.....false, he can release the forms he submitted.
So you're basically thinking that some IRS form is going to tell you he's a racist KKK grand wizard, is that right? What will you glean from a tax return? What, exactly, are you looking for and where would that be located in tax documentation? You don't have an answer because that's not what you're after. Check his 2014 return, it's public record. The 2015 statement will look pretty similar.
Still not seeing any arguments to the contrary, just a bunch of pitiful name-calling and unfounded moral grandstanding.
Jack ass the facts of Trumps racism of printed on the cover of today's New York Times.

You arent interested in arguments you're a fucking half witted broken record.

How do think adults interpret the blabber of a numbskull-ed child who holds forth on the fed. women's rights, morality, racism. Clown give it a rest. We have enough bloated bumpkin from you to last the week.
Tax Filings are always relevant.....and since chump has been.....BRIBING both the Democrats and Republicans it would show over the last 10 years exactly how he had been trying to Manipulate the American people. To think that he has not been planning to is ludicrous.

This Man Donald Trump has one Agenda and that is to make America into an Isolated Country.
Those are actually sourced arguments, facts. "I'm right and you're wrong" The dictionary calls that stupidity.
Sourced arguments? What? Loutish clown where is that term used?

You have no argument, you have no point, you have no ability to influence, persuade or present a cogent position. You been engaging in obsessive, chronic masturbation for like 36 hours straight. You're manic. we get it. take your meds.