Trump Nailed it!!!

IRS: Trump Can Release Tax Returns While Under Audit

Donald Trump can release his tax information while he is being audited, the IRS said on Friday.

Federal privacy laws bar the Internal Revenue Service from discussing individual tax concerns, but "nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information," the agency told USA Today in a statement.

The IRS, without specifically naming the Republican front-runner, challenged Trump's assertions that his audit resulted from religious or political issues.

"The IRS stresses that audits of tax returns are based on the information contained on the taxpayer's return and the underlying tax law — nothing else," according to the statement. "Politics and religion do not factor into this.

"The audit process is handled by career, non-partisan civil servants, and we have processes in place to safeguard the exam process."

During Thursday's debate in Houston, Trump was hammered repeatedly about releasing his tax returns — and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney called on him to do the same thing earlier this week.

Trump said that he would do so once the audit was completed.

Strange, didn't Obama take some serious heat for targeting republican doners with the IRS during his 2008 re-election? Yes, you can release a statement during an audit, it's just legally idiotic to do that in the event of anything that needs litigated. I don't fault Trump for doing what any responsible owner of a company would do under audit, this is a witch hunt.
Superficial, sanctimonious, hypocritical; your game of vile ignorance is on point.
Hypocritical? Superficial?

How so?

Ignorance? Here's a tidbit of science for ya : a fetus is programmed human dna that contains all the codes necessary for every detail of it's body. It's eye color, hair color, skin pigment, and every other genetic trait has been chosen. It will always be a human baby and will only grow into the blueprint provided by it's dna.

That is not religion. It is science. Biology 1000. Every academic science book says that shit.

Wake the fuck up.
For killing her child. Used to be considered a life. The democrats have worked very hard to change the definition and value of life.

A pathologist said the fetus was 23 to 24 weeks and the lungs were not formed enough to survive birth,she didn't murder a full term baby. And if she didn't live in a state run by religious zealots she would have been able to do a normal abortion earlier. This is the kind of bullshit that happens when the nut jobs interfere with a woman's reproductive rights,bad situations and no winners,I blame the state more than her.
Where's the adults?

It's more than evident from reading these posts as to who is well informed and who is not. The best you have is calling other people vulgar names, that really doesn't make you sound intelligent. Anything to distract from the facts and truth. You have somebody here giving you some very important facts but you can't even deal with it. Grow up, seriously, your making fools of yourselves.

Now your probably going to attack me to with a torrent of profanities, since that's your MO.
A pathologist said the fetus was 23 to 24 weeks and the lungs were not formed enough to survive birth,she didn't murder a full term baby. And if she didn't live in a state run by religious zealots she would have been able to do a normal abortion earlier. This is the kind of bullshit that happens when the nut jobs interfere with a woman's reproductive rights,bad situations and no winners,I blame the state more than her.
She ended the life formed through conception. On purpose. What is the conscious elimination of life of a human?

The democrats want you to forget that so when they dehumanize black people and other "undesirables" they can eliminate them without people considering it murder.

Like the KKK acting like black people weren't created by god, so evil. Good to kill.

Like the jim crow laws. "Keep those disgusting animals away from things people use!"

Crime bill 1996. "Lock up those superpredators!"

Fun fact: Democrats hired black pastors, to spread the message that "God wants black women to have abortions so they have more time to make money and become rich like whites!"

Sanger saw how fast the black population was producing and decided to do something about it. "Free Abortions!"

Who has suffered most from democrat policies driving business out of america? Black families.

Guess what guys! It's not racist if you say "sorry". That can take you from a 20% Naacp score to a 100%! Filibustering civil rights, voting rights, and hunting down black people for sport? Its ok. As long as you apologize 40 years later after you retire as grand cyclops.
She ended the life formed through conception. On purpose. What is the conscious elimination of life of a human?

The democrats want you to forget that so when they dehumanize black people and other "undesirables" they can eliminate them without people considering it murder.

Like the KKK acting like black people weren't created by god, so evil. Good to kill.

Like the jim crow laws. "Keep those disgusting animals away from things people use!"

Crime bill 1996. "Lock up those superpredators!"

Fun fact: Democrats hired black pastors, to spread the message that "God wants black women to have abortions so they have more time to make money and become rich like whites!"

Sanger saw how fast the black population was producing and decided to do something about it. "Free Abortions!"

Who has suffered most from democrat policies driving business out of america? Black families.

Guess what guys! It's not racist if you say "sorry". That can take you from a 20% Naacp score to a 100%! Filibustering civil rights, voting rights, and hunting down black people for sport? Its ok. As long as you apologize 40 years later after you retire as grand cyclops.

Abortion should be a last resort but available and you must be one of those nut jobs that say a Zygote is a person,shot any abortion doctors lately?
Abortion should be a last resort but available and you must be one of those nut jobs that say a Zygote is a person,shot any abortion doctors lately?
Shooting abortion doctors is murder.

Murder is bad. Ending someone's life, except in cases of self defense, is murder. Self defense meaning, you will come to great physical harm that endangers your own life.

Killing your baby so you don't have the financial burden, is NOT self-defense. #1 reason for abortion in the USA is pure selfishness and greed.
Strange, didn't Obama take some serious heat for targeting republican doners with the IRS during his 2008 re-election? Yes, you can release a statement during an audit, it's just legally idiotic to do that in the event of anything that needs litigated. I don't fault Trump for doing what any responsible owner of a company would do under audit, this is a witch hunt.
I apologize. I didn't realize that we were talking about Obama.
Yeah vote for Obama lol. Still no legal herb and 3 new unconstitutional wars. Democrats are for workin' folk hyuk

how many americans died in those wars? LOL

no legal herb? come out from under that rock, millimeter peniscraft.

how about the fact that i got to attend my friends' wedding because of obama?

maybe those 15 million new jobs, and record breaking streak of consecutive months of private sector job creation?

fuck, my 401k tripled too. thanks, bush.

how about the most fiscally responsible president of this century? no one has ever cut the deficit more than obama has. he has not added a penny to the deficit, thus you cannot say that his budgets have added a penny to the debt. that's about as good as it gets right there.

we went from being less respected in the world than china, now we are once again the most respected nation on earth.

he kept nukes out of the hands of iran through diplomacy. the guy is basically a god.

crime is down, murder is down, illegal immigration is down.

if obama were white and a republican, cruz would have stopped sucking reagan's dick a long time ago.

obama has been the steadiest hand in the oval office for a long time. history will remember his legacy very fondly. among the top 10 presidents of all time, if not top 5.

and your tiny penis is tiny, racist loser.
Strange, didn't Obama take some serious heat for targeting republican doners with the IRS during his 2008 re-election?

first of all, *donors. dead giveaway, queef. i meant queece.

i don't really blame ya for coming back as a sock puppet after that embarrassing display you put on as queece.

second, yeah, i'm pretty sure obama was re-elected in 2008.

third, no conservative groups were denied. only left wing groups were. not that great of a fake scandal when you actually look at the facts.

Yes, you can release a statement during an audit, it's just legally idiotic to do that in the event of anything that needs litigated. I don't fault Trump for doing what any responsible owner of a company would do under audit, this is a witch hunt.

releasing to the public what he has already released to the IRS would make no difference whatsoever. you are a racist coward hiding behind a flimsy wall of pathetic excuses.

your desperation is quite noticeable.
Like the KKK acting like black people weren't created by god, so evil. Good to kill.

would that be the same KKK that you stand alongside right now in your shared support of donald trump?

isn't that the same KKK that trump himself refused to condemn?

why are you teaming up with the KKK?
Shooting abortion doctors is murder.

Murder is bad. Ending someone's life, except in cases of self defense, is murder. Self defense meaning, you will come to great physical harm that endangers your own life.

Killing your baby so you don't have the financial burden, is NOT self-defense. #1 reason for abortion in the USA is pure selfishness and greed.

Neither one of which is illegal.
how many americans died in those wars? LOL

no legal herb? come out from under that rock, millimeter peniscraft.

how about the fact that i got to attend my friends' wedding because of obama?

maybe those 15 million new jobs, and record breaking streak of consecutive months of private sector job creation?

fuck, my 401k tripled too. thanks, bush.

how about the most fiscally responsible president of this century? no one has ever cut the deficit more than obama has. he has not added a penny to the deficit, thus you cannot say that his budgets have added a penny to the debt. that's about as good as it gets right there.

we went from being less respected in the world than china, now we are once again the most respected nation on earth.

he kept nukes out of the hands of iran through diplomacy. the guy is basically a god.

crime is down, murder is down, illegal immigration is down.

if obama were white and a republican, cruz would have stopped sucking reagan's dick a long time ago.

obama has been the steadiest hand in the oval office for a long time. history will remember his legacy very fondly. among the top 10 presidents of all time, if not top 5.

and your tiny penis is tiny, racist loser.

Wow you are a maniac, my friend. You lap up any bowl of milk a liberal mouthpiece leaves out for you. Let's assess this a little bit beyond the thought terminating cliches you buy into.

-marriage is now federal jurisdiction, take what you will from that. Couldn't achieve gay marriage through democratic means, so he figured activist supreme court overreach would be cool.

-47 million Americans out of work is nothing to brag about. He manipulated the numbers by declaring those out of work for more than six months statistically irrelevant

-Public debt went from 11 trillion in 2008 to 19 trillion currently. More debt than any president in history combined through irresponsible budgets, bailouts, and QE from the fed. 0% interest rates for borrowing are a nightmare that's inflated asset bubbles and bank collateral to multiples of 2007 levels before the crash. You are financially illiterate. Stock buybacks are not a substitute for capital expenditure. There is no growth, only market bubbles.

-violent crime has been steadily decreasing every year long before Obama was president, irrelevant.

-Most respect nation on earth? You're smoking good I see.

-Kept nukes out of the hands of Iran? Netanyahu has been spitting that line for over 20 years. That's laughable, they were not pursuing a nuclear weapons program. You are an Israel-first nutcase.

-Toppling the sovereign governments that never attacked us is a war crime. You don't care about innocent Libyan and Syrian lives? You are a racist, sir. Arming moderate rebels was possibly the most transparent example of material aid being provided to terrorists that I've ever seen. Where's ISIS get all those Toyota Hilux trucks? Same Toyota Hilux trucks that are included in Obama's non-lethal aid, imagine that? Oops, Jordanian government stole our weapons shipment to our moderate Al-Qaeda rebels and sold them to ISIS, better send Jordan more money. Satellite photographs of ISIS convoys out of oil fields into Turkey? STAHP BOMBING OUR TERRORISTS PUTIN. It's just too much man, the guy creates and funds ISIS, uses the US military as human shields for Al-Qaeda, and then lets his pet terrorists sell their oil to Turkey, totally fine. You are literally insane Buck, if Obama told you the sky was green, you'd believe it and thank him for being liberal enough to correct your blue-sky privilege.

Do you know what virtue-signaling is Buck? It's your life.
And lets look at the breakdown of those "jobs" Obama created. Service sector, part time, mainly people over 30. Inflation target was .2% this year, aaaaaand it was only .1%. Meaning the new jobs were mainly low-wage, and part-time. Yellen's now talking about negative interest rates in the US, and with less than 1% interest currently being offered on deposits and bond yields, your 401k tripling is an outright lie. How can a 401k triple in a 0-1% interest spread? It can't, and you lied.

And weed is, most certainly, still federally illegal.
Oh, and the unconstitutional Syrian and Libyan conflict created the migrant crisis in Europe. You think Europeans respect Obama? How about that "pls no Brexit" speech he delivered? Sure respected that one lol. So let's see, what countries respect Obama right now?

Israel - hates Obama for some reason or another
Russia - currently bombing Obama's terrorist army
EU - thanks for all the migrants buddy
China - get the fuck out of our sea
Middle-east - We're moderately dead
Japan - currency collapse, help us
Turkey - America's responsible for the "coup"

Liberalism is a mental illness.
Oh, and the unconstitutional Syrian and Libyan conflict created the migrant crisis in Europe. You think Europeans respect Obama? How about that "pls no Brexit" speech he delivered? Sure respected that one lol. So let's see, what countries respect Obama right now?

Israel - hates Obama for some reason or another
Russia - currently bombing Obama's terrorist army
EU - thanks for all the migrants buddy
China - get the fuck out of our sea
Middle-east - We're moderately dead
Japan - currency collapse, help us
Turkey - America's responsible for the "coup"

Liberalism is a mental illness.

I'm sure you know all about mental illness because you've been dealing with it much of your life. Try reading something more than just the twisted view of others that you agree with. Not everything is president Blackenstein or the democratic parties fault and your a fool to believe it. Money rules the world and greed know no bounds. Politicians are just the puppets of the rich and Trump is no exception to the rule and will be shown to be it's poster boy in the end.
You know that I probably understand that better than most people? Obama was unusually complicit in the Fed's scheme to manufacture market turmoil and then hand banks taxpayer money. I've never seen anything like it. Bailout for auto, banks, and insurance. That's really what Obamacare is, you understand. There was no effort to socialize the market, rather it is impossible for an insurance company to operate in a 0-1% interest environment. You cannot pay out claims from premiums, and you cannot secure funds through low-yield, low-risk portfolios when interest rates do not support it. So what does he do? Forces private insurance plans down our throats with the most anti-competitive piece of legislature the FIRE sector could author for him.

Looking at what has been going on with his "too big to fail" presidency, there is literally no other explanation other than Obama's DC has gone rouge

And let's not even talk about his DOJ, "Fast and Furious" anyone? (guns used in the Paris attack btw)

This dude just loves predatory banks and terrorist, incompetence can only explain so much before you realize it has to be deliberate.