Trump Nailed it!!!

Your sir are part of the problem. Always trying to fuck with people. Says a lot about yourself!

why am i a part of the problem? is it because i refuse to support a racist sociopath, like you do?

i'm pretty sure that any man, woman, dog, or mule you have had sex with would say you are part of the problem with your tiny, tiny, tiny penis.

as far as hillary clinton's accomplishments go, i will list just a few of them:

*bankrupted multiple casinos (LOL)
*is being sued for raping a 13 year old child
*currently on trial in multiple states for fraud and racketeering
*has a good brain and says a lot of things
why am i a part of the problem? is it because i refuse to support a racist sociopath, like you do?

i'm pretty sure that any man, woman, dog, or mule you have had sex with would say you are part of the problem with your tiny, tiny, tiny penis.

as far as hillary clinton's accomplishments go, i will list just a few of them:

*bankrupted multiple casinos (LOL)
*is being sued for raping a 13 year old child
*currently on trial in multiple states for fraud and racketeering
*has a good brain and says a lot of things

Your in fact a little person who can't name any accomplishments for Hillary, so you try to distract from the facts by posting childish crap.

I'm sure it's evident to most, somethings terribly wrong with you...
This helps to prove my point, the corps rate elite are screwing the rest us and Goldman Saks's Hillary Clinton is in bed with them. Thank you!
Umm, Hillary sets tax rates? Really? But OK, I grant you that Clinton is in bed with Mr Goldman. It's a gripe I have about her too.

Dude this is all so ridiculous. Why hasn't Trump released his taxes for us to have a look at? My guess is because he didn't pay anything or very little. Because taxes are low in this country. Also because his "great business" isn't very profitable. He makes his money by swindling others, legally when he can and fraudulently when he can't.
try googling worst trump quotes and compare them to worst hillary quotes. Hers are along the lines of not everyone should have assault weapons, increasing taxes etc. his read like fuck that stupid bitch, i have a big cock, believe me.


in fact a little person

6'3'', 194 pounds at last check, well built and ruggedly handsome by all accounts.

if some little turd munching racist like you ran their mouth to me in person the way you do on the internet, i would bitchslap you into place like the little rodent you are and then laugh at you.

in fact.

who can't name any accomplishments for Hillary

actually, i can. but the fact that you think she has none points to a much greater problem: your willful ignorance and abject stupidity.

so you try to distract from the facts by posting childish crap.

donald trump's real life accomplishments amount to childish crap?

you said it, not me.

I'm sure it's evident to most, somethings terribly wrong with you...


because i don't support a serial lying, racist sociopath like you do?

that points to something being terribly wrong with you, not me.

and you have an incredibly tiny penis. coward.

6'3'', 194 pounds at last check, well built and ruggedly handsome by all accounts.

if some little turd munching racist like you ran their mouth to me in person the way you do on the internet, i would bitchslap you into place like the little rodent you are and then laugh at you.

in fact.

actually, i can. but the fact that you think she has none points to a much greater problem: your willful ignorance and abject stupidity.

donald trump's real life accomplishments amount to childish crap?

you said it, not me.


because i don't support a serial lying, racist sociopath like you do?

that points to something being terribly wrong with you, not me.

and you have an incredibly tiny penis. coward.

Wait, your confused again tuff guy, Hillary's the liar.

We all know about those tuff guys who hide behind a key board, constantly trash talk and spend their entire life obsessed about little dicks. Must be quite a life you live...
Wait, your confused again tuff guy, Hillary's the liar.

demonstrably false. you are mistaking my firm grasp of the facts for confusion. this points to you being uninformed, brainwashed, dumb, and very confused.


We all know about those tuff guys who hide behind a key board, constantly trash talk and spend their entire life obsessed about little dicks. Must be quite a life you live...

i've posted pictures of myself and of my slightly above average sized penis on this forum many times. so i am not hiding behind a keyboard, i am out in the open.

and i am not trash talking, i am correcting your lies. i do not like to let serial lying racist weasels like you stink up this forum with your incessant garbage and non-stop lies. i would not have to correct your lies so much if you just stopped lying. but since you are a serial liar who can't stop lying, your best bet is to just stop posting. because you are retarded, and a serial liar.

you will shrink behind the keyboard like the anonymous little coward you are, never posting a picture of what a tiny little twerp or fat, ugly racist you are. and that's OK. because we all knew it already anyway.

your penis is tiny, you are a serial liar and a racist, and no one likes you. these are the facts of the matter.
Wait, your confused again tuff guy, Hillary's the liar.

We all know about those tuff guys who hide behind a key board, constantly trash talk and spend their entire life obsessed about little dicks. Must be quite a life you live...
For somebody who confuses opinions and half truths as facts, you sure talk a mean game.

What about that bit where you said: "US tax rates are some of the highest in the industrial world, personal and corporate. " and you confuse maximum tax rate with actual tax rate. You only quoted some shit from a site that was trying to manipulate you. I haven't seen anything from you to back up your claim. Anything factual that is.
That's helpful! What a dick!!
step up your game dude. That was really poor.

Are you spent? Have you shot your bullets and found out they were really just caps that your mommy gave you? Are you beginning to feel threatened?

This happens when people don't use the truth and facts as a basis for their world view. Oh, and ignorance isn't much help either.