Trump Nailed it!!!

Weird how an event that happens 20 years ago finally surfaces now, as the DNC is buckling under the weight of its own corruption. This woman was paid, this suit will be thrown out and hopefully, the plaintiff will be held in contempt. The timing is just too conspicuous for any skeptical person to give it any merit.

Caught red handed colluding to fix an election:
Step 1: blame Putin
Step 2: imaginary rape case
Step 3: poop your pants
So very rich men that are perverts do this kind of thing right,but that's not Trump. Let me see now,lets name a couple red flags. Inappropriate comments about his own daughter,his long known and well documented view of sex,and he claims to be very rich,sure sounds like him.
There's a reason why "rich" isn't listed as a synonym for "pedophile" in any thesaurus I've ever read. Unfortunately, there is a cabal of uber-rich that definitely do bugger youngsters, but I can't assume Trump is guilty by association. This lawsuit seems like a character assassination from the DNC as they're frantically running damage control for their public relations nightmare. 20 years ago, and all of a sudden, WAIT WAIT WAIT I WAS RAPED.

Also, Bill Clinton pretty much dead-to-rights raped Juanita Broaddrick, payed out a settlement and everything, and that's already come up in Trump's line of attack. This reeks of desperation.
Yep,your right about BC being a rich pervert but that means Trump is somehow not one in your twisted logic. You are the poster boy for wacko right winger,you never vary an inch from the script.
Guilt by association is anecdotal evidence. Does Trump have a lot of money, yes. Does a group of wealthy men bugger children, yes. Does that make Trump one of them? I cannot bare false witness until I see hard evidence. A kangaroo lawsuit 20 years after the alleged "rape" took place isn't evidence. I can accuse anyone of being a dog in a human suit, that doesn't make my opinion valid. The court hasn't even agreed to hear the suit yet, and I doubt they will for lack of evidence. This was just a quick headline article that isn't going to go anywhere.
america is now the most respected nation on earth.


before obama took office, we ranked behind china! now we are once again the most respected nation on earth, thanks to obama.

15 million new jobs!


the longest ever consecutive streak of job creation. thanks, obama!

obama has cut the deficit by more than any other president in history. he has not added a penny to the deficit, thus none of the debt that has been accrued can be laid on his broad, manly shoulders.



"you're welcome, america" - obama

but it gets better.



still not satisfied? go smoke some legal weed, fuckbag!


are you still crying? go check your 401k (not applicable to dirt poor, unskilled, trailer dwelling trump lovers)


updated graph would show the DOW near 19.000. booyah!

are illegal immigrants and ISIS people trying to kill you and your family? yeah, i bet. how do you get out of bed in the morning?


illegal immigration is down too, deportations are up, and border security is at an all time high.

he never started any wars either.

it's no wonder that obama is rocking a job approval rate that is even higher than reagan's!

it is a great time to be american.
Guilt by association is anecdotal evidence. Does Trump have a lot of money, yes. Does a group of wealthy men bugger children, yes. Does that make Trump one of them? I cannot bare false witness until I see hard evidence. A kangaroo lawsuit 20 years after the alleged "rape" took place isn't evidence. I can accuse anyone of being a dog in a human suit, that doesn't make my opinion valid. The court hasn't even agreed to hear the suit yet, and I doubt they will for lack of evidence. This was just a quick headline article that isn't going to go anywhere.

Bravo,not a inch,did you even read it or are 12 and 13 year olds adults in your eyes too,so anything is game.
Guilt by association is anecdotal evidence. Does Trump have a lot of money, yes. Does a group of wealthy men bugger children, yes. Does that make Trump one of them? I cannot bare false witness until I see hard evidence. A kangaroo lawsuit 20 years after the alleged "rape" took place isn't evidence. I can accuse anyone of being a dog in a human suit, that doesn't make my opinion valid. The court hasn't even agreed to hear the suit yet, and I doubt they will for lack of evidence. This was just a quick headline article that isn't going to go anywhere.

what about the rape case that trump settled out of court with jill harth in 1997?

that wasn't even the first time that trump was charged with rape, either.

now he is accused of rape for a third time, this time he raped a 13 year old girl. there are witnesses too.

kinda makes sense since he does hang around with a convicted pedophile so often, and this rape took place at the residence of that convicted pedophile.

kinda makes the multiple federal cases against him for fraud and racketeering in several states pale in comparison.

i bet you're still defending bill cosby FFS. oh, nevermind. he is black, so of course you think he is guilty.
She ended the life formed through conception. On purpose. What is the conscious elimination of life of a human?

The democrats want you to forget that so when they dehumanize black people and other "undesirables" they can eliminate them without people considering it murder.

Like the KKK acting like black people weren't created by god, so evil. Good to kill.

Like the jim crow laws. "Keep those disgusting animals away from things people use!"

Crime bill 1996. "Lock up those superpredators!"

Fun fact: Democrats hired black pastors, to spread the message that "God wants black women to have abortions so they have more time to make money and become rich like whites!"

Sanger saw how fast the black population was producing and decided to do something about it. "Free Abortions!"

Who has suffered most from democrat policies driving business out of america? Black families.

Guess what guys! It's not racist if you say "sorry". That can take you from a 20% Naacp score to a 100%! Filibustering civil rights, voting rights, and hunting down black people for sport? Its ok. As long as you apologize 40 years later after you retire as grand cyclops.

You bring up that shit like it was yesterday but you ignore the same behavior from Republicans today? You have no credibility. Goodbye.
Okay, so Bill Clinton didn't make a mockery of the office of the President by getting blowjobs and lying about it under oath? Cute deflection. Funny how this rape stuff hasn't come up by any credible source other than hearsay, even with every media outlet attacking him nonstop for retweets. Laying it on a little thick, my man.

And let's examine your lengthy post.

-Graph of a nations' own population's opinion on their leadership, not world opinion of a country

-Private sector enrollment bar graph that says nothing about the distribution being low-wage service sector jobs due to Obamacare employer mandates. More =/= good.

-Inflation is still at .1% because of stagnating incomes and pitiful consumer confidence (see every missed target for retail holidays last year)

-The stock market is reflecting stimulus money being used to buy-back a company's own shares to manipulate value. What is QE 1,2, and 3. Doesn't sound like a healthy market needs annual stimulus injections and plunge protection teams.

-Never addressed 0% interest rates, which is theoretically absurd. No interest on bonds or deposits, 40-year bond at an all-time-low. Fundamentals are in the toilet.

-If he never started any wars, where did Libya go? Or Syria? He certainly backed a coup in Ukraine. Joe Biden's son and Kerry's stepson are now board members of Barista Energy, the largest non-state owned petroleum company in Ukraine. Funny coincidence.

-"Assad must go" lol

-Weed is still federally illegal, cool picture.

-sweet gays

You're not a smart man Buck.
Bravo,not a inch,did you even read it or are 12 and 13 year olds adults in your eyes too,so anything is game.

If a court of law finds the suit credible enough to proceed to trial, I will be the first to question his character. That has not happened. What has happened, is Bill Clinton being impeached for lying under oath regarding sexual impropriety with an intern. You assume Trump is a pervert, you know Clinton is a lying pervert. I'll stick to what I know, as you know what happens when you assume.
this rape stuff hasn't come up by any credible source

you don't think pulitzer prize winning news organizations are credible?

i guess that speaks to the fact that you are a deluded moron more than anything else.


you mean how trump retweets people with nazi imagery and white supremacist handles like "white genocide"?


-Graph of a nations' own population's opinion on their leadership, not world opinion of a country

so you can't read a graph either. hardly surprising.

those numbers came from thousands of people in countries all over the world giving their opinions on other countries, not their own.

wipe the drool off your chin before even trying to make a point.

he never started any wars

thanks, but i said that first.

sweet gays

it's already clear you are a white nationalist, so it's not surprising that you're also a bigoted homophobe.

why are you against marriage equality? it's pretty clear what the 14th amendment says. are you going to attempt some lame comeback about how it wasn't done "democratically"? let me go ahead and preempt you, hate monger racist.

"rights may not be submitted to a vote, the depend on the outcome of no elections"

learn to america you racist windbag.
HUFFPO AHHHHAHAHAHA damn son, I'm going to let that one go. Too easy. James Watson has a Nobel Prize but said some "off color" (look into it) things about other races. Having an award doesn't make you a good person. Obama has a Nobel Peace Prize and bombed a Doctors Without Boarders hospital. I know you're mollified by shiny objects.

-I never said anything about gays, those pictures didn't illustrate anything beyond "here are some gays"
-you make a lot of assertions
-bombing a country is actually an act of war, believe it or not
-where were those people polled, were they vetted, and was their country receiving foreign aid

You have a hard time recognizing bias, my man (oh here it comes). I think you have a histrionic personality disorder.
You seem completely subsumed with race and identity politics man, there is no depth to your understanding of anything beyond "HEY EVERYONE LOOK I'M A GOOD PERSON, BETTER THAN YOUUUUUU". Virtue-signaling at its finest. Just because a news agency is accredited doesn't mean it isn't heavily biased. You chastise people for their income and educations status, that is often a result of the status of their parents. You don't give a hoot about brown lives in the middle-east, because Obama kills them. I wouldn't even call you a racist, or a bigot, you just aren't a smart guy. Schizophrenic politics, vulgar language, rabid histrionics, you're pretty much the archetypical internet white-knight. Blacks and gays don't need you to save them with your spirited opinions, my dude. I take cash, gold, and money order; your good-boy points will get you no fire water here.
Anything calling you for what you are is a "meltdown" in the Buckniverse

I think I scare you Buck. Would you like me to go smugger on the anime avatar?

You're a histrionic white-knight, you live for other people's affirmations, you deify money, you're bigoted toward the poor, don't care about death abroad if Obama is the killer, and you're not financially savvy, despite claiming to be a millionaire window salesman. Ethno-masochist, whiny liberal Obamabot. Obsessed with penis size and identity politics.

YOU SIR, should probably stop reading the Huffington Post. It'll do that to even the best of us.
Anything calling you for what you are is a "meltdown" in the Buckniverse

I think I scare you Buck. Would you like me to go smugger on the anime avatar?

You're a histrionic white-knight, you live for other people's affirmations, you deify money, you're bigoted toward the poor, don't care about death abroad if Obama is the killer, and you're not financially savvy, despite claiming to be a millionaire window salesman. Ethno-masochist, whiny liberal Obamabot. Obsessed with penis size and identity politics.

YOU SIR, should probably stop reading the Huffington Post. It'll do that to even the best of us.

histrionics, eh?

only three members have used that word in that section, ever.

1. me, back in 2011 or so.
2. kkkynes, repeatedly and excessively.
3. doer, once in a while after listening to kkkynes.

well, that wasn't hard to discern.

welcome back, KKKynes. was the choomer sock too embarrassingly pathetic?

well, the white nationalist anime attempt is even more desperate.

i'm kinda considering rebutting some of your nonsense. nah. that's been done to death already.

america is doing GREAT right now. obama has done a great job by all accounts. even the conservatives have to admit it. his approval rating shows it.

hillary is next. it is inevitable. everything points to it. it is impossible to win an election with 11% hispanic support. it is impossible to win an election with 23% favorables among women. no other candidate in history has won after having been unable to trump up less than 42% support after being presumed to be the nominee (trump was at 38-40% after that, and is only now getting to 42%, LOL). trump has the highest unfavorables of any candidate ever, no other candidate has ever won with his unfavorables.

maybe he can turn it around by trying to point to plain reality and claim the sky is falling. it is not.

i'm glad you finally found a candidate that will cater to white nationalist, anime loving, fedora wearing, eternally friendzoned, low wage, nearly unemployable losers like you.

even stocking the hostess shelf at walmart is above you.
I'm Queef stooge hahahahahaha wuddup

I was actually pretty impressed, sniffed me out a while back, you rascal.

Obama's approval rating is 13%, hardly a glowing review. BOO I scared ya.

Honest question, if Trump wins (WHOAAAH CRAZY RIGHT?!), then what? Could I get an apology, or maybe a tender kiss on the forehead?

Serious question though.
I want you to know that I come back for you Buck, and I mean it. You're the nemesis I've always wanted. You make the all my nights darker and my days brighter. I think we understand one another. You clearly exhaust as much time as I do bickering into the wee hours of the morning. Like it or not, I think you appreciate me. All these months away from RIU, thinkin' I'd never come back,

never change, my friend.
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