Trump Nailed it!!!

OBAMA! Without him we would not be legal right now! and beautiful pot gardens in everyones backyard! I love how heated he was the other night.
Do you approve of Trump wanting to fuck his daughter...if she was not his daughter ?
i approve of Trump because he's a wild card. he's not a career politician, which we see what that gets us. he didn't an embassy to get attacked and sit with his thumbs up his ass and then say "what does it matter." he wasn't kicked off the watergate committee for being a liar(set a precedent for hillary though) he doesn't beat a drum to divide the citizens of this country. he doesn't have a political resume devoid of any real accomplishments. he's not a racist. and he doesn't want to destroy the fabric of this Country.

but the ad hominem virtue signaling bullshit you are talking about, are simply conjecture. i prefer to deal in the currency of reality.
i approve of Trump because he doesn't beat a drum to divide the citizens of this country.

yeah, nothing divisive about calling mexicans rapists and wanting to ban all muslims and saying that laziness is a trait in blacks and calling women fat pigs.

you are simply too retarded to exist.
if that's the case, that legalization is all barry the kenyan, why can't my fellow Veterans or i get prescribed med mj through the VA??

Because Obama thinks of you as a disposable human shield for Al-Qaeda. He'd rather see you dead than leading a well-deserved coup against his rogue government.
Because Obama thinks of you as a disposable human shield for Al-Qaeda. He'd rather see you dead than leading a well-deserved coup against his rogue government.

so you just got done trying to accuse the entire democratic party of being racist over one email, and yet you respond to a guy who just called the president a kenyan in the friendliest of tones?


you're too busy jerking off to cartoon anime to lead a revolution, kiddo. just pathetic.
Because Obama thinks of you as a disposable human shield for Al-Qaeda. He'd rather see you dead than leading a well-deserved coup against his rogue government.
that might be what he thinks, and he'd be horribly wrong in thinking the later isn't already underway. only an extremely misguided and vocal subset of a subset of the population wish to be subjects. i've never been in that boat. i'd sooner die than be put in chains. maybe that's why some people made better slaves than others.
that might be what he thinks, and he'd be horribly wrong in thinking the later isn't already underway. only an extremely misguided and vocal subset of a subset of the population wish to be subjects. i've never been in that boat. i'd sooner die than be put in chains. maybe that's why some people made better slaves than others.
Real talk, what are the chances of a full-blown military and intelligence coup if Hillary steals the general like the primary? I've heard the FBI are sharpening their pitchforks as we speak.
Real talk, what are the chances of a full-blown military and intelligence coup if Hillary steals the general like the primary? I've heard the FBI are sharpening their pitchforks as we speak.
100% is my estimation. that she slimed her way out of an indictment by hooking up that disgusting bitch loretta on the backend was pretty low. Americans are damn sick of being preached to by would-be dictators who are as dirty as a pig sty. they chose the wrong crowd to fuck over and shit on, and the Veterans who fought/bled/died/lost brothers over seas to foreign interests and to line politician's pockets...when given a chance to fight for something REAL and something that threatens our way of life and existence, whomever is on the business end of what happens better know that that is the end of them. the Founders knew what they were doing when they wrote "all enemies foreign and domestic."

and my issue isn't a left wing/right wing one. it's both sides that are equally culpable. gw bush/cheney should have AT THE LEAST received life in prison. only lunatics and low-information people think one side or the other has done no wrong. the system of the federal govt needs to be gutted from top to bottom and reforms need to be made to laws. esp when a congressman can spend one term in office and get a lifetime 6 figure pension and a high school kid can spend 5 years in the military and put his life on the line (which is done on a whim by the president and congress) and get out and receive not shit.
that might be what he thinks, and he'd be horribly wrong in thinking the later isn't already underway. only an extremely misguided and vocal subset of a subset of the population wish to be subjects. i've never been in that boat. i'd sooner die than be put in chains. maybe that's why some people made better slaves than others.
Real talk, what are the chances of a full-blown military and intelligence coup if Hillary steals the general like the primary? I've heard the FBI are sharpening their pitchforks as we speak.
100% is my estimation. that she slimed her way out of an indictment by hooking up that disgusting bitch loretta on the backend was pretty low. Americans are damn sick of being preached to by would-be dictators who are as dirty as a pig sty. they chose the wrong crowd to fuck over and shit on, and the Veterans who fought/bled/died/lost brothers over seas to foreign interests and to line politician's pockets...when given a chance to fight for something REAL and something that threatens our way of life and existence, whomever is on the business end of what happens better know that that is the end of them. the Founders knew what they were doing when they wrote "all enemies foreign and domestic."

and my issue isn't a left wing/right wing one. it's both sides that are equally culpable. gw bush/cheney should have AT THE LEAST received life in prison. only lunatics and low-information people think one side or the other has done no wrong. the system of the federal govt needs to be gutted from top to bottom and reforms need to be made to laws. esp when a congressman can spend one term in office and get a lifetime 6 figure pension and a high school kid can spend 5 years in the military and put his life on the line (which is done on a whim by the president and congress) and get out and receive not shit.

awwww, look at the internet revolutionaries plan their little revolution.

i'll tell you what, kiddos. i will supply both of you with AR15s and 1000 rounds of ammo, all on my dime. all i ask for in return is live footage of both of you starting your revolution against obama and hillary.

do we have a deal, or are you two little pussies gonna pussy out?

i approve of Trump because he's a wild card. he's not a career politician, which we see what that gets us. he didn't an embassy to get attacked and sit with his thumbs up his ass and then say "what does it matter." he wasn't kicked off the watergate committee for being a liar(set a precedent for hillary though) he doesn't beat a drum to divide the citizens of this country. he doesn't have a political resume devoid of any real accomplishments. he's not a racist. and he doesn't want to destroy the fabric of this Country.

but the ad hominem virtue signaling bullshit you are talking about, are simply conjecture. i prefer to deal in the currency of reality.

LOL ad hominem??? racist imbecile. "the currency of reality" No, your racist fantasies, misguided commitments and chronic masturbation provide capital only in the currency of ignorant , isolated struggleville.

Trump's Appetite for Destruction: How Disastrous Convention Doomed GOP

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if that's the case, that legalization is all barry the kenyan, why can't my fellow Veterans or i get prescribed med mj through the VA??

What type of delusional fucking imbecile utters"barry the keynan" and imagines he is not immediately discarded as a common turd?
"currency of reality" a bit of reality would be a a fucking size 12 up your man pussy

Youre dumber than fuck bro, though that is not your biggest failing.