Trump Nailed it!!!

It is only sick if he wants to have sex with her which clearly he doesnt. You avoided the question which was - You dont think she has a nice body?

Your answer is gonna be yes so Trump just stated the truth. I do understand your aversion to the truth but you cant fault him for stating it.
Ivanka being fuckable is perhaps the truest thing I have ever heard the man say. Most of what comes out his mouth is just pure lies. But it is his daughter for gods sake.
Ivanka being fuckable is perhaps the truest thing I have ever heard the man say. Most of what comes out his mouth is just pure lies. But it is his daughter for gods sake.
Just another lying slimeball looking to be the next Uncle Puke. Good company you keep.
I believe the comment was prefaced with "If she were not my daughter" and finishes with "perhaps I would be dating her". Seems you and fogfraud are being a bit hyperbolic.
Just another lying slimeball looking to be the next Uncle Puke. Good company you keep.
I believe the comment was prefaced with "If she were not my daughter" and finishes with "perhaps I would be dating her". Seems you and fogfraud are being a bit hyperbolic.
the fact this is even an argument to bring Trump down shows how deep the low-information people are willing to dig....for the glimmer of a hope to trash someone they simply don't like. luckily hillary leaves her trash at the curb.
Just another lying slimeball looking to be the next Uncle Puke. Good company you keep.
I believe the comment was prefaced with "If she were not my daughter" and finishes with "perhaps I would be dating her". Seems you and fogfraud are being a bit hyperbolic.
the fact this is even an argument to bring Trump down shows how deep the low-information people are willing to dig....for the glimmer of a hope to trash someone they simply don't like. luckily hillary leaves her trash at the curb.

Just another lying slimeball looking to be the next Uncle Puke. Good company you keep.
I believe the comment was prefaced with "If she were not my daughter" and finishes with "perhaps I would be dating her". Seems you and fogfraud are being a bit hyperbolic.
so he has looked upon at his daughter. Compliments her nice body and wishes he could perhaps fuck her, if only she was not his daughter.
He actually thinks about fucking his daughter, if she was not his daughter.
so he has looked upon at his daughter. Compliments her nice body and wishes he could perhaps fuck her, if only she was not his daughter.
He actually thinks about fucking his daughter, if she was not his daughter.
are you projecting, or is all that nonsense a direct quote? because he never said any of that. literally none. so nice way to create facts for a bullshit argument. next time preface all that horse shit with "i think he thinks" or even "i think"
so he has looked upon at his daughter. Compliments her nice body and wishes he could perhaps fuck her, if only she was not his daughter.
He actually thinks about fucking his daughter, if she was not his daughter.
Don't forget the ass-grab. Finshaggy's mom has nothing on Donald. I guess they were both drunk... Fin's mom on spritzers and TRUMP! on power.
They are the only two people comfortable, everybody else was clearly creeped out. It was visceral.

He was on a talk show and they asked him what if his daughter was nude in his magazine. It was already uncomfortable and they made it that way on purpose.

Trumps reaction was funny and gracious to his daughter and he laughed his way out of an uncomfortable interview question.

If you dont think the reaction was scripted you are fooling yourself. The cast was going to be creeped out no matter what he said... It is a TV show.
He was on a talk show and they asked him what if his daughter was nude in his magazine. It was already uncomfortable and they made it that way on purpose.

Trumps reaction was funny and gracious to his daughter and he laughed his way out of an uncomfortable interview question.

If you dont think the reaction was scripted you are fooling yourself. The cast was going to be creeped out no matter what he said... It is a TV show.
I like the way you systematically invalidate every source that says or shows something you are uncomfortable with
are you projecting, or is all that nonsense a direct quote? because he never said any of that. literally none. so nice way to create facts for a bullshit argument. next time preface all that horse shit with "i think he thinks" or even "i think"
"think" My dude your idea of thinking is like a gnats idea of soaring

Older, whiter, less educated demographic is shrinking and becoming less relevant all the time. After this election a geriatric racist half with platform could use your crippled thinking to develop a rotted platform
Continuing to try and make the same fraudulent misrepresentation just makes you look like a loser. Kind of an obsessive ass-wagon with obvious mental shortcomings. Speaking of...
From what I understand you actually want to keep your daughters away from both Bill AND Hillary. I have heard that some embassies have a rule that anytime Hilldabeast is around she is never to be served by less than 2 people in the room because of her hitting on the young girl help. Fucking Lesbian predator. Nice royal couple you have there.
your masturbation fantasies are bleeding through your imbecile protests. Youre as convincing as trumps wife's cv.