Trump To Turn Himself In

Well everyone thinks your from my saying American from Colorado was way closer. Besides your into union we've had a conversation. I know you're a Considered Liberal™ a notch above moderate, which if no one is paying attention, Libertarian.
The only people who thought I was from Australia were the people who aren't paying attention. Libertarians don't support social services, which I do, so I can't be a Libertarian. You just want me to me something else in your mind, because I'm not happy with Biden (who I voted for). Biden is a moderate at best.
isn't it amazing how conspiracy theorists, political extremists, and fascist, racist, hate mongers can all follow the same clearly fucked up, idiotic, nonsensical ideas down rabbit holes so deep they never find their way back out?
And then they all want to tell everyone else how stupid they are for refusing to stick their heads down the same useless rabbit we're all operating in an echo chamber, because we refuse to amplify their insanity?
Why do we put up with them in general? why don't we re-open the state mental institutions the reagan administration shut down, and stuff the worst of them in a padded cell, where they belong, where they can't harm themselves, or ANYONE ELSE...?
So you want to imprison anyone who has an alternate viewpoint from you? Wow, just wow.

Trump’s legal tsunami just got worse: Why threats, lies, secrecy and ‘death’ warning won’t work

155,963 views Mar 27, 2023 #Trump #AlvinBragg #Politics
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg received a death threat in the mail -- an envelope containing white powder -- which tests showed to be non-hazardous and a message reading "Alvin: I am going to kill you!” It comes as Donald Trump, who Bragg is investigating warned of possible "death and destruction" if he is indicted. Bragg had stated he will not "tolerate attempts to intimidate" his office. MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports on Trump's history of intimidation and the history of efforts to intimidate prosecutors, stating those tactics don't work against prosecution. Melber is joined by presidential historian Michael Beschloss on "The Beat" who says Trump is a “legal danger” adding that “to understand this, you have to look at the history of violence and terrorism in America.”

Donald Trump's threats to NY DA Alvin Bragg VIOLATE BOTH NEW YORK AND FEDERAL criminal statutes.

20,769 views Mar 27, 2023 #TeamJustice
As former president Donald Trump continues to violate federal and local laws, this time by threatening the very prosecutor who in preparing to indict him for his earlier crimes in New York, the American people are left to wonder why no law enforcement officials have seen fit to step up and address these crimes by charging Donald Trump.

Trump's threats violate New York State law section 195.05 - threatening a government official in an attempt to interfere with official duties. Trump threats also violate federal law - 18 US Code section 875c - be transmitting in interstate commerce a threat to injure a person, which is precisely what Trump did when he posted (thereby transmitting in interstate commerce) a picture of himself appearing two swing a baseball bat at DA Bragg.
Well this is new.

Unfortunately, your recent report has been rejected: Post in thread 'Trump To Turn Himself In' - We moderate tos disinformation isn’t the tos

You read it^^^ Disinformation..okay.

Disinformation is never okay.

Good bye.
correct we do not moderate disinformation, media , growing science how to grow marijuana correctly,etc we moderate the tos.

I really truly dont understand how anyone would expect a small admin staff to moderate "the truth" across the forum on a whole. we cant do that that isnt what moderating is
no forum does that
moderating is moderating the forum for spam, technical issues and the terms of service , name calling, threats etc

we arent here to admin how to properly utilize really shocked people think we are required or demand we do this.