Trump To Turn Himself In

MSNBC is biased and occasionally makes mistakes. They do not promote false stories or conspiracy theories like the commentators or FOX does.

But really, the guy who claimed FOX and MSNBC were same except different in bias is pretty loose with facts himself. So, take his words for what they are worth. He's more like Fox than MSNBC.


I tend to think all the 24hr news is trash...but absolutely not the same. The need to fill the air time just leads to a decay in reporting/journalism. It's a flaw in the design. Reporting should be succinct, 24hr news is not that by design.

That is kind of where my both sides-er-ism ends. Conservative media just isn't factually correct, goes beyond spinning to nonsense. We see it here, their viewers trot out tabloids as evidence. Does the web format give it more credibility? The "Elvis lives" stories used to be enough that nobody had the expectation that it was real...yet here we are with 25% of us just being morons. Muh gawd Jim Bob, how many of those people think wrasslin is real.

Though I do often find the cnn/msnbc POV very annoying. Their coverage is what I watch/see so that's most of my exposure with the format.
Wait. You sayin rasslin ain’t real?
Vince McMahon is also a real asshole. I mean like pure.

I can honestly say I’ve never watched WWF for more than a few minutes, not my thing.

As a business and industry I think it's fascinating and have read way way more history on it than is reasonable. McMahon is an asshole in an endless sea of them.

I very much enjoy stuff that is a crazy spectacle and kind of weird or cheesy. Wrasslin fits in so well. It is the sport acting version of the Wisconsin Dells. Like if you could bodyslam someone off the top of the world's biggest rubber band ball, I would probably cum all over the place.
Trump in Waco on the anniversary of we all know what is another blatant attempt rile far right provacateurs into more violence,right on the heals of him portraying Jan 6 as some heroic,national holiday.The sacrilege this guy is capable of is immeasurable,I think he wants to binge on Big Macs and cokes watching America burn from a recliner in Mar-A -Lago.
Vince McMahon is also a real asshole. I mean like pure.

I can honestly say I’ve never watched WWF for more than a few minutes, not my thing.
It ripped my heart out to find out shit like how little Ultimate Warrior was making at his absolute peak, even Hogan as the golden boy of WWF was making "food stamps" compared to, say professional football players while quite frankly he probably pulled in more money for his sport. McMahon just sat on a throne of Hogan & Warrior's money.
Haven't you learned yet that if you express any views that don't fit in with the agenda you automatically get labeled as a Maga conspiracy lunatic?
the facts are available...many of us took the time to look at the facts. When someone comes along and starts disputing the facts, denying them...what would you call that person? would you take the time to politely point them all to the truth that they will deny, because it doesn't confirm their biases? Or would you eventually just get tired of them and start telling them to hit the fucking road with their horseshit?
Most of them aren't innocents that wander in by mistake, they're active trolls looking for "libs to pwn"...and the libs are tired of their shit. Sorry if an "innocent" sometimes gets caught in the crossfire...but i think that's actually a pretty rare occasion. I think most people that come here spouting lies, misinformation, and hate get exactly what they have coming.
looks like the squeeze in on for Mr Captain Caps Lock (Jacks saying for him)

i would dance in the street and have a party if trump gave himself a crippling stroke worrying about this shit...that would be true justice, for that fat loudmouthed fuck to be silenced and wheelchair bound while the gears of justice destroy his family "empire" of shit.
i would dance in the street and have a party if trump gave himself a crippling stroke worrying about this shit...that would be true justice, for that fat loudmouthed fuck to be silenced and wheelchair bound while the gears of justice destroy his family "empire" of shit.

oh it would be total justice....

i can see it now "trump has passed away, on his golden toliet while post on his social media account" we must morn...nope, for me it would be party on
it just takes sooo loonng....I understand wanting to do things right, but if it takes this long to do things right legally, perhaps an overhaul of the system is in order.

it does...

thumpers stall tactics is really what's going on, imho he should have been picked up right after J6 and held in jail while the investigations happen this way he has no platform to spew on....

and we if are gonna ovehaul the judical system lets start with SCOTUS.....