Trump To Turn Himself In

There are a lot of allegations of "massive corruption" by the Bidens but as far as I can tell the only evidence is that Rupert and the trips and the other GOP propagandists keep repeating it. It's hard to keep track of what the right wing considers as "evidence" any more, though, when their propagandists admit lying to them and chuckle about their gullibility.
Facts don't have to be true to be believed.
Him dying isn't true justice so I hope I'm wrong, but I mean. . ..the way shit's played out this far, literally ANY.OTHER.PERSON. on the face of planet Earth, in his shoes/in his exact situation, and there have been some, would be behind bars already.

WHY IS HE SO GAWDDAMN UNTOUCHABLE, I just don't get it, but I clearly see it.
Him dying isn't true justice so I hope I'm wrong, but I mean. . ..the way shit's played out this far, literally ANY.OTHER.PERSON. on the face of planet Earth, in his shoes/in his exact situation, and there have been some, would be behind bars already.

WHY IS HE SO GAWDDAMN UNTOUCHABLE, I just don't get it, but I clearly see it.
Because its all staged, clearly.
The childish simplicity and false pose of authority in that diagram reminds me of this quote from your guidebook to being a good fascist:

“‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.’”

"The True Political Spectrum" lulz. Who said it was true? Certainly not anybody who was trying to inform. That bit of propaganda fluff was written to influence, not inform. From the very beginning of the use of the terms "right" and "left" to characterize one's political bias, the people on the right were authoritarians. They are the ones who supported monarchy or, after the king's head was removed, they supported the dictator and autocratic rule, such as fascism. People on the left supported democracy, individual rights, a constitution and liberal rule. Also, anarchists were hopelessly idealistic but they did not endorse chaos, the very make-up of the word means "having no ruler". But that didn't mean no rules. It meant the people ruling themselves.

Don't insult the people of this forum's intelligence by posting propaganda crap like that.
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