Trump To Turn Himself In

You appear to be backtracking. Now you think this indictment is a relatively minor thing when before he was on his way to prison over it. I'm glad I was able to open your eyes. That's all I was trying to do. And despite all the name calling and other nonsense I put up with I kept trying and it appears I was at least somewhat successful. I'm glad I was able to help if only in a small way.
It is the most minor charge and the hardest one to prove. It is just because it is first, the first president in US history to be criminally indicted, it was and is all over the news. There will probably be more charges added to this indictment and then there are other separate corporate and tax matters. This indictment includes 32 charges and a couple of them are criminal, so far. The issue of the statute of limitations will be handled in pretrial motions, like Dershowitz's argument on a technicality. Make no mistake, if he does get off, it will be on a technicality, not on the facts.
It is the most minor charge and the hardest one to prove. It is just because it is first, the first president in US history to be criminally indicted, it was and is all over the news. There will probably be more charges added to this indictment and then there are other separate corporate and tax matters. This indictment includes 32 charges and a couple of them are criminal, so far. The issue of the statute of limitations will be handled in pretrial motions, like Dershowitz's argument on a technicality. Make no mistake, if he does get off, it will be on a technicality, not on the facts.

Is it about news or justice? What relevance does being on the news have to do with anything?

It's not a technicality it's the law. The Manhattan DA's office was well aware of the length of time they had to bring a case yet they did nothing. The argument that trump was out of the state is pretty lame due to the fact that they knew where trump was the entire time and had ample opportunity to indict within the time frame required. They can't claim that they couldn't indict because he was out of state and in Florida when that's exactly what they're doing now after the time has lapsed.
If you are going to cite the law, at least read the thing first. This is what is stated in the law that regulates the timeliness of prosecution:

4) In calculating the time limitation applicable to commencement of a criminal action, the following periods shall not be included:

(a) Any period following the commission of the offense during which (i) the defendant was continuously outside this state

in no event shall the period of limitation be extended by more than five years

Conald Trump was president between 2017 and 2021. Since then, his main residence is in Florida. Altogether, he's spent only a few months in New York between when he committed his alleged crimes (2016) and now. Or, perhaps you forgot that the POTUS resides in the White House, which is located outside of New York?

Oh and another thing, they couldn't indict Trump before now because the indictment didn't exist until now. I'm embarrassed for you I had to point that out.

I did a little checking on the source of your claims. lol at you falling for just another lie by Trump:

Q&A on Grand Jury Investigation of Trump in New York

What is Trump’s response to the indictment? :lol:

Trump also claimed prosecutors “are MANY years beyond the Statute of Limitations which, in this instance, is TWO YEARS.” While the statute of limitations is two years for most misdemeanors in New York, it is five years for felonies like the one that Trump might face. And that can be extended for any time a defendant spends “continuously outside this state [New York]” — such as if someone was living in Washington, D.C., or Florida — adding up to an additional five years to the statute of limitations.

Trump lies much more often than he tells the truth. You should be more careful about where to source your cherry picked babble.
Mr. Trump, your pretrial motion is denied...
We have seen his supporters rally here and what a pathetic sight to behold, it was like outside the courthouse in NY last week with just a couple of lunatics! :lol:

Whenever the great white hope is in shit they crawl out of the woodwork like cockroaches in panic at the smell of smoke. :dunce:

Far-right extremist groups grapple with Trump's indictment

37,522 views Apr 1, 2023 Weekends with Jonathan Capehart
NBC News senior reporter Brandy Zadrozny joins MSNBC's special coverage to discuss how far-right extremists are reacting to the news of Donald Trump's indictment, as well as what to expect from Trump's arraignment in Manhattan.
We have seen his supporters rally here and what a pathetic sight to behold, it was like outside the courthouse in NY last week with just a couple of lunatics! :lol:

Whenever the great white hope is in shit they crawl out of the woodwork like cockroaches in panic at the smell of smoke. :dunce:

Far-right extremist groups grapple with Trump's indictment

37,522 views Apr 1, 2023 Weekends with Jonathan Capehart
NBC News senior reporter Brandy Zadrozny joins MSNBC's special coverage to discuss how far-right extremists are reacting to the news of Donald Trump's indictment, as well as what to expect from Trump's arraignment in Manhattan.
According to Zadrozny who is "old enough to remember the Tea Party" lol, people monitoring right wing sites do not see the kind of enthusiasm for militant action that Trump's indictment had compared to the immediate responses that numbered in the hundreds of thousands after Trump's call to "stop the steal".

She sees a connection between the prosecution of Jan 6 rioters and a hesitancy of right wing terrorists to put themselves in the same legal jeopardy. It looks like the trend is going in a good direction for our democracy. But only because the US has put seditionists behind bars. People who use the threat of terrorism as a reason to not prosecute Trump are advocating against the very thing that is stopping white supremacists from rioting in the streets. Authoritarians understand authority. If reason doesn't persuade them from violence against the people of this country, maybe a healthy dose of the justice system will.

That said, Zadrozny predicts attempts at terrorist acts against witnesses, politicians and lawyers who are only now beginning the prosecution of Trump for his alleged crimes. We have a long way to go and we will only get there through application of the rule of law. Ensuring that white terrorists see that Trump is not above it will go a long way to convincing the MAGA crowd that they aren't above it either.
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According to Zadrozny who is "old enough to remember the Tea Party" lol, people monitoring right wing sites do not see the kind of enthusiasm for militant action that Trump's indictment had compared to the immediate responses that numbered in the hundreds of thousands after Trump's call to "stop the steal".

She sees a connection between the prosecution of Jan 6 rioters and a hesitancy of right wing terrorists to put themselves in the same legal jeopardy. It looks like the trend is going in a good direction for our democracy. But only because the US has put seditionists behind bars. People who use the threat of terrorism as a reason to not prosecute Trump are advocating against the very thing that is stopping white supremacists from rioting in the streets. Authoritarians understand authority. If reason doesn't persuade them from violence against the people of this country, maybe a healthy dose of the justice system will.

That said, Zadrozny predicts attempts at terrorist acts against witnesses, politicians and lawyers who are only now beginning the prosecution of Trump for his alleged crimes. We have a long way to go and we will only get there through application of the rule of law. Ensuring that white terrorists see that Trump is not above it will go a long way to convincing the MAGA crowd that they aren't above it either.
Accountability works every time, it was the perceived "air cover" Trump gave the miscreants that caused them to act up and emulate their invulnerable hero. Getting screwed while the "elites" get off helps a lot too, Donald never paid anybody's legal bills and I have yet to hear an apology from fox to their viewers.

It is all adding up and the weight of reality is crushing Trump and them. Those republicans who buy Donald's ticket for this indictment, will be along for the ride for the other ones too, it will be exhausting! Carrying Donald's water will be like rolling Sisyphus's stone, there's no end to it! :lol: It is a Hell of their own creation....
I got an idea for the MAGATs, Donald should march to NY from Florida for his indictment! As he goes, he will be like Alexander the great and the multitude at his back will grow with each mile north. Dunno how many Depends a mile he will get, they don't allow golf carts on public roads and Donald doesn't have a driver's license. When they hit NY they should be a million morons strong, it will scare all the prosecutors and then they will drop all the charges then apologize to Donald and the whole thing will go away... Sounds like a plan! :lol:
I got an idea for the MAGATs, Donald should march to NY from Florida for his indictment! As he goes, he will be like Alexander the great and the multitude at his back will grow with each mile north. Dunno how many Depends a mile he will get, they don't allow golf carts on public roads and Donald doesn't have a driver's license. When they hit NY they should be a million morons strong, it will scare all the prosecutors and then they will drop all the charges then apologize to Donald and the whole thing will go away... Sounds like a plan! :lol:
Trump won't walk, he'll be carried in the style of an ancient Roman Emperor.
