Trump To Turn Himself In

I'm of the opinion that equality under the law in this public matter begins with Donald's arraignment for a plea, that's when he enters the "machine". He must be treated no better and no worse than any other defendant who told the judge to fuck off and refused to recognize the proceedings while attempting to walk out... :lol: Donald is under a lot of strain and has a tenuous and fluid grasp on reality at best, he could crack or flip out, this will be a novel experience for him and he might lose his mind or fuck up if his ego is challenged. If the prosecutor were to call him stupid for instance...
I saw in a clip you probably posted that trump has a particularly strong dislike for this judge so it could get interesting.
Ever find it odd that there's no translation for schadenfreude to English? Germans seem to be the only nationality willing to accept this as a human emotion, meanwhile it concurrently seems to be the main emotion that fuels the temperament of North Americans at large.
In the case of trump’s indictment, Is it schadenfreude I’m feeling or simply just happiness because justice is finally being served to a serial criminal.


Yeah get I really psyched when people use the law to their advantage legally, especially when an evil-doer has tried to cock-block them.

Words of the Senate Chaplain to Disney's ears. While Disney is not a Sovereign Nation, they might as well be, in Florida. I've always thought of them as state within state. Almost like DC. I know that those words were used for unbearable loss of life daily here in the US now, but they apply to every situation. Everyone must step up and act. Disney rendered DeSantis powerless. That was a huge win for Democracy..and Meatball Ron? Not so much.
Ever find it odd that there's no translation for schadenfreude to English? Germans seem to be the only nationality willing to accept this as a human emotion, meanwhile it concurrently seems to be the main emotion that fuels the temperament of North Americans at large.

Ummm no, the definition is there.
How about we cut military spending by a few percent and use that? Our military is bigger than all other counties combined! Maybe its time to stop acting as the corrupt police of the globe and figure out or own problems. Or create a policy where any future president has to disclose all their ownings and if they are found to be hiding anything later they must then give up their position and pay fines comparable to the holdings they didnt disclose.

We're like Knights Templar and have been charged with this burden.

Europe was unstable during the Trump years; fear and chaos in the air.
It's just an opinion piece but Alan Dershowitz makes a compelling argument as to why this is such a weak case. But what does he know about the law. He was only a Harvard Law professor from 1964 until 2013. Not much legal background there but he still makes some good points.

Trump Indictment Case Looks Like a Weak Exercise in Creative Prosecution | Opinion
ON 3/31/23 AT 9:56 AM EDT

When a district attorney who ran as a Democrat and promised to "get" Donald Trump indicts the candidate running for president against the incumbent head of his party, he had better have a slam dunk case. Although we don't know exactly what the Manhattan grand jury indicted Trump for, it seems likely, based on what we know, that this is a very weak case which would never have been brought against anyone else.

If this indictment is based on the hush money paid to a former porn star and the manner by which it was recorded in corporate records, this may be one of the weakest cases in my experience. It is a stale case that appears to be beyond the statute of limitations. The DA may argue that Trump was out of the state continuously during the period of limitations, thus tolling—that is, pausing—the statute of limitations, because the former president couldn't be indicted while out of state. But Trump was indicted while he was in Florida, so he could have been indicted any time over the past 7 years. Why wasn't he?

Lolita Expressssssssssssss..reaching aren't we?
My father was a pentecostal minister who did missionary work in Guatemala in the early '60s

what did your daddy do?

This is why you are in a Ska band, it all makes sense.

I don't think schadenfreude is really it's own feeling. It's pleasure/joy/happiness caused by something, we don't have a fancy word for pleasure derived from food or sex or whatever else floats your boat.

As a general thing towards random people I would agree it's a negative. When a particularly vile person gets their comeuppance though, idk, I guess I think its fine in some circumstances. Perhaps it's just embracing karma and deriving pleasure from seeing it at work.

Let's say you have a shitty dude that spends their life trying to get wheelchair ramps removed. Just a giant asshole, going around tipping over wheel chairs and such, bulldozing ramps left and right. I'm good with feeling happy if that guy got hit by a car and wound up paralyzed. I couldn't say if my happiness was derived from his misfortune, or just from seeing karma (or whatever) dealing out justice. It can be both.

Edit: I don't know how I feel about when I derive joy from seeing people crash their bike when riding with no hands. I don't feel joy seeing a normal bike wreck, but when some dude on a bike using his hands to do a rubicks cube runs into a street sign, highlight of the day.
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Something something NY clock stops when they're out of state, and given how much time the orange shart spent at his merdalardo play castle, the clock hasn't run out?

It's called tolling basically pausing when a party is unable to be located. This case does not appear to fall under that. They can claim that he was out of state and he was but if they can indict him now they could have indicted trump years ago. He was not in hiding. He was in plain site. That's the point Dershowitz is making and it makes sense. trumps whereabouts have always been known. There is no difference today than two years ago.
Dershowitz lost all credibility representing trump in the second impeachment trial. trump is hard on lawyers, member when Rudy was America’s mayor?

Maybe he lost all credibility with you but that's completely meaningless and has no relevance. You're putting too much in what you think instead of what a court in the United States might decide.
How come Dershowitz isn't representing him in court, he makes such good arguments, why leave it to a mug like Taco Joe?

Why are you asking me? Do you think I can read minds?

Well since I'm not lazy like most I'll take a few seconds to see if I can find out. Oh wow! That was easier than I thought. Apparently it's about money. Imagine that. A lawyer making decisions for monetary reasons.

"Dershowitz spoke from experience."

"After he represented Trump in his Senate impeachment trial, Dershowitz said he lost job opportunities and many of his speaking engagements."

Why are you asking me? Do you think I can read minds?

Well since I'm not lazy like most I'll take a few seconds to see if I can find out. Oh wow! That was easier than I thought. Apparently it's about money. Imagine that. A lawyer making decisions for monetary reasons.

"Dershowitz spoke from experience."

"After he represented Trump in his Senate impeachment trial, Dershowitz said he lost job opportunities and many of his speaking engagements."

So, his peers think he's an asshole too, so what, act like an asshole and lose friends, nothing new, that is what liberty is all about, freedom of association.