Trump To Turn Himself In

I'm hoping eventually the magats have a "free Donald" camp and permanent protest outside the gates of the supermax in Colorado until he croaks.

Sounds great, I'm fine with this. Gets cold down there. Let's see how they do out in the elements.

The tweets will be gold "day 2...out of funions, morale is slipping. At least the thought of hunter bidens penis keeps me warm at night."
:clap:hope they can get him behind bars soon, see how much all his dollars can help him in there, for a while, be hilarious
There are an army of lawyers looking for any money he does actually have for clients in lawsuits and Jack could take his stop the steal con cash over wire and mail fraud. Then Donald might actually owe hundreds of millions in taxes, perhaps billions after a proper audit of his taxes.
There are an army of lawyers looking for any money he does actually have for clients in lawsuits and Jack could take his stop the steal con cash over wire and mail fraud. Then Donald might actually owe hundreds of millions in taxes, perhaps billions after a proper audit of his taxes.

and would all this still be happening you think if he just handed over power to Biden gracefully
They have locked up some high profile people. Again, don't care much about the hush money case, whatever gets the ball rolling...I think house arrest would be acceptable and fine for that.

J6 and the election tampering (possibly the docs if they can prove intent) is over there in epstein/specter/shrekli territory. He has to go to jail, assuming the accusations are true. Rich people can get away with a fucking lot, tons, but eventually there is a bridge to far.
and would all this still be happening you think if he just handed over power to Biden gracefully,

obviously that would be impossible for trump, to do but if he did?
If he didn't try to steal the election or top-secret documents, he would have gotten a pass federally, but something federal would catch up to him eventually. If he didn't try to steal the election Georgia would not be charging him and who knows what NY would do, if nobody else did anything. Now he is looking at unavoidable state indictments with slam dunk cases over very serious crimes with very serious time attached. NY is not that big a deal, but it is a criminal case, and a conviction would change Donald's legal and social statues, it could tangle up his feet while the main blow falls elsewhere. We don't know when or if Donald will be charged in NY, it could just be about Stormy, or they could have a string of indictments waiting for him with more to follow later.
and would all this still be happening you think if he just handed over power to Biden gracefully,

obviously that would be impossible for trump, to do but if he did?
I would imagine it depends on whether Mar-a-lago would still have been searched. I cannot estimate how much J6 affected that decision.
The question of Donald's incarceration could come up a lot faster than many think. Donald could be indicted tomorrow and arraigned for a plea hearing, after that a judge owns his ass until trial. If Donald keeps shooting off his mouth after indictment, he might be charged with contempt of court, or the judge hauls him in and rips a strip off his ass while giving him shit and a dire warning. So once indicted, stress and impulse driven Donald could fuck up his conditions of release, like he's fucked up everything else he ever touched.
Donald could be indicted tomorrow
If we hold to the fairly reliable hypothesis that his digestive tract has two Out ports (making him, in violation of more than one conservation principle, a perpetual-motion shit generator) the fact that he said so makes it near-certain to be just another false mouth dump. We’ll know soon enough, and I hope not to eat his words.

"One of the debates swirling around these lawsuits hinges on the idea that sending Trump to jail would somehow inalterably damage the majesty or utility of the presidency. Therefore, no matter how grotesque his actions, Trump should be given a pass. Maybe, the argument, goes, Trump will then just agree to never run for president again. As if Trump, epic breaker of deals, would ever honor an agreement like that. I’m in the camp that believes that the rule of law is paramount and applies to all, and hand-wringing about the presidency is less important.
Disregard that debate, however, and consider this: If Trump is found guilty of charges stemming from the Justice Department investigations, he could be prevented from holding office again. The debate over imprisoning him becomes secondary. Seeing Trump in an orange jumpsuit may be emotionally satisfying to some, but it’s not the main event. Keeping him out of the White House is."

"somehow inalterably damage the majesty or utility of the presidency."...The miserable cocksuckers put a scumbag, conman, white trash piece of shit like trump in office, and they use that as an argument?...
The patients are in charge of the asylum...
By what legal mechanism would he avoid it? Only Garland or the director of the department of prisons can alter Donald's federal incarceration from what would normally happen for these crimes. Other than isolating him and making provisions for the SS, I don't see house arrest in his future. Then there are the state charges, and, in each state, it is a state official who makes the call as to where Donald does his time. The feds might supersede everything, but he could be doing state time until they do. There is no provision in the law for Ex presidents, they are just like anybody else, it's just tradition and Donald shit on that. His crimes are serious enough to warrant life in prison and wherever he goes there will be a domestic terrorist threat from his fans,
He’ll be dead before he’s incarcerated. You’re old enough to remember 1974, right?

I would bet a lot of money he never sees the inside of a prison.
He’ll be dead before he’s incarcerated. You’re old enough to remember 1974, right?

I would bet a lot of money he never sees the inside of a prison.
Not likely he’s imprisoned for the NY thing if convicted.

But if DOJ gets either conviction, I think it’s a cell.

The Georgia thing on its own, toss-up.
To be clear I believe he will be convicted and should be thrown in prison the rest of his life.

Like Nixon, he’ll be pardoned, “for the sake of the country”.
He'll have to wait for a Republican to win the presidency. It wouldn't play well if Biden pardoned him. It didn't work out well for Ford. He needs to have his phone taken away. No posts of any kind.