Trump To Turn Himself In

Tell us again how The Left burned Portland to the ground.
The far, extreme left.

The far, extreme left.

The last far left video I posted featured a respected conservative judge, consulted by no less than Pence himself over the certification. He is a former republican with a dire warning about the current party, it is funny how many former republicans there are on far-left TV networks, half of MSNBCs talking heads are former republicans.
The last far left video I posted featured a respected conservative judge, consulted by no less than Pence himself over the certification. He is a former republican with a dire warning about the current party, it is funny how many former republicans there are on far-left TV networks, half of MSNBCs talking heads are former republicans.
Compared to Trump and his MAGA fascist GOP, that judge is far to the left of them.
Compared to Trump and his MAGA fascist GOP, that judge is far to the left of them.
He is that dying breed, a conservative, but also a patriot which is why he is speaking out and when guys like that speak out about republicans and the danger to democracy, it is best to pay attention. I do get a kick out of people calling MSNBC or other far left networks when they are full of former republicans all giving the same dire warnings about the republican party. The conversation is not about ideology, right or left, it is about democracy and the constitutional order and its preservation, that much is agreed upon by patriots.
if you found a scorpion in your bathroom, about to sting you on the balls, would you tax it?
SAME FUCKING THING, far as i'm concerned...i can do without that dirty money, i'd rather extermiante the poisonous vermin.
There is no freedom from religion without freedom of religion.

So while I don’t share in a religion, I am obligated to respect those who choose it. I simply do not think we are biologically, evolutionarily ready to convince people in general to do without. Freedom has warts.

However, I’d like their tax-free status to end. They are for-profit corporate entities and should be treated as such.

Perhaps there should be something like the Surgeon General’s warning on the covers of the books. ;)
Even the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion is undergoing a rebranding.

...the world socialist website...the self proclaimed "online newspaper of the international Trotskyist movement"...Trotsky was a Marxist. doesn't that make Trotskyists Marxist? pretty sure trotsky was a communist, and NOT a socialist.
That's lame, and surprisingly considering where you live. I can't think of ever hearing someone that wasn't black say that to another person. At least on the West Coast. I might have once or twice in Louisiana or South Dakota though, but can't remember a specific time. I really though the racist crap was getting better until lately.

That really sucks. Portland was awesome. :sad:

It was wasn't it? I think it made the top 25 in the world on multiple lists at one time. Now it's known for months of far left antifa protests. I grew up here and have never seen the city this messed up. I'm going back to the early 70's that I can remember.

Covid was something most cities came back from but Portland got the double whammy with covid and the far left antifa bunch taking roots and causing havoc for months.

We'll see what happens and how fast the intelligent people can put things back together. Portland is a resilient city. Lots of good people here. It's going to take some time but I'm optimistic.

The 35 story Ritz Carlton just opened. Probably why they've finally removing all the tents lining the sidewalks in the vicinity.

Fortunately we recently voted to change our form of City government.

Politics and policy will look very different in the city of Portland starting in January – and it will be even more radically remade by 2024.
Voters in Oregon’s largest city opted for major change in Tuesday’s election.
They ousted Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, a proud progressive and police critic who became a target for people frustrated at the rise of unsanctioned camping and quality of life crimes, in favor of Rene Gonzalez, who promised a tougher approach.
“We trusted what voters were telling us: They did not feel as safe in the city of Portland,” Gonzalez said Wednesday.

starting in 2024, Portland will switch from five citywide council seats to four districts, each represented by three City Council members. The mayor will still be elected at large but will no longer be a member of the council, and instead will be responsible solely for executive functions in the city — executing the rules and regulations passed by the City Council. Portland will also hire a professional city administrator to oversee bureau leaders and staff. And voters will elect their leaders through ranked-choice voting

As Arnold would say.

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There is no freedom from religion without freedom of religion.

So while I don’t share in a religion, I am obligated to respect those who choose it. I simply do not think we are biologically, evolutionarily ready to convince people in general to do without. Freedom has warts.

However, I’d like their tax-free status to end. They are for-profit corporate entities and should be treated as such.

Perhaps there should be something like the Surgeon General’s warning on the covers of the books. ;)
I feel no obligation to respect people who make shitty life choices.
I tolerate them because I'm forced to, not because i actually feel any tolerance towards them.
In my opinion, they're a drag on the society the rest of us are forced to share with them, and we'd be better off without them or the mythology they try to force the rest of us to live under.
I feel no obligation to respect people who make shitty life choices.
I tolerate them because I'm forced to, not because i actually feel any tolerance towards them.
In my opinion, they're a drag on the society the rest of us are forced to share with them, and we'd be better off without them or the mythology they try to force the rest of us to live under.
I also think they are a significant drag. More than their taking money, their use of psyops to bind people into a cruel cognitive bondage (with eternal hellfire as the cudgel) is profoundly immoral and generationally hurtful.

But I cannot think of a way to reduce their power without handing them the advantage of letting them say their persecution confirms their truth.

So I’ll be satisfied if they lose the tax amnesty that implies that they are indeed in possession of something special.
A few locations that were constantly under siege by those you defend is enough.

I made that post when trump was comparing Portland to some warzone like Syria in an attempt to slam the Democrats.

It wasn't as bad as trump made it out to be but it was much worse than you're trying to portray it. There's a reason businesses fled from the downtown core where the far left were running amok stealing anything they could get their hands on.

You forgot to mention that the 10 block by 10 block area in downtown Portland was the heart of the city. Yes Portland covers a large area and the violence was confined to a few small areas but those areas were the center of the city. The occupancy rate downtown is now close to 30%. Buildings are still boarded up.

You can sit here and defend those that did what they did but you're so biased against the "Establishment" that you'll do anything to convince people of your beliefs. I sure hope that those you seem to idolize don't come back once it gets warm and start all their far left protest nonsense again. People are sick of it. You might be a diehard but the majority is not like you. Portlanders are fed up with this far left nonsense which is why at the last election we voted out your far left defund the police commissioner Hardesty and replaced her with a centrist Democrat. The makeup of the City Council has shifted to the middle as has the County Commission.

Those are facts. Go find another city to destroy for your cause.

You guys went too far and Portland is done with you.
lol You talk as if the world around you was burning.

A dumpster set on fire, a few broken windows, some graffiti. That's about it. Nobody even knows if the broken windows were due to BLM protesters, right wing agitators or looters who had nothing to do with either. Most of the heads broken during the summer of 2020 were those brave and patriotic BLM protesters. Also reporters. The police and Proud Boys targeted reporters to cover up their own acts of violence. Trump made matters much worse when he sent in his DHS goons against Mayor Wheeler's request. What I'm saying is all well documented but right wing media and Trump lied their asses off about what really happened. As we've already seen in this thread, you are a sucker for what Trump says.

You said it yourself but can't own up to your very own words. The city was not on fire as Trump, right wing media and now, you like to say. It was a few blocks. The protesters took it on the chin but were very disciplined. They kept the standoff in a very small area. They weren't interested in rioting, they were there to protest in support of BLM and antifascism.