Trump To Turn Himself In

ol Don will use his old tactics....delay...delay...delay...appeal...appeal...appeal.....

that's his usual MO right now.......the funny thing is...he's still gettin screwed.....

they better have a security detail ready for the NY judge, cause capt cap alock already ratted his name out already...
Most of his legal trouble up to now has been civil, and delays will usually make those pressing the case eventually give up out of frustration and/or the financial ability to keep pursuing it.
The State of New York will not give up out of frustration or financial duress, and neither will the State of Georgia.
The Federal Government will NOT give up out of frustration, and they will always have the wherewithal to pursue the his go to tactics will get him nowhere, quick.
They will be thorough, relentless, and unresting, until the case is settled.
He will have at least three cases facing him in quick succession, each one worse than the last one...i hope his bigmac fat clogged heart cant take the strain till they sentence him, it would be a shame for him to escape justice after the rest of us have waited on it for SO long...
Astounding lack of legalize happening in here..........250 years of precedent hammered.
Wonder how the dems will react to the Biden Harris indictments that will surely follow.......... Cats out the bag now.
The problem is you need facts and evidence with independent courts, unless getting rid of them as well as democracy is part of the fascist plan? There is a reason Obama's administration was as clean as a cat's asshole, Joe hired them and managed a lot of things in that administration.

Trump is a crook and those who supported him and voted for him are fools, they should just admit it and move on to political extinction.
Astounding lack of legalize happening in here..........250 years of precedent hammered.
Wonder how the dems will react to the Biden Harris indictments that will surely follow.......... Cats out the bag now.
are you this amusingly ridiculous naturally, or did you practice for years?
It either has to be a natural talent, or else you've devoted your lifetime to being an online version of Barney Fife...
Your right man if trump really wanted to have a war all he has to do is refuse to surrender.
Probably wouldn't take much more than that to get the shooting started.........hope nobody tells him.

I haven't been following it very closely because things have been quiet ever since the crack down on Proud Boys after Jan 6 and the turnover in the executive branch of our government. I think the 50 or so police officers resigned rather than face charges. Once those bad apples were made examples, the Portland Police stood down. Antifa hasn't had a reason to show up in numbers because fascists are no longer trying to project their own brand of power onto our streets. It's more like a fire that is smoldering beneath the forest floor right now. It might die down or it might flare up, guarantee it will if fascism takes over government again. Also, the people of Portland are ready to march in support of BLM if they call for a demonstration. We learned a lesson when some people hijacked the BLM cause and acted against the wishes of the BLM leadership in Portland. Antifa and BLM are not the same but they do share objectives and sometimes ally with each other.

But not much has changed beneath the surface. This is highlighted by a shooting that took place a couple of years ago.

Immediately after the shooting of BLM protesters, the police released a report that blamed the BLM protesters. The had to reverse their statements soon thereafter but the red flag was seen by all. Mayor Wheeler also backtracked on some loose comments about roughing up protesters should they be seen on his streets. So, its all still there. The pieces are set to go off again.

I believe that Antifa are heroes in this but nobody is pure after a war. Everybody is a little tainted. That said Antifa are on the right side of all this. We saw on Jan 6 what fascists do when they think they have the upper hand. The good people of Portland made sure that fascists know they aren't welcome here. Regarding BLM protests, they will stop when police brutality against our Black brothers and sisters stop. Nobody is holding their breath waiting for that to happen.

on a lark, I just checked for anything new on the subject of the confrontation between fascists and those who oppose them including BLM and Antifa. The Atlantic just published a retrospective that says what I have been saying all along. Trump and his gang targeted Portland for propaganda purposes. I don't think the article captures the meaning behind the fact that all the chaos and violence went away when Fascists lost power in 2020. The subject is complicated and he tries to take a balanced stance when there was imbalance in power at that time. But still, its a good read, if you have the time for it.

From two weeks ago. You have to look under The Greater Idaho Movement all starts at the bottom, Fog. The Portland angst was a precursor because surely the President-turned-Dictator was going to help it along and achieve their goal.

Keep your eye on this- it's coming.