I'm sorry, but I thought the constitution was clear on this...
The electoral college elects the President.
What part of the constitution do you ignore? All of it or just the parts that do not agree with your politics?
I'm sorry, but:
9.1.1 MYTH: A federal constitutional amendment is necessary for changing the current method of electing the President.
- The U.S. Constitution gives the states the “exclusive” and “plenary” power to choose the method of awarding their electoral votes.
I just checked and Oregon is getting closer to making national public vote into law. Our measly 7 EC votes could very soon be added to the 189 already committed to make 196 EC votes that automatically go to the winner of the national majority. It takes 270 to win the election, so only 74 more to go.
The House previously passed this legislation and this guy killed it in the Senate:
Boo that man. Republicans are so anti-Democracy.
After 10 years of trying, it cleared the state Senate last month and it's on its way through the more friendly House.
On April 10, 2019, the Oregon House of Representatives gave a first reading to the National Popular Vote Bill (status of
SB 870).
On April 9, 2019, the Oregon Senate passed the National Popular Vote Bill (status of
SB 870) with a bipartisan vote of 17-12. The bill now goes to the Oregon House.