Trump will kill us all

Hookworm has been found in the deep South, Rob's neighborhood, in the soil and in the homes of people living there. It is communicated between people when their skin contacts soil contaminated by feces from infected people. It was considered eradicated 50 years ago but it's back. The eradication effort didn't get all the parasites.
Is it susceptible to fire ?:fire:
I think Trump might be a racist, and a blowhard, but he doesn't have the hypocrisy level of being a "Peace Prize" winner that drones people like Obama did. That was my point, bonehead.

Peace Prize is by nomination therefore he didn't choose it, it was chosen for him based upon his other accomplishments.
Peace Prize is by nomination therefore he didn't choose it, it was chosen for him based upon his other accomplishments.

It is impossible to be a government operative and also be a peaceful person, since the concepts are diametrically opposed.

The Peace Prize is a farce.
What is a government mandated toilet? You can shit in a bucket if you want to. The plumbing around your toilet isnt mandates. Its codes so your shit works right.

The amount of water that the tank contains ring a bell with you? In the early nineties the government stuck it's nose in the toilet business and mandated the amount of water you could use per flush.

Little did I know that @UncleBuck took that mandate so serious he tried to start a movement to forego toilets completely.
there is an option. you can go live in a cave with no utilities, and pay no rent or taxes. of course, when the property owner finds you and demands you leave, then shoots you for trespassing, you won't have to worry about it anymore. you'll be in an unmarked grave in a potter's field, paid for with someone else's taxes....

Actually I intend the main part of carcass to be fed to the wild beasts and the left overs to be composted.

I'm not sure what your posts meant, but I gather you started your period and maybe your back aches?
Here's the words of your leader @Rob Roy

What a piece of shit he is. Threatening the public with military and police action if they don't go along with him.
the services come as a package...whether you use all of them or do not get to pick and choose which parts of society you support, and which you do's a fucking package deal, take it and smile, or get the fuck out...the way to change things is to work from within, not shout from make stupid nonsensical arguments to support an untenable position...we all know your fucking fantasy world will never exist, and you'll never convince a single one of us you aren't a fucking lunatic. why do you keep trying? all we're EVER going to do is keep pointing out how stupid your ideas are, how impossible they would be to implement, if you ever found one single other fucknut moron that even wanted the stupid shit you want...ever notice that? that you're the ONLY ONE that wants what you want? good fucking luck with that

The problem with "the package" as you refer to it, is it combines some goods and services with "bads and disservices" in every instance, doesn't it ? Which makes it schizophrenic and dangerous, at best.

If I made a deal with you like that, gave you what you wanted in a fair exchange for what we agreed to, but then also kicked you in the balls, (which wasn't agreed to) you'd be correct to declare my behavior out of line. That's the deal you get with government and I'm only the person pointing out to you those kinds of deals shouldn't exist and aren't necessary.

Goods and services CAN be separated from bads and disservices, but not if you keep supporting systems which are fundamentally flawed.

I make arguments that you avoid, not because they are nonsensical, because they point out what is, is nonsensical and contradictory.
Here's the words of your leader @Rob Roy

What a piece of shit he is. Threatening the public with military and police action if they don't go along with him.

That's funny. I don't have a leader. I think Trump and any other "leader" can bite me.

He's your master though, isn't he ?
You're a Trump lover. Enough said!
He spews hatred and you just love him for it.
He's a Criminal and will be going to jail and yet you still support him.
You're a class act!
@Rob Roy quick refresher.
average public school cost for one child is 4000 ( low balling...some can be much higher ) Catholic or private is 6000 +
you kids went public for 12 multiplied by three for the 3 educated men you have is 144,000 low balled.
property tax rate is as high as 2.38% in New Jersey, and as low as 0.28% in Hawaii. Lets put you somewhere in the middle @ 1.144% with the value of your home being 500,000. meaning 5,720 yearly for your property tax
Total coming in at 143,000 if you paid for 25 years ( 1000 dollars still owed after 25 ).
That is a break down cost of your public school versus what property tax you paid. Do we need to add the other things your property tax covers ? Again thanks for paying your taxes for the service you used.
Question just for curiosity. How many time have you or your sons used a public library ?

All that info and you haven't answered the real questions.

Which option describes how peaceful agreements for services are made? I doubt you will answer the question.

1)Between two parties on a consensual basis?

2) One party dictates the terms to the other party with an "or else" baked in ?
You're a Trump lover. Enough said!
He spews hatred and you just love him for it.
He's a Criminal and will be going to jail and yet you still support him.
You're a class act!

I am a class act. Thank you.

You are mistaken though, I am not a Donald Trump lover, although I find both Melania and Ivanka acceptably bangable (sic) .