High ty,
by any chance do u have any draft about ur chilling system... or pics.... u know things around here r getting worrisome, ac at full blast room @ 84f.... I don't want to see the summer, or better saying I won't see the summer, what to do ?? " I cool a 16kW op with only four Tons of water chilling- and most of the time I only need half that much! Those who are trying to cool their op more efficiently or effectively, drop me a line, I have hundreds of tips to help."

Ok, so water cooling your whole op means you need a sizeable chiller; fortunately, they generally get more efficient the larger you go. You'll need water lines to carry water to and from the equipment it services. You'll need a water storage tank and circulation pump to move the water around.
I split my op into two parts for bloom, on a flip style schedule. Now, I only need to cool half at a time, plus veg.
Water chilling allows me to cool everything all the time, so it cools no matter which half of the lights are running.
Water cooled air handlers are placed in the spaces to be cooled and controlled via thermostat, just like normal. These being the air temperature down into the same range as the cooling water running through them, because they're just radiators with fans to blow air through them.
If the water temp in the cooling system is cool enough, it will drop the air temperature below its dewpoint, thus pulling moisture from the air. This is HALF the dehumidification cycle; the other half being heat to warm the air back up and reduce RH from the 100% it is by definition at dewpoint. During the daytime, that heat comes from the lights.
At night, you can add heat as needed. One very special feature of the new chiller I just purchased is that it takes the heat removed from the cooling circuit and instead of just blowing it out into the outside air, it heats a separate hot water circuit- which can then be used for everything from nighttime heating, dehuey, domestic heat, hot water, etc.
As you've probably guessed, this is not a quick setup, nor is it at its best if it needs to be portable. It is highly efficient and flexible, but it's really meant for permanent installation, like your home.
Other stuff the system can cool includes your RDWC, and there are even some water cooled lighting options now coming onto the market. Then of course you can cool your home in the summer with it, as well!