that's absolute bullshit. she could have signed off twitter or done anything else. she committed suicide because she was mentally unstable and society has created a victim mentality where words are weapons. odds are if she committed suicide and was performing in porn she was addicted to drugs, sexually or physically abused in her life, or had some other major issues besides being insulted on the internet and probably shouldn't be on twitter and saying inflammatory things if she has that thin of skin or that unstable.
what if a gay person had committed suicide because of what she said? would she be the evil person then and not the victim? if someone is offended by something somebody says it is their own problem. there's a million ways to deal with a situation, if you choose to kill yourself it was absolutely your own choice. she's 23 not fucking 9. this whole victim mentality safe space bullshit is just another way to chip away at the 1st amendment.
frankly i think you are being disrespectful and offensive to the millions of people who have depression but wake up every day and face the world with a smile in spite of it, rather than trying to blame everyone for all of their own actions
Really?? MILLIONS of people suffering with major depression "wake up everyday with a SMILE on their face ready to face the world" and casually head off to work like nothing's wrong, despite the fact? U have just admitted that ur not familiar in any way with depression or the debilitating impact it has on people's day to day lives leaving them UNABLE to wake up, or have lunch, or take a shower or answer the phone,or go to school or "go to work",- "with a smile on their face."
The fact that someone suffering from severe depression couldn't wear a smile if it were painted on is one of the definitive factors of MDD(major depressive disorder). Frankly, it is your comment right there that is "disrespectful and offensive" to those who suffer the condition.
By no means am I invoking further argument with u. But having suffered bouts of depression myself I know first hand the
dark, dark depths of despair it can lead one to. Before my own experience I'll admit I didn't even believe in depression! Not at all. I attributed it to weak, poor me, feel sorry for me minds and attitudes. I know better now.
So what's the real debate here? A) She was a porn star? (Which a lot of u seem to be focused on). B) She was a suspected homophobe? Or C) If u have an opinion that differs or doesn't please everyone, u deserve every bit to be targeted by any or all sadistically motivated web trawling trolls, and to no extent!?
My answer is C

This was a only a few months ago. There was no childhood trauma here, no drug addiction, not even symptoms of depression. The only underlying and constant factor here was the continued online bullying which also led to physical abuse in public that was filmed and posted online to yet exacerbate the bullying.
A whole lot of personalities not only here are lacking a major human attribute, and that's EMPATHY. Stop for a minute. Stop thinking about your aggressive responses to this post and how ur gonna "put me in my place". Just stop - and put yourself in her parents shoes for just one minute of your life. Picture her as YOUR daughter. Whether it be a balanced 13yo school girl OR a troubled 23yo depressive porn star....... WHAT IF SHE WAS YOUR CHILD! Huh?
If I've offended I apologise. Is not my intent. If I've made any ONE of you see things a little different, then I've succeeded.
I'm done.