Two 250w hps shower grow

Whats up everybody....i have a extra bathroom tht is not used so I was thinking about putting the space to good use :)....its 2 ft wide by 5 ft long... Thinking of put mylar around the 3 walls (covered with tile) and using panda film to cover were the sliding glass doors are attaching it to the ceiling and floor and in the middle cut a slit for a door way and attaching magnets to each side so it will stay closed...i will put a peice of ply wood to cover the tub so I can get more floor space...tht being said my height is 7ft at tht point....i will put a exhaust fan uptop in the corner and a intake fan at the bottom corner..for lighting I will use dual 250's considering cool tubes....but if its not needed I wont buy planning on running a sog op using 6" aquare pots...4 per sq ft using ffof soil and ff nutes and I will lollipop them...i have a bagseed thts been in vegg for about3 days in jiffy pellet but the leaves didnt spread out yet??? (input) im waitimg for it to get bigger so I can take a clone n force flower to determine sex...i also received a pack of purple power seeds from a buddy of mine who purchased them but he's about to have a baby so he does not see the need for them any also looking at purple berry diesel from attitude which looks like sum funky stuff :)...

Welcome aboard the journey of mine any input or constructive criticism is more than welcome
Thts being said how much will 35-40 plants smell..the bathroom has its own window I plan on keeping open or atleast cracked and the bathroom is attached to a bedroom with 2 windows


Well-Known Member
35-40 plants will smell like Cheech Marin's mustache on a Saturday night. smell will be an issue to deal with


Active Member
There is no doubt 35-40 plants will over power your entire house and your neighbors. besides 35-40 plants ina 2x5 bathtub is going to be seriously over crowded. I would do 10 (optimum sog) up to 20 plants max in that space. With your small area, being a bathroom, get yourself a 1 gallon jug on Ona, place it in the bathroom, it will probably eat up majority of the smell and depending on the temps in the bathroom and what not, expect that 1gal ona to last up to 6 months. Not bad for $45 investment.


Well-Known Member
I use 2 250's in a GL 60 tent which is 2x2x5 feet in that space using a waterfarm I can only fit 1 plant and it's tight.
If you live in an 11000sqft house you should get 2 400's in air cooled hoods and buy a moderately sized carbon filter. You can get set up for about a thousand dollars. Then no oddor issues no heat issues and you'll have more fun with the slightly larger lights. Go for it bro, sounds like you have an awesome situation :)


Active Member
I would run air cooled hoods and vent them into the exhaust for the bathroom. You probably won't need an intake fan because the exhaust van should provide adequate negative pressure. I would also recommend 1 gallon smart pots or air pots instead regular plastic pots.
In ur opinion dule 400 wouldn't be overkill in my 2x5 putting ply wood down so its more of a rectangle n gives more floor deff looking at cool tubes and a carbon filter
I would run air cooled hoods and vent them into the exhaust for the bathroom. You probably won't need an intake fan because the exhaust van should provide adequate negative pressure. I would also recommend 1 gallon smart pots or air pots instead regular plastic pots.
This is the only bathroom out of 8 tht has no exhaust fan....i pat the designer on the back if I knew him lol :/ I was thinkin about running ducting from the exit fan strait to the window since it only 3ft or so away....what are these smart pots you n air pots you speak of....ill research them now thanks
I run two 6oo's in a 2.5 x 7 space & it seems to work very well. ;-)
Niceeeee....i might have to upgrade to the 400's....i also have an small unused space in the basement thts 9x12 with a small 2x4 spot in the one corner...once this grow is finished I plan on taking thee op there and using 6-600 watters runing a perpetual sog....every 2 week schedule


Active Member
I would rec upgrading to the 400's it isn't over kill as long as you can handle the temps with ventilation. If you vent out the window make sure you use a good carbon filter so you aren't advertising your abundance of good weed. Also make sure it is fitted air tight to the window.
Air pots and smart pots allow air through the pot to air prune the roots so the roots get less root bound and don't circle the pot which makes a healthier root system in general.
I havent checked for studs yet but do you think theses lights would be to heavy to just screw into the ceiling? The lights plus the duct work....and ill attacht the outake fan with the carbon filter to the ceiling aswell n just duct threw the panda film to the thinking about building a box to place aaround the window frame to attach the ducting to so its trying to exhast the room every 2-3 min so im adding a nice size outake and carbon combo


Active Member
Yea I think they would fall out of dry wall. Even if they don't it's always possible that they will over time ruining your almost finished crop. Otherwise sounds good.
I found the studs n installed hooks my question is now....what is the best way to arrange the fan carbon filter n cool tubes??? Can all this be run off of a single outake fan?? Ie carbon filter duct work cool tube duct work cool tube then the outake fan connected to duct work out of the window..