Useful tips on how to lose weight. Also please share yours

IF 20/4
Drink REMINERALIZED water and apple cider vinegar (NOT tap water!)
Vegetables. 7-10 cups a day. Blended if you must (I do)
Cut out all processed carbs and sugar (extremely important)
Caloric deficit.
Cardio if you want to.

I've dropped 25 lbs. in less than 3 weeks with almost no effort. No headaches, no brain fog, no weakness. Fat adapted.

Back in the day, a friend of mine called me at midnight, wanting me to go with her so she could get hypnotized to lose weight. I ask her what he was going to do, say, "eat less, move more?" She didn't think it was as funny as I did.
I had got up to about 250 a few years back. I used the 5-2 fasting diet to lose weight. Worked great for me. It's pretty simple. On two non-consecutive days, you limit your intake to 600 calories. I used green beans and stir-fry with just a touch of chicken or something for protein.
I lost down to 173 and stayed at that weight for a good while. But I did ease back up to 210. So I've started a modified 5-2. I aim for 1000-1200 calories on my two fast days. I'm back down to 195, and if I could ever get over hiker food when I'm not on the trail, I could get back into my "prime" weight again.
I lost down to 173 and stayed at that weight for a good while. But I did ease back up to 210. So I've started a modified 5-2. I aim for 1000-1200 calories on my two fast days. I'm back down to 195, and if I could ever get over hiker food when I'm not on the trail, I could get back into my "prime" weight again.
Imo exercise is a bad way to lose weight. It makes you ravenously hungry. Then restricting calories on top of that is a recipe for failure.
All you have to do is ask yourself is it sustainable mentally? What if you break your leg? Do you have to get fat again?

Mathematically speaking you cant outrun a bad diet forever.

When you lose the sugar and things that are converting to sugar (grains)

You eat until your full.
You don't keep track of calories.

The book you want to start with is why we get fat and what to do about it.

The dude you want to follow is vinnie tortorich on twitter. And look him up in your podcasts nsng.
No grains no sugar

It is sustainable and you get to eat whole foods like an actual person

Im not passionate about much but this is one thing.

Last post I will ever make on the subject as the needed info is all right here.
If you struggle at least look into it.
If its not for you you can go directly back to struggling.

Im going to eat something
Oatmeal, oatmeal, oatmeal. Fiber and protein. It can't be genetically modified due to the genetic makeup of the oat. Go hard core and just cook with water or add a mushy banana for sweetner. Only one bowl a day double serving at mid day. For breakfast a 12 oz glass of OJ. Water for dinner. Don't go beast in your workouts. Walk and drink water. During high level business deals i semi-fast to deal with and reduce stress.
Sex, drugs, and country music. Well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad. ;)

Down 55# since Jan. Not easy. I'd be a lot further along if not for beer..... one thing I can't seem to cut out. :(

Went from a 46 to 36-38, and still at it. Hoping to get a fair bit under 200, target is 175. Which at 6'1 is a good place to be. And resting bp is down to 115/70 from about 130/85. Cholesterol under control as well. I'll probably die from an infected paper cut in the end.

But history is a cruel teacher. It will eventually become unlost if I'm not dilligent. Still trying though. And it's good to be able to see your feet again.
Weight loss is 80% diet, 20% exercise.
It can be,
Or it can be 100% diet
Oatmeal, oatmeal, oatmeal. Fiber and protein. It can't be genetically modified due to the genetic makeup of the oat. Go hard core and just cook with water or add a mushy banana for sweetner. Only one bowl a day double serving at mid day. For breakfast a 12 oz glass of OJ. Water for dinner. Don't go beast in your workouts. Walk and drink water. During high level business deals i semi-fast to deal with and reduce stress.
Oatmeal is a grain and is converted to sugar. a banana contains about 6 grams of sugar if memory serves.
Why not just add some lactose which is also converted to sugar. See
Oj, is simply a glass of sugar once you strip the fiber away. Might as well put sugar on your oatmeal and drink a coke with it.

They give you oj when you have low blood sugar where my wife works.
Also when testing for diabetes
Because it spikes you.

That spike causes you to stop burning fat, hold onto more fat then causes a food craving hence
More oatmeal n oj?

Stop it, you are better than this.
When I'm feeling a lil heavy, I'll lose the carbs for awhile. Works like a charm and the meal lasts a lot longer than something carb heavy.

Today I made an omelette with egg whites, mozzarella cheese and sauteed onions, bell pepper, broccoli and jalapeno.

There's lots of great advice in this thread. I can share what helped me out last time.

In July of 2011 I got a DUI when I hit a fire hydrant. My new girlfriend was waiting at my house for me to come home. I flipped my life on a dime. I had been drinking gin out if pint glasses and doing karaoke over half the week while lighting up a whole house. Lights in every room. I was off center to say the least.

I quit drinking alcohol, I quit eating gluten, i quit consuming dairy, I quit eating meat, and I began a superfood diet. I began replacing meals with superfood smoothies a quart at a time. I'm six foot four and went from 230 lbs down to about 195 in just a few months. This was at 41.

Then one day I decided to put my running shoes on and I ran a 3 mile loop. I got home and turned around and ran a loop again the opposite way. I went from not running at all since college to running 6 miles without breaking a sweat. The problem was that I kept running and I kept losing weight to the point where I felt awesome but looked sick.

I was super fit, my libido was at an all time high, but I was wasting away as i dropped down to 180. (I have a very broad shoulders.)

I will say that 60% was in my head, 20% was no alcohol and diet and 20% was exercise.

And now I'm 230 and chugging IPAs again, but it's a hundred degrees 40 days of the year and it's hard to do outdoor exercises during sunny months.

I need ideas of what I can do at home without paying for a gym. I don't make a lot if money and I'm about to start grad school again.

I need to begin with the food and alcohol.
Weight loss is 80% diet, 20% exercise.

Shows how little effort is needed then, since "exercise" to me is being able to walk more than 100 yds without having to stop to let the pain ease down.

And in 11 months I've dropped 26kg, or 57lb, purely by eating less and eating better. I remember being 97-something kg sometime in July last year, am now in the low 71's

Refined sugar was already as good as eradicated before then, and we were already on low fat and "good" carbs. Then there was the big warning last August, 7kg, 15 or so lb, went during the hospital stay and a lot of that was muscle mass thanks to being laid out flat until I got my hands on a wheelchair, and that changed the vital thing called "quantities consumed" which led to me going from 90.4kg, 200lbs, to the current 71.4; or 157.4lbs since the end of last August. Just have to keep snacking habits under control because I want next blood test to show a better cholesterol level (I know the diabetes is gone as long as I watch what I eat) so I can hopefully get off that pill as well.

So, obviously, the "80/20" has to be called into question, although physical exercise is always a good thing, it's not essential for losing weight and getting certain things under control.

I'm proof of that.
There's lots of great advice in this thread. I can share what helped me out last time.

In July of 2011 I got a DUI when I hit a fire hydrant. My new girlfriend was waiting at my house for me to come home. I flipped my life on a dime. I had been drinking gin out if pint glasses and doing karaoke over half the week while lighting up a whole house. Lights in every room. I was off center to say the least.

I quit drinking alcohol, I quit eating gluten, i quit consuming dairy, I quit eating meat, and I began a superfood diet. I began replacing meals with superfood smoothies a quart at a time. I'm six foot four and went from 230 lbs down to about 195 in just a few months. This was at 41.

Then one day I decided to put my running shoes on and I ran a 3 mile loop. I got home and turned around and ran a loop again the opposite way. I went from not running at all since college to running 6 miles without breaking a sweat. The problem was that I kept running and I kept losing weight to the point where I felt awesome but looked sick.

I was super fit, my libido was at an all time high, but I was wasting away as i dropped down to 180. (I have a very broad shoulders.)

I will say that 60% was in my head, 20% was no alcohol and diet and 20% was exercise.

And now I'm 230 and chugging IPAs again, but it's a hundred degrees 40 days of the year and it's hard to do outdoor exercises during sunny months.

I need ideas of what I can do at home without paying for a gym. I don't make a lot if money and I'm about to start grad school again.

I need to begin with the food and alcohol.

What and when you eat is critical, as is getting your head in the right place.

Do you have stairs at home? Use them, great free cardio work. In fact, take the stairs as often as possible, even getting out of the elevator two floors early and taking the stairs the rest of the way makes a difference, even walking up an escalator is more than you would be doing when standing.

Too hot to run doesn't mean too hot to walk, you're still burning off more than if you were sitting inside chugging IPA's.

Plastic 4 pint milk jugs filled with varying amounts of water make excellent exercise weights. So do 1 gallon jugs if you're up to it. Coupla 5 gallon ones and a decent bar. You get my drift.

Watch the alcohol, I limit myself to a certain amount of GOOD beer in the house at a time, and I enjoy my new "less is more" attitude as, frankly, I was getting sick of drinking for the sake of drinking.
It can be,
Or it can be 100% diet

Oatmeal is a grain and is converted to sugar. a banana contains about 6 grams of sugar if memory serves.
Why not just add some lactose which is also converted to sugar. See
Oj, is simply a glass of sugar once you strip the fiber away. Might as well put sugar on your oatmeal and drink a coke with it.

They give you oj when you have low blood sugar where my wife works.
Also when testing for diabetes
Because it spikes you.

That spike causes you to stop burning fat, hold onto more fat then causes a food craving hence
More oatmeal n oj?

Stop it, you are better than this.
Oatmeal is a whole grain which your body needs. It lowers cholesterol fast. It will sustain you for a long period of time as time released energy source. Eating a plant based diet is good for you. You will lose weight fast. Models sip OJ when they are fasting for photo shoots. The body needs nutrition to feel satisfied. What and when you eat is the key. As is portion control. Also my frame is packed with more muscle than the average Joe. If you want to "clean" your heart and lower cholesterol go plant based with a bit of spicy baked fish here and there. Lentils, oatmeal, potatoes, fruits, veggies, rice, nuts etc. No eggs, diary, meats or anything in a package including bread. Non GMO low carcinogens. This is what works for me. NO BEER very hard to do yes but will power, gotta have it.
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There's lots of great advice in this thread. I can share what helped me out last time.

In July of 2011 I got a DUI when I hit a fire hydrant. My new girlfriend was waiting at my house for me to come home. I flipped my life on a dime. I had been drinking gin out if pint glasses and doing karaoke over half the week while lighting up a whole house. Lights in every room. I was off center to say the least.

I quit drinking alcohol, I quit eating gluten, i quit consuming dairy, I quit eating meat, and I began a superfood diet. I began replacing meals with superfood smoothies a quart at a time. I'm six foot four and went from 230 lbs down to about 195 in just a few months. This was at 41.

Then one day I decided to put my running shoes on and I ran a 3 mile loop. I got home and turned around and ran a loop again the opposite way. I went from not running at all since college to running 6 miles without breaking a sweat. The problem was that I kept running and I kept losing weight to the point where I felt awesome but looked sick.

I was super fit, my libido was at an all time high, but I was wasting away as i dropped down to 180. (I have a very broad shoulders.)

I will say that 60% was in my head, 20% was no alcohol and diet and 20% was exercise.

And now I'm 230 and chugging IPAs again, but it's a hundred degrees 40 days of the year and it's hard to do outdoor exercises during sunny months.

I need ideas of what I can do at home without paying for a gym. I don't make a lot if money and I'm about to start grad school again.

I need to begin with the food and alcohol.
Man I love running when it’s hot but I’m front the south and used to run in Afghanistan and such during the summer. Keep the carbs out and eat lean meats and veggies. I follow mostly a keto diet. Once a month I’ll do a 7 day fast to clear the system and all Is well. However I’d start with a 2 day fast at first most folks don’t have the willpower to do the fasting though it’s not easy at first.